September 20, 2013Volume 17  Issue 17
Our Featured Investor


United Way of St. Francois County

739 East Karsch Blvd.
Farmington, MO 63640
Email:  United Way

Inside this Edition
Ribbon Cutting - Rotary
Ribbon Cutting - MAC
Islands of New England Trip
Investor Benefit Alert
Customer Appreciation Day
Job Fair 2013
Trunk N Treat
Dill Named MAC Graphic Designer
Upward Bound Goes to D.C.
Scenes From Italy at MAC
Conceal & Carry Classes
September Star Service Member
Rummage Sale - Saturday
Serenity Boosts Efficiency
SPOOKtacular Trivia Night
Dine Out Thursday's
St. Francois County Tire Cleanup
Missouri Fall Festivals
Use Charm to Succeed
Slacker Employees

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Parkland Health Center
Since 1994

Parkland Health Mart Pharmacy
Since 2007

Parkland Pregnancy Resource Center
Since 2009

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Chamber News   
St. Francois County's First Handicapped Swing Set is Complete!
Sending out many thanks to the St Francois County Rotary, the Park Hills, Parks & Recreation Department and all those who attended the September 19th Ribbon Cutting in Columbia Park! We're excited to celebrate the completion of very first St. Francois County Handicapped Swing Set right here in Park Hills!

The Rotary Club funded the project which includes two handicapped-accessible swings, and a wheelchair-accessible sidewalk that leads to the swing set and is surrounded by an ADA approved space of 32 feet by 32 feet.

The St. Francois County Rotary Club has been a valued Park Hills - Leadington Chamber of Commerce Investor since 2008.  We appreciate their Chamber support and their ongoing efforts toward the betterment of Park Hills, Leadington & St. Francois County!


Congratulations to Mineral Area College on the Recent Expansion & Improvement Completion


Dr. Steve Kurtz, Mineral Area College president, prepared to "cut" the ribbon on Thursday, September 12, 2013 in recognition of the completed multi-million dollar construction / renovation project on the Park Hills campus.

Community leaders, professors, administrators, trustees, students and alumni gathered near the skywalk on the second floor of the school's Technology Building for the ribbon cutting ceremony and open house.

Find out more here:  MAC Renovations


Chamber Sponsors New England Trip


For the third consecutive year, the Park Hills - Leadington Chamber of Commerce, Awesome Sunsets World Travel, and Collette Vacations is sending you on a trip!  In 2014 we're visiting the Islands of New England and we want to share all the details with you at a Special Travel Presentation on Thursday, October 24, 2013 beginning at 6:00 p.m. in the Private Dining Room at Mineral Area College.

This is a free, informational presentation and we guarantee it will provide you all the details on the trip with NO HIGH PRESSURE SALES PITCH.

Find out more here:  Islands of New England



Did You know...

... We have more than 1500 Fans on our Facebook Page?

Are you aware that any event, news release, or hot deal that you share with us, we share on Facebook?  That means any information you ask us to promote not only is received by more than 200 primary and secondary Chamber Investors, it's also shared with more than 1500 other potential customers or visitors to your business or organization.  AND to take it a step farther, those numbers increase by hundreds when just one of our Facebook fans "likes", "comments on" or "shares" our post.


Within the past two months, traffic to our website has increased dramatically, and statistics show that a majority of those visitors are being directed to our site via Facebook.  In August, we had 1276 visitors to our site -- 1033 of those were unique, individual visitors, not returning guests.  Of those 1276 visitors, 234 were referred to our website via Facebook and 332 were referred via the Facebook Mobile App.  That's 566 of 1276 visitors who visited our site because they saw us on Facebook!


If you have a Facebook page, and you haven't "liked" our page yet, go do so now.  You can find us at:


Once you've "liked" us, helps us out by "sharing" our page with your Facebook friends or fans.  Help us grow our reach even more, so that when we are working hard to promote your business or organization, we can ensure that it's being seen, if not just by those within the Chamber, but by a vast majority of the county--  And hundreds of potential new clients!  


Don't wait, click the button below to go "Like us on Facebook" today! 


Like us on Facebook 



Investor Announcements 
Belgrade State Bank

Customer Appreciation Day


September 27, 2013 is Customer Appreciation Days at Belgrade State Bank of Desloge! Visit your local branch for free food, cash drawings and other specials exclusive to these 4 days! 

Find out more here:  Belgrade Appreciation Day

Daily Journal
Job Fair 2013 - November 6

The Daily Journal, KREI/KTJJ The Boot and ODACS is hosting a Job Fair this fall at the Centene Center in Farmington.

They are currently seeking employers interested in participating.  Limited booth space is available, so contact them today!
Find out more here:  Job Fair 2013   

Downtown Park Hills Association

Trunk N Treat Sponsors Needed
On October 31st hundreds of area children will be putting on their costumes to begin their annual ritual of haunting area doorsteps in hopes of receiving buckets full of candy and treats.

The Downtown Park Hills Association would like to invite you to participate in an event which promotes a safer trick or treating experience. 

Find out more here:  Trunk N Treat

Mineral Area College
Dill Becomes Graphic Designer at Mineral Area College
Julia Dill of Terre Du Lac has joined Mineral Area College as its graphic designer.

She had been the community college's director of development and alumni relations, left the position which is now overseen by Assistant to the President Kevin Thurman, and then became interested in the graphic design opening which she now fills.


It's a familiar field, since she had been designing MAC's Alumni Newsletter for the last three years, taking pictures around campus, in addition to overseeing MAC Foundation fundraising initiatives and working with alumni and friends to support scholarships and program enhancements.

Find out more here:  Julia Dill

Mineral Area College

To D.C. And Back, MAC's Upward Bound Program Wraps Up Another Summer


Upward Bound at Mineral Area College, a federal TRIO program that encourages college attendance among certain populations of high school students, wrapped up another successful, six-week summer program that included a trip to Washington, D.C., a number of local field trips, job shadowing, and introductions to a state legislator and other local officials.
Find out more here:   Upward Bound  

Mineral Area College

Scenes From the Italian Countryside
Mineral Area College Fine Art Instructor Jim Wilson took 13 students and his fellow adjunct art instructor, Abril Borrego, to Civita Vecchio near Rome, Italy, in June to participate in the Jerusalem Studio School Summer Art Program. Wilson will discuss the experience and the unique qualities of landscape painting during a free lecture at 7 p.m., Sept. 19, in the MAC Fine Arts Theatre on the Park Hills campus.
Find out more here:    Scenes From Italy 

Ozark Thunder Indoor Gun Range

Conceal & Carry Class - September 21

Ozark Thunder Indoor Gun Range LLC is offering a Conceal & Carry (CCW) Class on
Saturday, September 21, 2013 beginning at 8:00 a.m. at their facility located at 5157 Flat River Road in Leadington.

The 8-hour class is being instructed by Randall Head of Double Tap Training, and will satisfy all Missouri training requirements.  All participants completing the course will receive a Course Completion Certificate at the end of the training.  Cost is $100 per person.

Find out more here:   Conceal & Carry 

Parkland Health Center

Dawn Bequette Named Star Service Team Member for September

Parkland Health Center is pleased to announce that Dawn Bequette, RN has been selected as the Star Service Team Member for September 2013.

Dawn is a nurse on the medical/surgical floor of Parkland Health Center. She has worked at Parkland for 22 years, having started as a CNA (Certified Nurse Assistant) and secretary. Through the years, Dawn attended Mineral Area College while working at Parkland as a CNA, secretary, centralized scheduling clerk and operating room technician.


Find out more here:   PHC September Star Service Member     

Serenity HospiceCare

Rummage Sale - Saturday, September 21

Serenity HospiceCare is hosting a Rummage Sale on Saturday, September 21st from 7:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Serenity HospiceCare Office located at the main Mineral Area College Campus Entrance.


Find out more here:   Rummage Sale   

Serenity HospiceCare

Serenity HospiceCare Boosts Efficiency of Care/Staff Safety

If the field staff at Serenity HospiceCare had a theme song, a probable contender might be the Willie Nelson classic "On the Road Again."  Taking into consideration their eight county service area and the fact that their travels can take them into some pretty rural locations, Serenity management recently made the decision to provide company cars to a number of their staff.
On September 12, eight field staff received keys to their own 2014 Ford Focus which displays the organization's popular logo.


Find out more here:   Serenity Boosts Efficiency    

SEMO Family Violence Council

SPOOKtacular Trivia Night!

The Southeast Missouri Family Violence Council is hosting their Annual "SPOOKtacular" Trivia Night on October 25th to benefit "A Friend's Place", the shelter for victims of Domestic and Sexual Violence.




Find out more here:   SPOOKtacular Trivia    

United Way of St. Francois County

Dine Out Thursday's For United Way!

Dine Out every Thursday for United Way of St. Francois County!  A portion of the proceeds of every meal sold at each week's participating restaurant goes to the United Way!

Check the Chamber's Calendar on our website for locations of each Thursday's featured location! Next week, Colton's Steak House, is the featured Dine Out Restaurant! 


Find out more here:   Dine Out Thursday's    

Around Missouri  

St. Francois County Tire Cleanup  




On September 28, 2013, there will be a County-Wide Tire Cleanup Event.  The event will be held at the St. Francois County Transfer Station and is being sponsored by the Department of Natural Resources.

An environment free of scrap tires is important to the public health of all Missouri citizens. Scrap tires harbor mosquitoes, snakes and other vermin. West Nile virus, transmitted by mosquitoes, is a serious health threat. The removal of scrap tires in Missouri is a priority for the Solid Waste Management Program's Scrap Tire Unit.

Find Out More Here:  Tire Cleanup


Discover the Delight: Fall Festivals in Missouri    



Throughout Missouri, towns and cities host festivals as diverse as our great state itself. No matter your interests, you're destined to find a festival that sparks the imagination and provides hours of fun.

Don't worry about booking that pricey ticket to D�sseldorf. Because German settlers founded many Missouri towns, our Oktoberfest celebrations offer plenty of authentic good cheer.

Find Out More Here:  Fall Festivals In Missouri

All About Business 
Use Charm to Succeed (Without Being Creepy)

You can't get by on looks and intelligence alone.  To need to be charming if you want to inspire and motivate. 



Does one really need to be charming for success? Take into consideration the dictionary definition of charming: Pleasing and delightful. Think about the people with whom you most want to work. Chances are they have these qualities. Charming people attract opportunity and can more easily engage others to their cause. Many people exude natural charm. But others have to work at it.


Whether you are born a natural charmer or a bit nebbish, improving your charm skills won't require a charm school. Just take some simple direction and give it a little practice. Try these six tips below. Charm has its limits, so use some restraint. I've given some boundaries so you can recognize when you might be over-using charm to the point of being a creep.

To Continue Reading, Click Here:  
Be Charming Not Creepy

Two Types of Slacker Employees - How to Get Them Back on Track

What happens when slackers infiltrate your efficient culture and how do you light a fire under their a#@ or suffer their far reaching negative effects?



It takes all kinds of people, experience, backgrounds and personalities to make a business successful. If everyone were a cookie cutter of each other it would make for a pretty boring and frankly unimaginative place.


But what happens when slackers infiltrate your efficient culture and how do you light a fire under their a#@ or suffer their far reaching negative effects?


To Continue Reading, Click HereSlacker Employees

September's Featured Investor
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The United Way of St. Francois County!