February 2017 Volume 21  Issue 1
Featured Investor
City of Park Hills
9 Bennett Street
Park Hills, MO 63601
Phone: 573-431-3577

Thank you to Park Hills City Officials for hosting the very first 2017 First Friday Coffee! We enjoyed visiting with you!

Inside this Edition
March First Friday Coffee
2nd Annual Disc Golf Tournament
Battle of the Badges
Membership Renewals
2017 Board of Directors
Retiring Board Members
2017 Ambassadors
2016 Ambassador of the Year
2017 Sweetheart Trivia
Chamber Trip
Investor News
Investor Events
Investor Job Listings
Investor Deals
Seminars, Training, & Workshops
Sound More Intelligent
Coffee Is Good For You!

Welcome NEW Investors!!


St. Francois County
Fair Board

Thank You for Continuing to Invest in Our Chamber!!

Bening Motor Company
Since 2014

Cape Electrical Supply
Since 2014

Continental Title Company
Since 2014

Cordial Caravan Welcome Service Cordial Caravan Welcome Service
Since 1987

Heart of the Parkland
Since 2004

Inflatable Fun, LLC
Since 2015

O.D.A.C.S. Inc.
Since 2004

null Parkland Health Center
Since 1994

Prairie Farms Dairy
Since 2016

RP Lumber
Since 1986

Giggle Break!

The Camping Trip

Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson went on a camping trip. After a good meal and a bottle of wine, they laid down for the night, and went to sleep. 

Some hours later, Holmes awoke and nudged his faithful friend. "Watson, look up at the sky and tell me what you see." 

Watson replied, "I see millions and millions of stars." 

"What does that tell you?"

Watson pondered for a minute. "Astronomically, it tells me that there are millions of galaxies, and potentially billions of planets. Astrologically, I observe that Saturn is in Leo. Horologically, I deduce that the time is approximately a quarter past three. Theologically, I can see that God is all powerful and that we are small and insignificant. Meteorologically, I suspect that we will have a beautiful day tomorrow. What does it tell you?" 

Holmes was silent for a minute, then spoke. "It tells me that someone has stolen our tent."

Visual Giggle

Have a Great Day!

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Chamber News   
Stay on top of all the Chamber happenings between newsletters by regularly visiting the Chamber website at or following us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn & Pinterest!
March First Friday Coffee at University of Missouri Extension

Join us at University of Missouri Extension Office located at 1 West Liberty, Suite 101, in Farmington, for the March First Friday Coffee!

First Friday Coffee Events are held the first Friday of each month at various investor locations. 

This is a relationship building event for Chamber Investors, clients, and potential clients.

Visit with other investors and members of the business community and learn about the sponsoring business or organization and their products and/or services while enjoying coffee, a light breakfast provided by the sponsoring business or organization.

Register Your Attendance Here: March First Friday Coffee
2nd Annual Disc Golf Tournament: 
"Three-Man Royal"

The Chamber's Annual  Disc Golf Tournament: " Three-Man Royal" is to be held on Saturday, May 20, 2017, and will include the following:
  • Registration - 8:00 a.m.
  • 3-Man Scramble - $25 Per Person / $75 Per Team
  • 36 Team Limit - Pre-Register by May 5 to Guarantee Your FREE T-SHIRT size
  • Open & Amateur Divisions
  • Open Division Pays Out Cash
  • Amateur Division Pays Out Trophies
  • 2 Rounds of 18 Holes (Back Pads 1st Round, Short Pads 2nd Round)
  • Ace Pool - Closest to Pin (4 Holes)
  • A Portion of the Proceeds Used for Course Improvements
  • Lunch Provided
  • Attendance Prizes
Contact the Chamber for more information.

Register your team online here:   2017 Disc Golf Tournament
Announcing: "Battle of the Badges"

The Park Hills - Leadington Chamber of Commerce is excited to announce a new event coming to the Parkland on September 9, 2017, called "Battle of the Badges".  The event will be held at the brand new Sgt. Darrell S. Cole Memorial Shooting Range at St. Joe State Park. 

This event will invite law enforcement from around the State of Missouri to participate in a shooting competition involving handguns and rifles. A limited number of civilian teams will also be invited to participate.  There will be a limit of 24 law enforcement teams and 12 civilian teams competing that day. Spectators are also welcome!

As part of our focus to honor our law enforcement officials, we will also be including a  "9/11 Remembrance" during the closing ceremonies.

Our main goal for this event is to honor our police and first responders. Our second is to ensure that a significant portion of the proceeds goes into the Chamber's scholarship fund.  With this, we plan to create a second, brand new, annual scholarship, which will be given to an individual planning to attend either the Law Enforcement Academy or seek a Criminal Justice degree from Mineral Area College. 

We invite you to join us this inaugural year as one of our main sponsors! Sponsor that commit this inaugural year will be granted 1st right of refusal for next year and subsequent years should you see the benefit in this sponsorship! 

This event has the potential grow into a multi-day event bringing a substantial number of people to the area both competitors and spectators alike. Getting on board now puts your business out in front of our community and connects you to an exciting event honoring the lives of police and first responders, while helping make a difference in the life of a student who seeks to makes a difference themselves! 

For more information on becoming a sponsor, contact the Chamber Office, or one of event Chair's, Brad Dush or Leadington Police Chief, Dustin McKinney.  A limited number of sponsorships is available, and nearly half have already been filled!

We are super excited about this brand new event and hope you are too!
Membership Renewal Deadline - TODAY!!

The deadline for investment renewals IS TODAY!! 

Second notices have been mailed.  If you haven't yet received your renewal notice, contact the Chamber office ASAP. 

Please note! We now have the ability to pay ONLINE by CREDIT CARD!  Just login to your Member Center and click pay in the upper right hand corner!

Don't let your membership lapse!
Introducing the 2017 Board of Directors:
Please join us in welcoming your newly elected officers to the Chamber Board of Directors!  The following individuals have agreed to lead the way for the Chamber in 2017!

President, Brad Dush
C.Z. Boyer & Son Funeral Homes
Term: January 2015 - January 2018

1st Vice President, Tish Roberts
Culligan Water Soft
Term: January 2016 - January 2019

2nd Vice President, Melissa Hosna
US Bank
Term: January 2017 - January 2020

Treasurer, Linda Dickerson
Habitat for Humanity
Term: January 2015 - January 2018

President, Chad Speakar
Term: January 2017 - January 2020

Executive Director, Tamara Coleman
Park Hills - Leadington Chamber of Commerce
Employed February 1996 - Present

Also serving on the board for 2016 are the following Directors:

Leadington Ex-Officio, Chief Dustin McKinney
Leadington Police Department
Appointed Term: October 2015 to 2018

Park Hills Ex-Officio, Mayor David Easter
Mayor of Park Hills
Appointed Term: June 2014 to 2017

Rob Baker
East Missouri Action Agency
Term: January 2016 - January 2019

Danielle Basler
Mineral Area College Council on the Arts
Term: January 2015 - January 2018

Tracy Fisher
City of Leadington
Term: January 2017 - January 2020

Brenda Jordan
The Printing Co.
Term: January 2016 - January 2019

Rita Martin
O.D.A.S. Inc.
Term: January 2017 - January 20

Shawn Merritt
American Family Insurance - Edward Felker Agency
Term: January 2017 - January 2018

Ursula Warren
Serenity Hospice Care
Term: January 2016 - January 2019
Farewell to Our Retiring Board Members
With the new year comes new board members, which means we must say farewell to those retiring.
When serving on the Chamber Board you become a member of the Chamber "family".  Three years (and for some, like Bob Gerig & Ginger Pizarro, SIX years), is a long time to spend dedicated to an organization.  During that time, you can't help but build close bonds and many times even closer friendships.  So retiring is kind-of a big deal!
Board members are the backbone of this organization.  They are volunteers who put their heart into making sure we are succeeding and improving.  Their dedication is immeasurable.
So to Robert Gerig and Ginger Pizarro, we say thank you!! Thank you for your time, your dedication, your energy, your sacrifice, and your heart!  Thank you, for serving this Chamber for six consecutive years!  Thank you, from our hearts to your's!
Introducing the 2017 Ambassadors:
If you don't yet know these names and faces, you should!  This great group of people has vowed to assist us all year long in 2017! 

Some will be helping at meetings; some at events; some might visit your business; some might offer to be your mentor... No matter what they're doing, they are helping us and we appreciate them!  

Introducing the 2017 Chamber Ambassadors:
  • Mike Campbell - Missouri Job Center
  • Brad Hopkins - First State Community Bank
  • Jessica Moyers - C.Z. Boyer & Son Funeral Homes
  • Chelley Odle - KFMO/B104 Radiio
  • Ginger Pizarro - American Home Care &Lemonade Stand Boutique
  • Gregory Scuito - Alzheimer's Associaiton
  • John Washburn - Leadington Police Department
We would also like to say thank you to our 2017 Ambassador Program Sponsors. These awesome businesses have agreed to help reward our Ambassadors all year long with some great gifts for the Acclaimed Ambassador of the Quarter Baskets.  Those sponsors include:
Congratulations to the 2016 4th Quarter Ambassadors & Ambassador of the Year
Speaking of Ambassadors... We would like to say congratulations to two very special ladies!  Tracy Fisher and Melissa Hosna were BOTH named the 4th Acclaimed Ambassador.  Both ladies earned an equal number of points, by dedicating so much of their time helping and promoting the Chamber during the 4th quarter of 2016.
And, to wrap up the Ambassador Club Year, Tracy earned the most overall points for the year and also took home the Ambassador of the Year Award at the recent Installation Banquet!
Their reward?  Both were recently elected to serve as Board Members, graduating from their Ambassador roles, and are also now serving on the Ambassador Committee helping to teach our new Ambassadors just how it's done!
Thank you ladies! These recognitions don't even begin to express the gratitude we have for your had work and dedication to the Park Hills - Leadington Chamber!
Sweetheart Trivia Proves to be Biggest, Most Successful EVER!

With 23 teams, more than 90 door prizes, 26 desserts, and approximately $1,000 earned for the Chamber's Scholarship Fund, we couldn't be more PLEASE with the results of this year's Valentine's Day Event!!
So much effort goes in to this, and all our events, it's hard to express just how much we appreciate each and every person who participates.  Be it Glenda Straughn and the use of her skills and facility, the Board of Directors, the Ambassadors, my husband, our Investors, the players, the local businesses, and even Taylor Jones (the 2016 Scholarship Recipient) and her mom.  We could never, in a million years, be so successful without you... ALL OF YOU!  Thank you so, incredibly much!
And finally, thank you to the Round Sponsors of this year's event. They include:
  • American Family Insurance - Edward Felker Agency
  • Bates Insurance
  • Belgrade Financial Service
  • Belgrade State Bank
  • C.Z. Boyer & Son Funeral Homes
  • Domino's Pizza
  • First Bank
  • First State Community Bank
  • Mineral Area Office Supply
  • Southeast Missouri Behavioral Health
Park Hills-Leadington Chamber of Commerce Invites Chamber Investors and Community Members to Enjoy a Trip to Pompeii & the Amalfi Coast!!

The Park Hills-Leadington Chamber of Commerce is excited to announced that it will be visiting irresistible Southern Italy & Amalfi Coast, departing October 26, 2017  and is inviting chamber investors, and family and friends of chamber investors to join them on this once in a lifetime experience.

Rich in culture and stunning scenery, irresistible Southern Italy is the setting for this breathtaking journey. Enjoy an eight day journey back to the old country where you will explore not one, but many Italies. As one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world, find yourself relaxing in the town of Sorrento or sight-seeing along the Amalfi Coast, which includes gorgeous places such as, Positano, Ravello and Amalfi. On this remarkable trip you will also encounter the world famous archeological site of Pompeii. The beautiful Amalfi Coast awaits you with its great food, historical sites and beautiful architecture, providing an unforgettable Italian experience.
"This is truly an amazing opportunity to participate in an international journey to irresistible Southern Italy, where program participants can experience the country's culture, learn about its business climate, and make new friends," said Tamara Coleman, Executive Director.
Space is limited, so act fast. Don't miss out on this opportunity to visit irresistible Southern Italy, exchange ideas with local business representatives, make new friends, and build new memories.

For more information about this amazing trip please call the Park Hills-Leadington Chamber of Commerce at (573) 431-1051 or email the chamber at
Investor Announcements
Share your News, Events, Job Openings and Deals with us and we'll share them with others! Login to your member center and add as many as you'd like!  In a hurry? Email your announcements to or drop the information off at the Chamber office, and we'll help put it in front of thousands!
Investor News
Investor Events
How often do you check the Chamber Events Calendar?
Looking for something to do?  One of the best places to get you event fix is on the Chamber's website.  Click the event link to find out more about some of the great events coming soon:
And this is only a few of several events coming in August!  See the entire list on the Chamber's Online Event's Calendar !

Investor Job Listings
Your fellow Chamber Investors have Employment Opportunities available now!
Are you, or is someone you know, looking for employment?  We've got the low-down on some of the area's current job openings!  Look who's hiring right now:
Find out what other local companies are in need of employees on the Chamber's Job Listings page!  

Investor Deals
Have you checked out this month's Hot Deals
on the Chamber's website yet? 
Don't miss out on these Chamber Investor's "Hot Deals" available on the Chamber's Website!
Check our Hot Deals page often -  New Deals Added Regularly!!

Would you like to receive notifications each time new deals are added to the website?  If so, CLICK HERE and subscribe to the "Hot Deals eNewsletter" and we'll send you an email each time a new Hot Deal is available!

Seminars, Training & Workshops  
Are you looking for opportunities to improve on something old or learn something new?  We have several learning opportunities, business and personal interests, for you and your employees listed on the Chamber's Event Calendar!
Various training opportunities are offered by Chamber Investors and the St. Louis SCORE ( St. Louis SCORE offers free business counseling and resources, low-cost workshops, and free business scan services. ) See what benefits YOU
Find out more about these and other upcoming seminars, training opportunities and workshops on the Chamber's Seminars, Training, and Workshops page!

All About Business 
Interesting business related articles to help exercise your brain, peek your curiosity, increase your knowledge, or simply to make you smile; all intended for finding ways to enhance your business.
Do This in Your Next Job Interview to Sound More Intelligent and Project Confidence

By: Betsy Mikel, Owner Aveck
Image Credit: Getty Images
What to do during a high-stakes interview, meeting, or presentation.

Your hands get sweaty. Your heart starts beating faster. Fortunately, if you're presenting onstage or even meeting face-to-face, no one can really tell.

The real dead giveaway you're nervous? You start using filler words like "so," "um," and "you know." And for us Millennials, it's the dreaded "like."

In a recent New York Times piece, reporter Christopher Mele explores how we are perceived when we use these verbal fillers. He spoke with a communications expert, linguist, and public speaking professor. In his reporting, he found these anxiety-induced verbal ticks can lead people to believe we're less intelligent than we really are. We come off as unprepared, lacking confidence, and even incompetent.

What filler words say about you
The habit is especially detrimental the younger you are. "Newcomers who use as many interjections as seasoned professionals will be seen as less credible, because they do not have the years of experience," The New York Times reports.

Continue reading here:   Sound More Intelligent

9 Surprising Reasons Why Coffee Is Really Good for You

By: Peter Economy, The Leadership Guy
Image Credit: Shutterstock Images
Coffee has some pretty remarkable things going for it. Time for another cup.

Have you ever wondered why our society seems so obsessed with that delicious dark liquid called coffee? Coffee appears in almost every movie, billboard, or short commercial break. It's everywhere--and for good reason. It keeps you awake, it's a drink you can sip throughout the day, and it has an enticing aroma that can fill a whole room.

But could it be that coffee is actually better for you than you imagined? You just might be surprised the answer to that question. Read on to find out.

Continue reading here:    9 Reasons Coffee is Good For You
Thank You to This Month's Business Spotlight!