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We hope you enjoy this issue of the Eagle Minute. We know you're busy so we'll try to keep this newsletter short and informative - something you can get through in just a few minutes. 

Reception held to recognize Joplin Schools' retirees
On Wednesday, May 8, Joplin Schools held a reception to recognize teachers and staff retiring from the district. This year's 38 retirees represent more than 800 years of service to Joplin students!    
Retirees 2013

Joplin Schools 2013 Retirees:

Thelma Anderson, Cecil Floyd Elementary, Food Service

Jamie K. Baysinger, North Middle School, Special Education 
Brenda Beck, Joplin High School, Family & Consumer Science 
Patricia Brigman, Joplin High School, General Business 
Tammara Burch, North Middle School, Special Education 
Carolyn Chavez, Cecil Floyd Elementary, Kindergarten 
Sheila Conrow, Royal Heights Elementary, Paraprofessional 
Mary I. Crane, Early Childhood, Paraprofessional 
Donald Crites, West Central Elementary, 4th Grade 
Sheila Crowder, North Middle School, Paraprofessional 
J. Sue Day, Joplin High School, Guidance Counselor 
Vicki G. Eldridge, Irving Elementary, Custodian 
Lisa A. Erickson, Cecil Floyd Elementary, Librarian 
Sandy Fidler, North Middle School, Food Service 
Debra Fort, Irving Elementary, Principal 
Jana Garritson, South Middle School, Physical Education 
Nancy Hite, Cecil Floyd Elementary, Special Education 
Sara Hoeppner, Eastmorland Elementary, 4th Grade 
Becky Hunt, Eastmorland Elementary, 4th Grade 
Marilyn Johnston, Jefferson Elementary, Guidance Counselor 
Jane Lampo, Cecil Floyd Elementary, Reading 
Mary Machado, Joplin High School, Food Service 
Pierre Michaud, Food Service Warehouse 
Janet K. Myers, Joplin High School, Communication Arts 
Karen Newcomb, West Central Elementary, Food Service 
Patty Norbury, McKinley Elementary, Speech Therapist 
Mike Patton, Joplin High School, Special Education 
Evelyn Price, Eastmorland Elementary, Food Service 
Kathleen Rasnic, Jefferson Elementary, Food Service 
Kevin C. Sadler, Eastmorland Elementary, Physical Education 
Brenda J. Schmid, Kelsey Norman Elementary, Special Ed. 
Carla Sheets, Eastmorland Elementary, Special Education 
Debbie Smith, North Middle School, Communication Arts 
Linda Smith, Stapleton Elementary, 1st Grade 
Ann Thompson, Cecil Floyd Elementary, Kindergarten 
Sharon Vickers, Eastmorland Elementary, Food Service 
Brenda Williams, Cecil Floyd Elementary, 3rd Grade 
Robert Wynne, Joplin High School, Special Education

South Middle School teacher honored with state History Day award, students place in state competition   

Ivan Obert - Golden Apple During this year's History Day in Missouri Competition, South Middle School teacher Ivan Obert received the Patricia Behring Teacher of the Year Award (junior level). The award recognizes outstanding National History Day teachers. Obert is one of only two teachers recognized in the state of Missouri. As an award recipient, Obert now qualifies for the National Patricia Behring Teacher of the Year Award which will be announced at the National History Day competition in College Park, Maryland on May 13.


Several Joplin Schools' students also earned awards at the History Day in Missouri Competition:  

  • Zoe Brown - SMS - Junior Division - Individual Written Paper - 1st Place in the state (attending National History Day Contest)
  • Madeline Bhend & Savannah Huff - SMS - Junior Division - Group Documentary - 3rd Place in the state (alternate to National History Day Contest)
  • Anna Graves & Katherine Sticklen - SMS - Junior Division - Group Documentary - 2nd Place in the state (attending National History Day Contest)
  • Madisen Goeller & Kinsley Stewart - SMS - Junior Division - Group Web Site - 2nd Place in the state (attending National History Day Contest)
  • Daulton Barnhart & Blake Coulter - SMS - Junior Division - Group Web Site - 1st Place in the state (attending National History Day Contest)
  • Tess Harmon, Suma Ancha, Holly Hughes, & Veronica Wynhausen - JHS - Senior Division - Group Documentary - 1st Place (attending National History Day Contest)

The following students qualified for run-offs (semi-finals):  

  • Samuel Griesemer & Jacob Higgins - SMS  - JuniorDivision - Group Web Site - 4th Place in the state
  • Jenteal Engberg & Payton Ledford - SMS - Junior Division - Group Performance - 6th Place in the state
  • Willie Henness - JHS - Senior Division - Individual


National History Day in Missouri is a yearlong history education program, sponsored by The State Historical Society of Missouri, in partnership with the Missouri Humanities Council. The program encourages young people to explore history and teaches them to understand historical issues, ideas, people, and events. It is the state affiliate of National History Day.  

Participants conduct in-depth research and analysis on individual topics related to an annual theme and present their findings in one of five formats -- exhibit, performance, documentary, website, or paper -- designed to foster creativity and imagination. These presentations are evaluated by history, education, and other experts at a series of local, state, and national contests. 


Missouri Mathematics and Science Coalition surprises teachers with computers

Weather laptop donation
Brian Crouse, Executive Director, Missouri Mathematics and Science Coalition, presented computers to Joplin Schools' teachers Lisa Simmons, Joyce Hale, Blinda Vaness, and Peggy Holland. Shana Ball, Michael Gurley, and Chuck Gastel (not pictured) will also receive computers. 
On Thursday, May 9, several Joplin Schools teachers were surprised with new tablet computers for their classrooms during a special presentation from the Missouri Mathematics and Science Coalition. The computers are loaded with cutting edge weather research software that teachers can use as part of their classroom instruction to track and analyze severe weather events. The teachers received the computers as part of their participation in a recent severe weather professional development workshop. The workshop, held in March, was part of a week-long recognition of the importance that Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) holds for education and workforce development in Missouri. The computers were donated by Lenova computer company, a leader in personal and business computing.  

Joplin High School technology students receive state finalist awards 

TSA students Several Joplin High School students recently placed in the top ten during the 2013 Missouri Technology Student Association Distinctions Conference held in Rolla. The students competed in numerous events based on principles and concepts learned during the school year in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Fifteen JHS students and their sponsors JHS / FTC teachers Kaci Dorton and Michael Gurley were among 230 students and educators representing 18 schools at the conference. Joplin students earned six state finalist medals, three 3rd place medals, and one 2nd place medal. The students are working hard to attend the national competition this summer in Orlando, Florida. 


State Finalists:

  • Damon Fox & Josh Engle - Debating Technological Issues
  • Will Darby - Dragster Design
  • Ryan Beall - Flight Endurance
  • Hayden Hinkle - Flight Endurance
  • Will Darby - Technical Sketching & Applications
  • Chase Wilscam - Technical Sketching & Applications
  • Ryan Beall - Technical Sketching & Applications
Top 3 Placings
  • 3rd Place - Hayden Hinkle & Ryan Beall - Structural Engineering
  • 2nd Place - Caleb Garton & Ethan Warstler - VEX Robotics
  • 3rd Place - Kyle Gradwohl & Alex Still - VEX Robotics
  • 3rd Place - Jaired Collins, Eric Lui, & Wesley Estes - VEX Robotics

Parents, share your thoughts!   

We want to know what you think about the possibility of a School Based Health Center located at the new Joplin High School. Please take a moment to complete this survey. Thank you for your feedback.

Upcoming events


Thurs., May 9 - Sun., May 12: JHS Theatre presents Footloose: The Musical @ JHS 9-10 Campus, 310 W. 8th St.   

Fri., May 10:
Eagle Pride Day

Wed., May 15:
Baccalaureate, 7:00 pm @ JHS 9-10 Campus

Sun., May 19: Graduation, 3:00 - 5:00 pm @ MSSU

Tues., May 21: Last day of school, half day, elementary schools at 11:15 am, JHS 9-10 Campus at 11:45 am, middle schools & JHS 11-12 Campus at noon

Click here for more events
In the news - in case you missed it!



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