Your update on what's happening in the world of Digital Marketing

We have launched our new fully responsive website !
If you want to discuss updating your site to a fully responsive one, get in touch.

5 Tips for email marketing success 

Email remains an important part of the marketing toolbox and should be a central part of any online marketing campaign. When used alongside social media it can provide a comprehensive approach to lead generation and also help build brand and customer loyalty.

However, as with any campaign, to achieve email marketing success you must spend time doing your research and planning your campaign. 

5 ways to achieve email marketing excellence
Are you struggling with your social media marketing? Read our 10 tips for social media marketing success to help you along. 

Many more businesses are using social media as part of their marketing efforts. In fact a recent industry report by Social Media Examiner revealed that of those surveyed, 97% indicate that they use social media as part of their overall marketing. However, despite these figures many businesses are still not using social media marketing effectively. When used well, social media marketing can bring great returns, but they won't be overnight. Social media marketing is a marathon not a sprint!

 Read more

How to respond to negative comments 

You may find that certain customers or contacts really champion your company, whether on your Twitter feed, your Facebook page or via your business blog. But what happens when you get negative comments and you find yourself the target of criticism or even bullying?

Well first of all, don't panic!
It happens to every company at some time or another. Mistakes happen and we can't please everyone all of the time, there's always going to be someone who doesn't share your point of view. 


WSI's FREE webinar 
5 Steps to world class email marketing

Join us on Thursday, 24th July at 16:00 (GMT)

Rob Facebook WSI eMarketing jointly sponsored the B2B High Growth Sales Seminar in July with HSBC in Cheltenham.
Rob along with 2 other speakers talked to businesses about their growth strategies 
If you want to achieve High Growth (often defined as step change in excess of 30%) you need to adopt radically different "breakthrough" strategies.

 Click here to see the full blog post


Social Media Content Ideas




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