June Newsletter
June is here, which means it's finally time to settle into summer! As the whirlwind of spring starts to slow down, it becomes easier to ride the energy of sunshine and celebration through the month. Whether it's a graduation party, a start-of-summer potluck, or perhaps one of our bookshop's exciting author events, everyone has something big on the horizon for this month. However, in the midst of our busy schedules, we could all benefit from a little relaxation. So, on the next warm night, why don't you make yourself a cup of iced tea, sit down on your comfiest porch chair, take a good deep breath of warm June air, and open up the first book on your summer reading list. There's no better time to start than now, and days are only getting longer!

~Laura, Events Manager

Indie Next Great Reads

New Fiction


 Great Beach Reads

New Non Fiction


For Young Adults


For Young Readers



Picture Books 



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