September 2016 Volume 20  Issue 7

Our Featured Investor

Friends In Action Clubhouse
206 Crane Street
Park Hills, MO 63601
Phone: 573-431-9620

Join Us For Coffee!
This Friday, September 2 at Friends In Action Clubhouse from  7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.

Inside this Edition
First Friday Coffee
September Investor Meeting
Ribbon Cutting
Upcoming Ribbon Cuttings
Parkland Celtic Festival
Investor News
Investor Events
Investor Job Listings
Investor Deals
Seminars, Training, & Workshops
LinkedIn Users Mistake
3 Steps to the Right Person

Welcome NEW Investors!!

Thank You for Re-Investing in 2016!!

Boyer & Associates, PC
Since 2005

Cardinal X-Press
Since 2015

Central Methodist University
Since 2011

Dale Mosier Auto Body Dale Mosier Auto Body & Sales, Inc.
Since 2002

Mineral Area Board of Realtors
Mineral Area Board of Realtors
Since 2013

Park Hills River Mart
Since 2007

Patsy's Furniture Patsy's Furniture
Since 2002

Pharmax Pharmacy
Since 1996

Rosemary Richardson
Since 1977

St. Francois County Community Partnership
Since 2009

Giggle Break!

A Weeks Wages

The strong young man at the construction site was bragging that he could out-do anyone in a feat of strength. He made a special case of making fun of one of the older workmen. After several minutes, one older worker had had enough. 

"Why don't you put your money where your mouth is," he said. "I will bet a week's wages that I can haul something in a wheelbarrow over to that outbuilding that you won't be able to wheel back." 

"You're on, old man," the braggart replied. "Let's see what you got." 

The old man reached out and grabbed the wheelbarrow by the handles. Then, nodding to the young man, he said, "All right. Get in."

Visual Giggle

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Chamber News   
Stay on top of all the Chamber happenings between newsletters by regularly visiting the Chamber website at or following us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn & Pinterest!
September First Friday Coffee to be Hosted by Friends In Action Clubhouse

Join us at  Friends In Action Clubhouse  located at 206 Crane Street, in Park Hills, beginning at 7:30 a.m. on Friday, September 2, 2016 for coffee and doughnuts!

First Friday Coffee Events are held the first Friday of each month at various investor locations. 

This is a relationship building event for Chamber Investors, clients and potential clients.

Visit with other investors and members of the business community and learn about the sponsoring business or organization and their products and/or services while enjoying coffee, a light breakfast provided by the sponsoring business or organization.

Register your attendance here:  FFC September 2016
September Investor Meeting - Featuring the State of the Cities Address

Please join us for the September Investor Meeting on Tuesday, September 20, 2016, at, 12:00 p.m. at The Coffee Grill, located at 3413 Rosener Road in Park Hills.
Leadington Mayor, Dustin Winick, and Park Hills Mayor, David Easter  will be our featured speakers for September.  

Introducing the " State of the City " Address!  The Mayors of both Leadington & Park Hills will be on-hand to tell us
What's Happened What's Happening , and  What's Yet to Happen , in each city, in areas of growth, economic development, improvements, and more!
Lunch to be Catered by The Coffee Grill And will be $10.00 per person. Reservations will still be required.
Our August Business Spotlight is on  Friends in Action Clubhouse

Monthly investor meetings provide Chamber investors with a variety of information through guest speakers.  Topics range from small business information to governmental issues and assistance to community interests.  Monthly meetings keep investors abreast of current chamber happenings and provide an excellent networking opportunity.

Register Your Attendance Here:     September Investor Meeting 

Ribbon Cutting - Cornerstone ADHC

Members of the Park Hills - Leadington Chamber of Commerce celebrated the opening of a brand new adult daycare facility in Park Hills with a ribbon cutting today.  Cornerstone ADHC, LLC is now open at 512 E. East Main Street.

At Cornerstone ADHC LLC, they provide day oversight, activities, assist with ADL's, meal program and healthcare for seniors and disabled patrons, also Alzheimer's & dementia care.

Lance & Sarah Wilkins, the owners of Cornerstone ADHC, LLC, aspire to do many great things with the facility. Their Adult Day Care is the heart of their program as an entirety.

The facility will also house Cornerstone Clubhouse! Saturdays each month, from 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m., they will be providing a safe environment with planned activities, meal, drinks and snacks for children ages 3-13, enabling parents and busy caregivers time for a break from their primary role.

Other plans for the organization includes ZUMBA Classes, Depression & Anxiety Support, and a FREE Children's Clothing Store!

Visit Cornerstone at 512 East Main Street in Park Hills or call 573-327-8610 to welcome Lance, Sarah, and their Cornerstone family to the community, and to learn more about the services they offer!
Two Ribbon Cuttings in September


Please join us for a Ribbon Cutting as we celebrate the opening of  Lemonade Stand Boutique!

Lemonade Stand Boutique offers trendy clothing, timeless jewelry, lots of accessories, unique home decor and much more, all at sensible prices.  And, 10% of every purchase goes to local charities!

Located at 310C Potosi Street, in Farmington.

We'll cut the ribbon on Friday, September 2, 2016, at 2:00 p.m.

Please join us for a Ribbon Cutting as we celebrate the Brand New Home of  Blankenship Insurance!

Ryan Blankenship and his crew are excited to be moving into their brand new building at 1408 St. Joe Drive, and they are inviting you to come celebrate with them!

They will be hosting an Open House from 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, September 28, with the Official Ribbon Cutting at 3:45 p.m.

Come see their beautiful new building and help us congratulate them on this wonderful new addition to our community!

Please plan to celebrate with us!
Parkland Celtic Festival - 2016

The Parkland Celtic Festival planning is in full swing! The entertainment schedule is already full for this year's 3-day event with entertainment beginning  at 6:00 p.m. on Friday, September 16, 2016 and the final performers taking the stage at 4:00 p.m. on Sunday, September 18.
Aside from the Live Music and traditional Irish & Scottish Dancing, there will be a huge array of Unique Vendors, Carnival Rides, a Classic Car Cruise, Guinness Beer Sampling, Authentic Imported Irish Food & Goods, Old Thyme Pony Rides, and Iron Works Blacksmith Shop, and so much more!
The Park Hills - Leadington Chamber will also be selling Authentic Irish Seasoned, Guinness Beer Battered Sausages, Fish, and Home-Fried Chips!
The event is sponsored by Prairie Farms Dairy and the Claddagh Irish Dance School, with proceeds to benefit the Downtown Park Hills Association.  The Street Festival is happening in Downtown Park Hills in the 200 & 300 blocks of West Main Street on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, September 16, 17, & 18, 2016.
Sponsors and Vendors are still being accepted.
View a full schedule of events here: Parkland Celtic Festival Brochure or on their website at
Investor Announcements
Share your News, Events, Job Openings and Deals with us and we'll share them with others! Login to your member center and add as many as you'd like!  In a hurry? Email your announcements to or drop the information off at the Chamber office, and we'll help put it in front of thousands!
Investor News
Investor Events
How often do you check the Chamber Events Calendar?
Looking for something to do?  One of the best places to get you event fix is on the Chamber's website.  Click the event link to find out more about some of the great events coming soon:
And this is only a few of several events coming in August!  See the entire list on the Chamber's Online Event's Calendar !

Investor Job Listings
Your fellow Chamber Investors have Employment Opportunities available now!
Are you, or is someone you know, looking for employment?  We've got the low-down on some of the area's current job openings!  Look who's hiring right now:
Find out what other local companies are in need of employees on the Chamber's Job Listings page!  

Investor Deals
Have you checked out this month's Hot Deals
on the Chamber's website yet? 
Don't miss out on these Chamber Investor's "Hot Deals" available on the Chamber's Website!
Check our Hot Deals page often -  New Deals Added Regularly!!

Would you like to receive notifications each time new deals are added to the website?  If so, CLICK HERE and subscribe to the "Hot Deals eNewsletter" and we'll send you an email each time a new Hot Deal is available!

Seminars, Training & Workshops  
Are you looking for opportunities to improve on something old or learn something new?  We have several learning opportunities, business and personal interests, for you and your employees listed on the Chamber's Event Calendar!
Various training opportunities are offered by Chamber Investors and the St. Louis SCORE ( St. Louis SCORE offers free business counseling and resources, low-cost workshops, and free business scan services. ) See what benefits YOU
Find out more about these and other upcoming seminars, training opportunities and workshops on the Chamber's Seminars, Training, and Workshops page!

All About Business 
Interesting business related articles to help exercise your brain, peek your curiosity, increase your knowledge, or simply to make you smile; all intended for finding ways to enhance your business.
The Mistake 99% of LinkedIn Users Make

By: J.T. O'Donnell, Founder & CEO of
Image Credit: Getty Images
With over 414 million users, here's what most LinkedIn members are doing wrong.

Last week, LinkedIn celebrated its 13th birthday. It's officially a teenager. With more than 414 million users, it's the largest professional social network. And it's getting bigger by the day, making it the biggest pool of talent online as well. When it comes to LinkedIn, we're all little fishes in a big pond. Which means, if you want to be contacted about great business and career opportunities through LinkedIn, you need to stand out. However, that's where many users are making a critical mistake.

99 percent of users fail to optimize their profile.
Most of LinkedIn's members don't know how to optimize the content of their profile so they can be found. It all comes down to putting in A) the right words, and B) the right amount of words. Here's why.

Continue reading here:   LinkedIn Users Mistake

3 Key Steps for Choosing the Right Person for the Job

By: Alison Davis, Founder & CEO of Davis & Company
Image Credit: Getty Images
Essential Questions You Need to Ask

Your team has an open position, and it's vital that you hire someone who not only can fulfill job responsibilities, but will also work well with colleagues.

That's why the interview is so important. Here are tips for making the most of the time you have with the person seeking the job.

1. Envision your ideal candidate.

Start by developing a complete understanding of the responsibilities of the job and the competencies needed to succeed in the position. Review the job description and think about skills, experience, and personal qualities of other employees who have been successful in the position. Likewise, consider the learning from past situations where an employee may not have been successful in the job.

Think about the potential career path for this new hire. Ideally, how will he/she advance through the organization?

2. Get to know the real person.
  • Begin the interview with informal conversation to make the candidate relax and feel comfortable.
  • Let the candidate do most of the talking.
  • Use active listening skills like nodding and restating the response so the candidate feels that you are listening to their answers.
  • Allow time for the candidate to ask questions.

Continue reading here:    3 Steps to the Right Person
Thank you to this month's Business Spotlight: