Our Mission
To provide accessible healthcare services for all.
Our Vision
A community where everyone is healthy.
Core Values
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A Message from Premier's Chief Executive
Joseph Resnick, CEO |
At the forefront of national and state government priorities is the provision of healthcare. Like many of you, we are uncertain of what changes are coming yet remain steadfast in our advocacy efforts. Our leadership team will continue to monitor what effect any potential changes will have on our delivery of services while staying true to our mission, vision and core values.
We are proud to be part of the community health center movement which has been around for more than fifty years. In Pasco County, Premier operates eight clinics and we will soon begin operating two new clinics in
Hernando County
At the core of each Premier clinic is our mission that lives and breathes through everything we do. Our
Patient-Centered Medical Home model, not only provides medical care, but directly addresses the social and economic determinants of health. A major feature of our health center model puts patients at the forefront of their care. Our clinical team that coordinates care is focused on building trust while ensuring quality and safety, and often includes a Patient Care Coordinator, Community Services Specialist in addition to the core clinical staff.
Premier cared for over 25,562 patients last year through 99,000 visits, an 18% increase over 2015. We anticipate an even greater demand for services in 2017. While there are many uncertainties regarding the repeal/replacement of the Affordable Care Act, one thing remains the same - community health centers add value to communities we serve and continue to save dollars while saving lives.
Why do you value community health centers? Whether you are a patient, employee, advocate or a community partner that helps us leverage resources to meet the needs in our community - we need your help to ensure everyone has access to healthcare, as we strive to improve the health of those most in need. We intend to continue fulfilling our mission of ensuring everyone, regardless of income or insurance coverage, has access to compassionate and quality primary and preventive health care.
Join us by showing your support for Premier Community HealthCare on May 2nd for
. A $20 donation supports one medical visit for an uninsured patient. For more information, visit
We thank you for believing in our organization and for the continued support.
Have a safe & happy spring season!
Chief Executive Officer
Premier's Third Annual Women's Health Fair During Cervical Cancer Awareness Month
Dr. Joseph King, III, MD, FACOG |
On Saturday, January 14th over 100 women throughout Pasco County attended
Premier Community HealthCare's third annual Women's Health Fair.
Coinciding with Cervical Cancer Awareness Month, the free event featured cervical cancer screenings as well as STD screenings, BMI measurements, blood pressure screenings, and five interactive presentations designed to provide health resources and information. Nearly 40 women took advantage of the free cervical cancer screenings, while many other attendees scheduled appointments for further testing with healthcare providers.
"Overall, our efforts to improve access to care through this free annual event were a huge success," said Dr. Joseph King III, Chief Medical Officer at Premier. "The health fair allowed women, all of whom of were uninsured, to get a free visit with a board-certified physician along with the cervical cancer screening, saving them anywhere from $45-$95. This is what community health is all about and we are committed to providing this type of service to our community."
Children's Dental Day at Premier
Dr. Karapasha Dental |
On Friday, Feb. 3, children throughout Pasco County received low-cost dental services during Premier Community HealthCare's second annual Children's Dental Day.
Children ages 1-17 received services throughout the day including: X-rays, cleanings, fluoride treatments, dental exams, sealants and fillings. Premier exceeded its goals by treating 99 unduplicated patients, 26 percent of those treated were new patients along with 28 percent being uninsured.
"We had a great turnout and were able to help a lot of children, many of whom had never been to a dentist or had not been in a while," said Dr. Jose Peralta, DDS Dental Director at Premier.
As a community health center serving all, no one was turned away due to inability to pay and most insurance plans, including Medicaid and Florida KidCare, were accepted. In addition to dental services, children participated in oral health educational activities as well as received special gift bags after their dental exam.
Lacoochee Family Health Center Celebrates two Years of Service
On March 29th the Lacoochee Family Health Center celebrated its Second Year Anniversary. The milestone celebration included walking tours of the health center, free community resources, engaging activities and healthy snacks.
Providing accessible health care for area residents was the main goal for the Lacoochee Family Health Center when it opened two years ago" said Joseph Resnick, CEO of Premier. "We are so pleased with the success thus far and hope this milestone will help further establish Premier as the main source for health services in the community"
The Lacoochee Family Health Center is co-located with the Boys and Girls Club at Stanley Park and is open to serve patients every Wednesday 7am- 4pm.