In this month's newsletter, we publish our review of the latest SPC-1 and -2 performance results and discuss Hitachi's VSP F series of all flash storage announcement.

There are still no vendor SPECfs2014 submissions so we show a recently derived plot on how flash capacity impacts NFS ORT using previous SPECsfs2008 submissions. The results for all-flash arrays were a surprise to me and are non-obvious. Read the report to learn more.

RayOnStorage top blog post(s)

(Stor-QoW 15-001) Will 3D XPoint be in GA'd enterprise storage over the next year. NO-0.62 probability - After reading SuperForecasting, decided to start a forecasting contest. Question of the Week (QoW 15-001) was on whether 3D XPoint will show up in GA enterprise or mid-range class storage over the next year. My forecast was documented in the above post. In the end, I thought it wouldn't with a .62 probability. I went through a rather elaborate analysis to get to this forecast.  Read the post to learn more.

Greybeards talk HPC storage with Molly Rector, CMO & EVP DDN, in this episode the GreyBeards talk supercomputing with Molly. Howard and I have known Molly since her time at Spectra Logic and has always been a pleasure to talk with. Molly's on the BoD of the Active Archive Alliance and SNIA and as a result, knows a lot about this industry. Molly sees a lot of similarity in HPC activity and today's enterprise class storage workloads and believes that they are becoming more alike over time. Listen to the podcast to learn more...

What you may have missed last month
There were two new SPC-1/1E submissions during the past quarter and one new SPC-2 submission. All of these were all flash storage systems and as such broke some new ground in block storage performance. In one case besting the prior competition by over 50%. Read the report to learn more.

HDS announces a new all flash Hitachi VSP-F series  - 
The new storage arrays match the VSP G series except for the G1000 and incorporate a new flash module design which has hardware data compression and more performance. The F series includes a new bundled version of SVOS which incorporates data protection (with replication) and base analytics services. HDS is also launching a new service which can securely erase flash modules, including reserved space and certify that the data has been erased. Read the report to learn more.

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