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Join us for the next eWomen Network Luncheon and Networking event to learn about the "Power of PR" 

Robyn headshot

Please join us Thursday June 9th at 11:30 AM to hear Robyn Sachs, president and CEO of RMR & Associates, talk about the Power of Public Relations.  RMR & Associates has been voted one of the Top 25 Advertising Agencies and Top 25 Public Relations Firms annually since 1991 by the Washington Business Journal. Robyn was previously chosen as one of the leading CEOs in Maryland by the Gazette of Politics and Business' "25 Top CEOs You Need To Know."


One of the most cost effective and broad reaching marketing vehicles is Public Relations.  Yet, it is one of the most misunderstood.  In her new book,  "Market to Max",  Robyn advocates that public relations should be the basic building block of your Marketing Pyramid.  At this session Robyn will define what Public Relations is, its role in your Marketing communications, why it is so important in today's marketplace and provide some examples of effective PR vehicles.


At this powerful event you'll learn:

  • Why every business should do Public Relations

  • How to set goals for your Public Relations

  • Numerous low cost Public relations vehicles for your business




Thursday, June 9, 2011 at 11:30 AM (ET) (Doors Open at 11:00 AM for informal networking)



Lakewood Country Club

13901 Glen Mill Road

Rockville, MD 20850




$37.00 for eWomenNetwork members

$57.00 after June 7th



To register for the event, please visit the eWomenNetwork website.