Whole Food Herb Order
placed tonight...
and why YOU should do the same!
tonight's order was fast placed late at night after yet another looooong day of Serving during the duress of a MONSTER FIRE bearing down upon ilg's h(om)etown of Durango, Colorado. sensing ilg NEEDED to spend the little $ ilg has as provider toward TWO Families/Homes... ilg defaulted to the above order. Here is why...
yeah, so, ilg still has s(om)e Calli Beverage and Fortune Delight plus SunNectar/SunnyDew in stock, so, if ilg orders SunBars? ilg KNOWS that i can have a SUPER FAST lunch with a Sunbar backed by Fortune Delight (or Cold Calli Beverage sweetened with SunNectar/SunnyDew) for a hugely nutritious yet calorically lean lunch!

you can expect ongoing fat loss fr(om) impacted, non-thermogenic fat stores in your cells and feel super LIGHT and filled with mental/physical alactrity. WAAAAAY better than hitting up MickyD's for your lunch! TRUST ILG!

perhaps our Plane(t)'s most INTELLIGENT and EXPERIENCED and PROVED over 6,000 YEARS herbal formula to support our cardio, circulation, two immune systems (t-cell and respiratory), and reproduction/regenerative.

you can expect an almost surreal feeling of b(om)bproof immunology, energy, and endorphic 'high'

how FAST you poop in the morning?
Fibertone TOTALLY SUPPORTS and STRENGTHENS your digestive/elimination capacities without being a laxative!

you can expect early morning poops that empty your belly and get you LEAN for the day ahead!

coach ilg | | 8185902922 | E-mail | Website