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In This Issue
Dr. Cheesman's App Chat: Ten Interactive Books for Kids, Teens, and Adults
IDA Releases New Fact Sheet on Transitionining to Colleg
Annual IDA Conference Update
Brain Anatomy of Dyslexia Is Not the Same in Men and Women, Boys and Girls

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Accepting Submissions for 2013 Remy Johnston Certificate of Merit 


Members of IDA are encouraged to nominate a youth under the age of 25 for the Remy Johnston Certificate
 of Merit. The award honors individuals with dyslexia who strive for excellence and serve as role models for other youth with learning disabilities.

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May 2013

Dr. Cheesman's App Chat: Ten Interactive Books for Kids, Teens, and Adults

Dad and Son with Tablet PC

Sometimes it pays to be sneaky-or creative! A friend's young child begged her mom to let her watch a video on the iPad. As the child happily began to view the "video," I saw that it wasn't a movie at all, but an interactive book app!  Hmm. Maybe that mom was on to something.

Unlike videos or television, interactive book apps develop language comprehension-background knowledge, academic vocabulary, reasoning skills, and understanding of language structures.  Read More.

IDA Releases New Fact Sheet on Transitioning to College

IDA Fact SHeets

An increasing number of students with learning and attention disorders plan to attend college, and that is great news! However, negotiating the process of taking standardized tests (possibly with accommodations), choosing the right colleges, and then navigating the application process can be overwhelming, even for the most organized student. Those who successfully gain acceptance to the schools of their choice are often frustrated to find that the accommodations they received in high school are not automatically granted in college. Read More.

Annual IDA Conference Update

Planning for IDA's Reading, Literacy & Learning Conference, which includes the 64th Annual Conference for Professionals and 2nd Annual Conference for Parents, is well under way.  The conference, which will be held November 6-9 in New Orelans, will showcase four exciting and informative full day symposia that have been assembled by some of the greatest experts in the field;  incredible and awe inspiring award recipients;  and keynote presentations by the likes of Dr. Louisa Moats, Dr. Laurie Cutting and Dr. Laura and Congressman Bill Cassidy. Read More.

Brain Anatomy of Dyslexia Is Not the Same in Men and Women, Boys and Girls


Using MRI, neuroscientists at Georgetown University Medical Center found significant differences in brain anatomy when comparing men and women with dyslexia to their non-dyslexic control groups, suggesting that the disorder may have a different brain-based manifestation based on sex. Their study, investigating dyslexia in both males and females, is the first to directly compare brain anatomy of females with and without dyslexia (in children and adults). Their findings were published online in the journal Brain Structure and Function. Read More.

Videos Available from Tremaine Foundation Policy Briefing 

IDA participated in the Tremaine Foundation's Policy Briefing on "Dyslexia and the Quest for Grade Level Reading," in February of this year.  Below are links to three short videos of the event's highlights.


The first video is an overview of the briefing where Stewart Hudson of the Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation speaks to the purpose of the briefing and why it is so important to give the kids the tools they need to read and succeed.


The second video is of Vermont Governor Peter Shumlin speaking about his struggle as a child with dyslexia and how Vermont is working toward all students reading by third grade. 


The final video is made up of highlights of the panel discussion.

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Examiner Editor: Karen E. Dakin, M.Ed., Secretary IDA Board of Directors
Examiner Social Media Editor/Strategist: Carolyn D. Cowen, M.Ed., Founding Board Member, Literate Nation
Examiner Managing Editor: Kristen L. Penczek, M.A., IDA Interim Executive Director


If you have a recommendation for an article topic, or wish to provide an article in its entirety for consideration to appear in a future issue, please email

The International Dyslexia Association (IDA) is pleased to present a forum for information to 
benefit its constituents. It is IDA's policy to not recommend or endorse any specific program,
product, institution, company, or instructional material, noting that there are a number of such
that present the critical components of instruction as defined by 
IDA's Knowledge and Practice Standards for Teachers of Reading. Any program, product, institution, company, 
or instructional material carrying the IDA Recognized seal meets the IDA Standards.  
Opinions expressed in Examiner articles and/or via links do not necessarily reflect those of IDA.


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