Your Lenten Donations Will Support 68 More Water Women
Thanks to everyone that made generous donations during the Lenten season. Your gifts will make possible 68 more Water Women. We would like to highlight the focused success of the children and parents at St. Joseph Church in Springfield, Illinois that raised funds of $2,722 from parishioners before and after Sunday Masses during one weekend!
The participating children described themselves as “kids helping thirsty kids in developing countries to have clean water.” The children held empty water pitchers featuring the Water With Blessings logo to raise awareness about the need for clean water for children in Haiti and Honduras. Together, they are making a big impact for mothers and their children in these two countries that would not otherwise be able to access safe drinking water. We thank the children at St. Joseph Church for leading these fundraising efforts for God’s Thirsty Children. Sr. Mary Ellen Backes, OSU, graciously shared these beautiful photos with us.