November 8, 2023

Dear Members,

If you plan to join us in person or via Zoom for Maureen Brady's much-anticipated talk on the history of the Ireland-U.S. tourism industry, including the Newport-Kinsale Sister City relationship, and have not yet made a reservation, please do so at this time.

Scroll down for details and links to reserve.


After this talk, the Series will take a hiatus until February.

Please also scroll down for information about our Annual Christmas Open House at the Interpretive Center.

We hope to see you on the 13th, in person or via Zoom!


Ann Arnold

Board of Directors/Lecture Series Coordinator

22nd Annual Lecture Series

Nov. 13 2023 Lecture graphic

Read about this graphic, below.

Lecture made possible by a generous gift from

Valarie & Dana Gelb

The third talk of our 2023-24 Lecture Series  will be presented on Monday, November 13 at 6:00 p.m. at the Wyndham Newport Hotel, 240 Aquidneck Avenue, Middletown, R.I., just over the Newport line, and live-streamed via Zoom.

Doors open at 5:30 p.m.

Light hors d'oeuvres & Cash Bar available

Reservation are required and a $5 fee/donation will be requested for those attending the lecture and reception in person ($0 to Zoom).

CLICK for Talk Overview & Speaker Bio
CLICK to Reserve to attend IN-PERSON
CLICK to Reserve to attend via ZOOM
Maureen D. Brady

Maureen D. Brady

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If you previously reserved and received your

e-confirmation, you are all set.  

Questions or need assistance with your registration?

Please reach out to Ann Arnold, Lecture Series Coordinator,

at , (401) 841-5493 or (917) 270-3372,

and she'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Regarding the Vintage Travel Poster in the event graphic:

In 1953, Ireland inaugurated a tourism festival aimed at Irish Americans named

 “An Tóstal: Ireland at Home” that would change the course of Irish history.

Learn more Monday night!

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This is a great time to invite your non-member

family and friends to attend our talks and

consider becoming a member!

Those who join to attend a lecture are not assessed the $5 per person lecture fee, just pay the 1-year Annual Membership fee of $20 Individual ($30 Family/Household). It's our "welcome" gift to them. Questions/Suggestions/Comments:  

Please contact Ann at

Johnnys restaurant logo

Our Wyndham Newport hosts invite you to "make a night of it" and dine at Johnny's Restaurant, before or after the 6pm lecture.

The "Early Bird" Special is back and in effect

from 3-6pm. $18, 3-course meal from a select menu.

Reservations are strongly encouraged

Click HERE for Johnny's website. Phone for reservations: (401) 847-2750.

Annual Christmas Open House: Sat. Dec. 9

Christmas Open House 2023

Museum of Newport Irish History

Established 1996

a 501c3 non-profit organization

Mailing Address:

PO Box 1378, Newport, RI 02840

Interpretive Center:

648 Lower Thames Street, Newport RI 02840

(closed for the Season)

Click Here for Museum Board of Directors Contact Info. and list of deceased board members, fondly remembered.

The MISSION of the Museum of Newport Irish History is to tell the story of the Irish immigrants and their descendants in Newport County and the surrounding area from the colonial era to the present. It also seeks to preserve artifacts and mementos relating to their experiences and facilitate

research on Irish history and heritage.

Visit our Website
 Membership Renewals 

Thank You to all our members with Annual (vs. Life) Memberships who have paid their dues for the

2022-2023 Membership Year.

We are still anticipating payments from

a number of members who have not yet submitted dues

for the current Membership Year,

which began April 1, 2023.

Thank you submitting payment at your first opportunity.

 If you are unsure of your membership status — before making a payment — please email Ann Arnold at or phone her at 401-841-5493 and she'll get right back to you.