Praise for Divorcing Atlanta  
Tracy Price-Thompson / Award-winning author
Pure Gold
With Divorcing Atlanta, McCann shares with the reader a riveting, powerful offering of love family and hope. He captures the despair of the heart. This prolific author has once again dipped his pen in pure gold.
Olivia Powers
All together
If you’re looking for a book that will make you hot, think and pray all at once, you have found it. I’ll keep this brief. Find your way to chapter 23. (Actually the fifth chapter. You will understand once you start reading) Don't cheat. But find your way to chapter 23 and trust me if everything within you does not scream all together—then something is wrong with you.

Jenny C
Forgiveness and Healing
While this story can be taken as an entertaining, juicy tale about infidelity, the true message behind Divorcing Atlanta I think is about learning how to forgive. In the end forgiveness and healing are achieved in each of these couples somehow amongst the ashes of their broken marriages. Along with lessons learned, even second chances.
Dr. Chandra Brown
Was it Murder?
So I read the excerpt sent to me in a few hours…The letter to his son drew me in…I wanted to know what happen…not just if he had committed suicide or if he was murdered but what happened in the marriage. And then I read this amazing yet poetically written love scene between Lorenzo and Elizabeth. What held my attention is the fact that it was written from the point of view of a man. He aptly describes love making…as opposed to having sex. Extremely well done.
Vincent Tyler / Novelist & Poet
Modern Day Literary Masterpiece
Many of us are going through a storm or have either gone through storms. A battle of great unseen pains. And to deal with those pains, when it seems like the battle is getting the best of us, we began to question our faith. We teeter on the decisions of whether to remain faithful or to become faithless, but either choice will not stop the challenges that we face. Introducing a modern-day literary masterpiece to answer those questions and more. Divorcing Atlanta.
Marsha Cecil
Page Turner
National bestselling author Timmothy McCann is back! Expect another page-turning, thought-provoking, emotion-filled story from beginning to end!
Lauretta Black Pierce
Page Turner
Because of his apparent turn of events that lead to him losing his church and his wife, Rev. Dr. Lorenzo Hosea Richardson writes a suicide letter to his unborn child to confess how he wishes he could be there to be the kind of father his son deserves. What lead up to this event, and will the reverend actually take his life? If you enjoyed McCann's novels: UNTIL, ALWAYS, FOREVER, AND EMOTIONS; his new page-turner novel DIVORCING ATLANTA will take you on an adventure where you will become so engrossed in the characters that you will forget that this is fiction.
There are a lot of things I can do with words. But one of them, I'm unable to do in this moment. And that is to thank you sufficiently for your love, support, patience and prayers.

So until I find a better, more sutiable, way to accomplish this feat, I'll simply say thank you from my heart.


Timmothy B. McCann