Living Desert Alliance

Keep our Desert and Community Livable and Thriving

August 8, 2024

Help Track Rainfall!

Participate in the

Citizen Science Project

You and your family can become “citizen scientists” by helping track rainfall amounts in your own yard.

It’s simple and easy. Just register on their website and enter your “data.” Doing so helps to create a precise picture of rainfall patterns across the Southwest.

This is important because water managers, weather reporters, drought planners, and scientists monitor precipitation amounts to help with watershed management activities and drought planning.

Participation it’s easy, free and a great way for you and your family to lend a helping hand to the environment, while contributing to scientific research. is a collaborative effort, working with partners like

the Salt River Project, Arizona Department of Water Resources,

and the University of Arizona.

Click here to learn more and become a "Citizen Scientist"
Click here for current rainfall totals

Learn and Act Through

Living Desert Alliance “Connections”

Ever wondered how to contact to your town, city, or Pima County government agencies and leadership? Want to send a compliment or share a thought about an issue that concerns you, but aren't quite sure how?

Look no further than the Living Desert Alliance website.

You’ll find this information as well as links to our community partners under the “Connections” tab at the top of our home page. By clicking any of drop-down menu links, you will be instantly connected. No hunting or guessing as you search the web on your own. Give it a try. You'll find it helpful!

How you can help!

Things change constantly on the web (and sometimes we humans make mistakes). If any of the links you try do not take you to the proper place, let us know. We’ll correct it. Also, we happily accept suggestions for additional agencies or groups that provide our members with the most current information supporting our mission to Keep our Desert and Community Livable and Thriving.

Link to the LDA "Connections" Tab

Join Watershed Management Group's

Family Saturday! ¡Sábado Familiar!

Saturday, August 17 from 8:00am - 11:00am.

Bring the kids to Family Saturday at the WMG's Living Lab to learn about composting. This event is free for the whole family on Saturday, August 17 from 8:00am - 11:00am. They'll read stories, tour the composting toilets (AHHH), and learn how composting turns kitchen scraps into food for the garden.

Be prepared to learn, have fun and get your hands in some soil!

Register Here

Living Lab &

Learning Center Tour

Learn water harvesting strategies and sustainable living practices for arid landscapes. (Aug 8th LDA Newsletter)



Air Quality Permit

Public Meetings

The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ). Learn about the air quality permits for Hudbay Inc.'s proposed open pit mine in the beautiful Santa Rita Mountains. Please attend both meetings in person. Your attendance will make a difference. There is power in numbers!


Community MeetingThis will be an ADEQ Staff Presentation with a Q&A to follow. No public comments will be heard at this meeting.


Public HearingPublic comments are welcome. Voice your concerns directly to the ADEQ.


Dave DeGroot presents:

"Secrets of the Santa Rita Mountains."

(Note Wheeler Taft-Abbett Library Date Change)

Arizona Voter Information
Upcoming Election Days
Living Desert Alliance Website.Stop by for a visit and subscribe to our newsletter!

Living Desert Alliance