Letter from the Principal

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

"Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies." St. Teresa of Calcutta

Dear St. Pius X School Families & Community,

As we enter November, a month that calls us to reflect on citizenship and gratitude, our school community has been focused on what it means to serve others.

Yesterday, we welcomed retired Lieutenant Colonel Carl F. Kurfess, USAR to St. Pius X for our annual Veterans Day assembly. Ret. Lt. Col. Kurfess shared his experience in the Army and answered thoughtful questions from our students about service and duty. He was given cards and posters of appreciation from our students. Additionally, our 3rd grade class submitted essays to our local VFW on why Veterans Day is important and how we can celebrate and appreciate our Veterans, and our preschool class is collecting leftover candy to give to The American Legion in Mountlake Terrace. A reminder that there is no school this Monday, November 11, as we observe Veteran's Day.

We've also launched our annual food drive for St. Vincent de Paul this week. New this year, one or two classes are combining to provide a Thanksgiving basket for those in need. Our goal is to fill 10 baskets--I know we can do it! The deadline for donations is Monday, November 18.

Through these experiences, our students are learning valuable lessons about civic responsibility, service to others, and the importance of gratitude. As Saint Pope John Paul II reminds us, "Life with others is an adventure that risks failure but above all promises a great deal of joy and reciprocal fulfillment." This message resonates very much with our school as we help our students understand their role in building a more compassionate and caring community.


Mrs. Farewell


In the Spirit of Community!

Join St. Pius X Catholic School for our Annual Fund Dinner & Talent Show on Saturday, November 16, 2024, at 6:30 PM in the Kim & Nanette Villanueva Gym.

Come celebrate with us as we honor our 2024 Distinguished Alumni, the Keen Family, enjoy a delicious dinner, and delight in performances by our talented St. Pius X students.

This special gathering is dedicated to our valued school supporters. We kindly request that this be an adults-only event and appreciate your understanding in making independent childcare arrangements, as on-site childcare will not be available.


SCRIP Gift Cards are available for almost all your needs!

Gas, Gifting, Groceries, Travel and More! Explore the 750+ brands that are available! Visit our website for more information:

We still need SCRIP Volunteers to help out on Sundays after Mass! Please call our office at 425.778.9861 to sign up!

From the School Office


  • Wednesday, November 6: All School Mass at 9 AM. Students should wear their full school uniforms. Students should wear their full school uniforms and volunteer as readers, greeters/ushers, or gift bearers. All are welcome to join us!
  • Friday, November 8: Early/Noon Dismissal, No PM ESS.
  • Monday, November 11: Veteran's Day, No School.

Coming Soon!

  • Open House in January - Timeline for re-registration for current families.

FACTS Tuition Grant and Financial Aid Application due in December! 

If your family received a TAP Grant from the Fulcrum Foundation or Financial Aid from St. Pius School now is the time to apply for the ’25-’26 school year. The FACTS site is now open to accept your applications. Please go to FACTS TAP Grant Program. 

If you already have an account log in and complete the application for the ’25-’26 school year. If you are applying for the first time please create an account. Remember if you feel your family will need assistance with your tuition you must apply through FACTS to be eligible for financial assistance either through Fulcrum or St. Pius. 

The Fulcrum Foundation is a non-profit organization that works year-round to help make Catholic education more affordable for families. 

If you have any questions or need help applying please contact Joan Sullivan at  

The deadline is next month to apply. Why not do it early


St. Vincent de Paul Thanksgiving Food Basket Drive Starts Now!

Encourage your students to bring in non-perishable food items to support those in need. The collected items will be delivered to Mercy House on Monday, November 18th at 1:00PM. Click here: Food Drive List

Free Winter Coats for Our Students!

The Knights of Columbus have generously donated brand new winter coats to our amazing students! If you would like to reserve one for your child, please email or call our office.

On Friday, November 1st, our school gathered for a special All Saints Mass and a blessed Community Day honoring the saints. Huge thanks to Mrs. Amsberry for organizing the All Saints’ Day cupcakes, bingo, and saint handouts! Our students enjoyed the activities and being together. Thank you to all the volunteers, teachers, and front office staff for making this another wonderful Community Day! Take a look at the photos we captured!


Parent Association News

We need your help! We have three open positions—could one of them be for you? Contact the Executive Team at with any questions!

Executive Board Members: 

1. President - Jamie Malijan Soul

2. Vice President - Tina Acevedo

3. Secretary - Maria Mahama

4. School Commission Liaison - Welela Libneh


Open Board Member Positions:

5. Hospitality Chair -

  • Plan and oversee hospitality for school events, including parent-teacher conferences, orientation nights, and special ceremonies. This might involve coordinating refreshments, decorations, and any necessary setup or cleanup. 
  • Act as a liaison for new families, ensuring they feel welcome and informed about school activities. This could include hosting welcome events, setting up informational sessions, or creating welcome packages.
  • Foster a warm and welcoming environment at school events by encouraging community spirit and connecting parents, teachers, and students. This can also involve working with other committees to align on shared goals for a supportive school culture.
  • Fulfill a two-year term (up to two terms) to ensure continuity and consistency within the hospitality committee’s activities and goals.

6. Fundraiser Chair -

  • Provide leadership and direction on all Parent Club fundraising events, ensuring they are well-planned, executed effectively, and align with the school’s needs and goals.
  • Help increase awareness and engagement by promoting Parent Club fundraising initiatives. This can involve coordinating with school communications, managing social media posts, and preparing flyers or emails.
  • Solicit and organize a team of volunteers specifically for fundraising events. Assign tasks, manage schedules, and ensure volunteers have the resources they need for successful events.
  • Work closely with other chairs and committees to maximize the success of fundraising events. This might involve coordinating logistics, sharing resources, or aligning event dates to avoid conflicts.
  • Fulfill a two-year term (up to two terms) to ensure continuity and consistency within the hospitality committee’s activities and goals.

7. Communications Chair -

  • Keep the Parent Club Board and members informed about upcoming activities and events of the Parent Club and parish. This may involve sending regular newsletters, emails, and updates to ensure everyone is aware of ongoing initiatives and opportunities.
  • Work closely with the pastoral leader to stay informed on current parish events and any important announcements. Ensure timely communication of parish happenings that may interest the school community.
  • Partner with other committee chairs to communicate essential details about significant events. This might include sharing event dates, volunteer opportunities, and deadlines to help maximize participation and engagement.
  • Actively encourage parent and community involvement by highlighting volunteer opportunities and showcasing the benefits of contributing to school and parish events. This could be done through newsletters, social media, and direct emails.
  • Fulfill a two-year term (up to two terms) to ensure continuity and consistency within the hospitality committee’s activities and goals.

We Need Your Help! Annual Fund

Thu Nov 14, 2024 â€“ Sun Nov 17, 2024

Volunteer for the Annual Fund campaign! Help our team with preparation and planning, or support us the night-of on Saturday, November 16th. We will need help with mailings, planning food, event decorations & more!


CYO Athletics News

Basketball Practice Schedule

🗓️ Every Tuesday & Wednesday

⏰ Time: 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

đź“Ť Location: Gym

Basketball Game Scedule for November

🗓️ Sunday, November 10th at 2:00 pm

🏀 Opponent: ASB

đź“Ť Location: 1230 NE 127th St, Seattle, WA 98125

🗓️ Sunday, November 16th at 3:15 pm

🏀 Opponent: St. Al/John

đź“Ť Location: 121 N 80th St, Seattle, WA 98117


If you aren't registered for basketball, now is the time! It is going to be a great season, and we hope to see you on the court soon! Don't delay-Sign your child up today on TeamSideline!!! (Directions below)


Team Sideline Online Registration Made Easy!

 Follow these simple steps to register:

  1. Visit Team Sideline.
  2. Create an account if you don’t have one.
  3. Add your child’s name to your account.
  4. Click "Register Now" on the homepage.
  5. Scroll down to select "Basketball".
  6. Click "Enroll".
  7. Choose your child’s name from the "Enrollee" tab.
  8. For Enrollment Type, select "player".
  9. Under the "Program" tab, choose "Basketball".
  10. For "Offering", select "Basketball".
  11. Add enrollment to your cart and proceed to checkout. The registration fee will be billed during the season once the team is confirmed.

For questions or to volunteer, please contact CYO Athletic Director ShawnTaylor at CYO@STPX.ORG.

Preseason Volleyball Practice

🗓️ Mondays (No practice 11/11)

⏰ Time: 2:15 PM - 3:15 PM

đź“Ť Location: Gym

Calling all volleyball players in grades 4th-8th! It's time to sign up! Preseason practice every Monday, starting November 5th!

Visit the office to pick up a permission slip starting Monday. Permission slips are due by November 8th.

  • 4th Grade: Coed (boys and girls)
  • 5th-8th Grade: Girls only

For any questions, please reach out with Coaches Ms. Vu & Ms. Stephanie!


Calendar Highlights

November 2024

  • Friday, November 8: Early/Noon Dismissal, No PM ESS
  • Monday, November 11: Veteran's Day, No School
  • Saturday, November 16: Annual Fund and Talent Show at 6:30pm
  • Wednesday, November 27: Early/Noon Dismissal, No PM ESS
  • Thursday, November 28: Thanksgiving Day, No School
  • Friday, November 29: Thanksgiving Holiday, No School

The St. Pius X School's Full 2024-2025 pdf/printable calendar is here or on our website at

Parish & Community News

~ Calling all elementary school children! ~

Join the Children's Choir for the 

Christmas Eve Family Mass at St. Pius X! 

¡Coro Navideño para niños!

All voices and instruments welcome!

The Kid's Choir will present carols and hymns for the St. Pius X 

Family Christmas Mass on December 24, 2024 at 5:30 pm.

There will be ONE REHEARSAL on December 24 at 4:00pm in the church.

To register, please fill out the form on our website:

 or simply click on the QR code below:

Join in celebrating the Christmas spirit by participating 

in this joyous Children's Choir!

Questions? Please contact Diane Figaro at

Click on the logo above to visit the Parish website!

Click on the Bulletin above to read the recent publication.







Stay Connected with us & Share!

Connect with us on social media to stay up-to-date on school happenings! Please follow us on:

We look forward to keeping you informed! âś…

St. Pius X Catholic School is a diverse community providing a stellar academic education through Catholic discipleship and service.

Phone: 425.778.9861 | Email:

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