Join us online! Click link below:

The Power of Will:
The ability to choose, decide, command, and determine.
"I choose my good based on spiritual understanding."
~Weekly Affirmation~
"I discover holiness everywhere and in everyone."
A Positive Path for Spiritual Living
Sunday Services
11:00 AM Celebration Service
*Facebook Live and YouTube
Rev. Anne Tabor
Senior Minister
3525 S. Bowen Road
Arlington, TX 76016
Knowing we are One, we celebrate peace,
compassion, and equality for all.
We empower people to live thriving spiritual lives.
Sunday, August 14, 2022
“You're Soaking In It!”
11am CT, Rev. Anne Tabor
Hybrid Service (online and in-person)
Sunday, August 21, 2022
“Courage to Continue”
11am CT, Rev. Anne Tabor
Hybrid Service (online and in-person)
Sunday, August 28, 2022
“Still, We Rise”
11am CT, Rev. Anne Tabor
Hybrid Service (online and in-person)
*Safety Protocols for In-Person:
- Proof of vaccination with booster - no mask required.
- Without proof of vaccination - KN95 mask required.
- 50% occupancy. FCFS.
- We use a large pink dot sticker to indicate an individual’s willingness to hug.
- Our Youth & Family Ministry remains paused for in-person gatherings until further notice.
- Please watch online if you're not feeling well.
Mike Garvey will be performing fifteen minutes of fabulous prelude music on our livestream from the sanctuary this Sunday at 10:45am, CT!
“You’re Soaking In It!”
Sunday, August 14, 2022
11am, Rev. Anne Tabor
Hybrid Service (online and in-person)
Have you ever bought into the story of “not enough-ness”… not enough time, not enough money, not enough love? While it can feel this way, the truth is we live our lives in a field of pure potentiality and we have unlimited access to our good. In fact, you’re soaking in it! Join Rev. Anne as she explores the spiritual principles of living in an abundance of health, wealth, and happiness.
Guest Artist
Jayden Russell
“Courage to Continue”
Sunday, August 21, 2022
11am, Rev. Anne Tabor
Hybrid Service (online and in-person)
You’ve probably experienced situations in your life when things were not going so well and you desperately needed a turnaround. This is why regardless of what you’re facing, it’s important to remember that our successes are not final and our failures are not fatal. It is our courage to continue that fuels how we respond. And how we respond… is everything! Join Rev. Anne to discover the key steps to spiritually navigating a course correction.
Unity of Arlington
2022 Board of Trustees
Back row (L to R): Lori Foster, Catherine Smith, Julie West, Dr. Aminia Baruti
Front row (L to R): Mary Muessle, Brenda Snay Matthew, Rev. Anne Tabor, Shirley Cobb
Unity of Arlington
Board of Trustees
Catherine Smith - President (817-929-1368) -
Lori Foster - Vice President (817-235-4303) -
Shirley Cobb - Secretary (817-475-5120) -
Brenda Snay Matthew -Treasurer (214-923-9522)
Aminia Baruti - Member (313-912-7763) -
Mary Muessle - Member (301-529-6843) -
Julie West - Member (469-569-0446) -
*If you have any questions or comments
please reach out to connect with a Board member.
We Are A Tithing Spiritual Community
In June Unity of Arlington tithed a total of 10% to:
- Unity World Headquarters
- Unity Worldwide Ministries
- Karl Anthony
- Tarrant County Food Bank
- Silent Unity
- World Central Kitchen (earmarked for Ukraine)
For more information on Unity World Headquarters, click here.
For more information on Unity Worldwide Ministries, click here.
For more information on Karl Anthony, click here.
For more information on Tarrant County Food Bank, click here.
For more information on Silent Unity, click here.
For more information on World Central Kitchen, click here.
Treasurer's Report as of 6/30/2022
Gross Revenue $119,605.65
Net Income -$3,244.77
Opportunities and Upcoming Events
At some point, we all will have a healing need. When that time comes, prayer, meditation, and other spiritual tools help us realize our own healing power within.
If you haven’t already, we encourage you to order a copy of our new booklet:
Whether physical, mental, or emotional, the booklet addresses all forms of healing. Stories and essays from some of your favorite New Thought writers focus on remarkable healings of their own.
Thank you for trusting in our ministry to join you throughout both life’s joys and struggles. It is a privilege to support you on your journey. Whatever you are experiencing today, may In the Flow of Healing empower you to realize your inner strength, courage, and calm to move forward confidently.
Blessings of healing and wholeness,
Your Friends in Unity
Unity Principles Freed Me From Fear
by Shelly Wilson
As children, we are conditioned to accept what our parents believe, often including their religious beliefs. I was raised Baptist and remember attending church regularly as a child—being saved and baptized.
However, I never felt as if I had to go to church to connect with God. Rather, God was within me, so I could connect with God anywhere. I knew God definitely was not a man in the sky eagerly waiting to punish me for my sins. And I firmly believed that hell did not exist in the sense that it was preached, since people could be living in perceived hell while on earth.

Being curious about other Christian denominations as a teenager, I chose to attend a few services with friends at their churches. Years later, I began my own spiritual journey into consciousness in earnest. Unity principles first came into my awareness when I attended a class at Unity Church of Overland Park, Kansas, in 2009. I gravitated toward Unity teachings and was eager to learn more. The discoveries freed me from fear-based religious oppression and have given me courage to forge ahead on my path of learning.
Submit a Prayer Request (Click HERE).
We would love to pray with you.
More About
Summer Reading
Unity produces several different types of literature designed for personal growth, study and spiritual encouragement. We offer a wide range of products on a variety of spiritual topics. Whether you are searching for daily spiritual inspiration or deep metaphysical understanding, we have what you are seeking.
A Course in Miracles Study Group
Fridays, 10:00-noon in GLC
Every Friday a group of people get together in the Garden Lane Center to study A Course in Miracles (ACIM). Led by June Alexander, the group begins each session with a daily devotional, studies from the text, and then uses the workbook to learn how to put what they have studied into practice.
If you are interested in joining this study group, contact June at 817-572-2532.
Watch last Sunday's service:
“We All Live Downstream”
August 7, 2022
Rev. Lari Goold,
Guest Speaker
"Put A Myrtle On It!" - Ep. 47 Rev. Anne Tabor
CDC streamlines COVID-19 guidance
to help the public better protect themselves
and understand their risk
(released August 11, 2022, 2pm CDT,
Today, CDC is streamlining its COVID-19 guidance to help people better understand their risk, how to protect themselves and others, what actions to take if exposed to COVID-19, and what actions to take if they are sick or test positive for the virus.
COVID-19 continues to circulate globally, however, with so many tools available to us for reducing COVID-19 severity, there is significantly less risk of severe illness, hospitalization and death compared to earlier in the pandemic.

“We’re in a stronger place today as a nation, with more tools—like vaccination, boosters, and treatments—to protect ourselves, and our communities, from severe illness from COVID-19,” said Greta Massetti, PhD, MPH, MMWR author.
Archived Sunday
Messages and Meditations
Have you missed any of Rev. Anne's Sunday messages or meditations? Or, would you like to hear one again? You can! They are archived on our website,, under the heading "Services." You can also find our Facebook Live Sunday Services archived on our Unity of Arlington Facebook page, as well as on our YouTube channel.
Reverend Anne Tabor, M.Div., is available by appointment for spiritual counseling sessions at Unity of Arlington in a safe and supportive environment. As an ordained Unity minister, Rev. Anne, offers spiritual counseling to individuals seeking a deeper under-standing of themselves and their divine power within to solve life's challenges. Spiritual counseling can help if there is a need for inspiration, crisis support, or healing in any area of your life. Prayer and meditation are an integral part of Unity's spiritual principles, and an essential practice in realizing the answers we seek. We believe in the transformative power of affirmative prayer. You are a unique expression of God. Spiritual counseling will remind you of that!
Spiritual counseling is offered on a love offering basis. While no specific fee is expected or suggested, we do invite each person to leave a love offering. For more details, please call the church office 817-467-5151.
Shop AmazonSmile
Online and on the Amazon App
Want to help make a difference while you shop in the Amazon app, at no extra cost to you? Simply follow the instructions below to select "Unity of Arlington" as your charity and activate AmazonSmile in the app. They'll donate a portion of your eligible mobile app purchases to Unity of Arlington.
How it works:
1. Open the Amazon app on your phone
2. Select the main menu (=) & tap on "AmazonSmile" within Programs &
3. Select "Unity of Arlington" as your charity
4. Follow the on-screen instructions to activate AmazonSmile in the mobile app
Don't forget when shopping at Kroger or Tom Thumb (Safeway/Randalls) you could be sending money to Unity of Arlington! All you have to do is enroll your loyalty card in the Community Partners Program on their websites. The Kroger code for Unity of Arlington is 91007. The Tom Thumb (Safeway/Randalls) is 4261.
Click HERE for information on how to download the uPray app.
Celebrate August Birthdays!
August 06
August 07
August 16
August 16
August 20
August 21
August 22
August 22
August 23
August 26
August 28
Myrtle Fillmore
NaOra Horton
Marti Alley
Rosalie Roger
Larry Paschall
Mike Garvey
Charles Fillmore
Hannah Rose
Diana Terry
Shirley Cobb
Aminia Baruti
If you don't see your birthday included, please let us know and we'll add it to our list!
We create Unity by being Love in action.
Your generosity is always greatly appreciated. We are grateful for your loving commitment to sustaining our spiritual community whether or not services and classes are taking place in-person, on Zoom, or Facebook Live.
Ways that you can continue to support Unity of Arlington through tithes, donations and love offerings are:
- Text-to-Give through Tithely by texting the word GIVE (with no quotes) to 844-363-7894 and follow the prompts on your phone.
Give using the Tithely Mobile App, just download the GREEN Tithely app (not the blue one) from your app store.
- Mail your donation to: 3525 S. Bowen Road, Arlington TX 76016. Please remember to include your first and last name, your mailing address, and your cell phone number so we an allocate your contribution accurately.
Thank you, God!
Phone: 817-467-5151
*Facebook Live and YouTube
To read today's DAILY WORD,
click the link below:
Principle #1:
There is only one Presence and one Power in the Universe and in my life, God the Good.
Principle #2:
Human beings have a spark of divinity within them, the Christ spirit within.
Their essence is of God, and therefore they are also inherently good.
Principle #3:
Human beings create their experiences by the activity of their thinking.
Everything in the manifest realm has its beginning in thought.
Principle #4:
Prayer is creative thinking that heightens the connection with God Mind and therefore brings forth wisdom, healing, prosperity, and everything good.
Principle #5:
Knowing and understanding the laws of life, also called Truth, are not enough.
A person must live the truth he or she knows.
Centered in the awareness of God's presence, we turn within for divine guidance in all we do.
Love is our True Nature. We express the harmonizing power of love to see good everywhere and in everybody. Love binds together the whole human family.
We believe that all people are created with sacred worth. In a spirit of Unity, we embrace each person as an expression of God grounded in truth and love.
We live, love, and laugh from our Oneness with God. We honor our inter-connectedness with each other, with all life, and the earth.
God is our Infinite Source of Good. We gratefully demonstrate prosperity in all areas of our lives. We wisely use our wealth of resources to serve our spiritual community and the world.
We cultivate enlightened leadership by practicing the teachings of Jesus the Christ through sacred service. It is a blessing to serve locally and globally.
We consciously choose to practice living our Core Values and Unity Principles rather than simply professing them. We choose to communicate from the heart with authenticity and deliver on our commitments with reliability.
Street Address:
3525 S. Bowen Rd.
Arlington, TX 76016
Phone: 817.467.5151