Essential news for the UCSF community

Benefits include commitments in housing, transit, jobs and more. Learn about UCSF’s agreement with the City »

Related: Sign this petition from housing advocacy and community based organizations to tell our elected officials that you support the Parnassus Heights plan.

California’s March stay-at-home order helped reduce excess deaths, but not for all ethnicities and educational backgrounds.

Prior work on seizure early warning systems offered patients just a few seconds’ or minutes’ notice at best. 

But e-cigarette therapy used in clinical trials did lead to more quitting success.

UCSF welcomed the Bay Area’s first baby of 2021 at our hospital! Baby Jack was born at 12:06 a.m. on Jan. 1. Congratulations to his parents, Laura and Laszlo! See the Facebook post »
Stay Up to Date on COVID-19 Vaccine News
A nurse who has just had her vaccine shot smiles and shows off the bandaged injection site
Andrea Sadowski, RN, BSN, waits in the observation station for 15 minutes at UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland after being administered the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. When asked how she was feeling, she said, “Excited. When I heard that we had the opportunity to get it I jumped on it immediately. It’s awesome. I’m grateful that Children’s got it as soon as the adult hospital.” 
How to Access Information: Read about the new platforms UCSF has developed to provide our community with up-to-date information about our vaccine rollout. 

In Case You Missed It: UCSF started vaccinating its frontline employees in December. See the first people to receive the vaccine.

Vaccine FAQs and More: The UCSF COVID-19 Vaccine Information Hub houses frequently asked questions, vaccine scheduling information and more.  

Town Hall on Jan. 8: At the next UCSF COVID-19 Response Town Hall, leaders will talk about UCSF’s ongoing vaccine program.
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