Fancy a Tiger ERA 30 Project?
The ERA 30 takes its design inspiration from the Lotus 23 although the car has been designed to be slightly larger with wider tyres and bigger brakes. In fact, the front end is more like the Lotus 30 than a 23.

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Mehr Fahrspass geht nicht. Saugmotor mit atemberaubender Supersound, unschlagbares Kurvenverhalten, Wind im Gesicht - Ein echter Autofan kommt unmöglich an ihm vorbei.
Lotus Zentrum Luzern Kumschick Sports Cars AG
Building with Simon Bennett
Caterham 420R - Steering Install:
Quick overview of the steering column installation and update on engine wiring and plumbing.

Thinking Caps On Please
I need to design the rear suspension for my Lotus 7 Kit Car and I don't know where to start. If it was easy, everyone would be doing it.