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Baby Village

Making a difference ... one life at a time

Baby Home Group March 2021.png

Welcome to our new baby blog!

Hello Rhonda ,

We are so happy to introduce you to our new baby blog! We will now be able to update you more often on the latest at our home and with the new Baby Village! We are thankful for technology so we can share news with everyone all over the world! We have a lot of good news to share about the happenings at our new Baby Village!

Feel free to share this with others to help us spread the word! Our goal is to be able to share with everyone how awesome our God is and to share all that He has done for His children in our home!

A note from Damali

Thank you so much to all of you for your constant love, prayers, and support! I want to give you an update of all the good things that are happening here in Uganda. Throughout the last 2 years, God has used many faithful supporters to help us purchase land right along the Nile River and begin building 6 beautiful homes for our 30+ babies to move into one day. Today, we are in the final phases of building and with just a little additional funding, we will then be able to move! Praise God!

So many of you have given to help us build so that one day we can move the babies to their new homes. We are hoping to be able to move by this Christmas (2021). Thank you to everyone who donated towards the perimeter fence which is now completed and will keep the babies safely on our compound! Thank you to JET for donating trees for our new compound. Thank you to our friends from Germany who purchased solar panels for each home along with the solar stoves and refrigerators for the homes! Thank you to our friends who purchased the sewing machines for our ladies to learn how to sew and a family who donated and built the sewing room. Thank you to the churches who sent teams from Alabama (just before the second lockdown) who constructed a chicken pen and planted many fruit trees. These teams also brought us much needed formula and diapers for the babies! Thank you to our friends who provided first aid/fire training to the aunties. Since we will be so far away from town, this is critical for keeping our babies safe. Thank you to our friends who donated to completely furnish our first house! Thank you to our friends who have given the funds towards the tiling of the homes, the windows and the doors! Thank you to everyone who donated this summer towards purchasing the babies new PJs and new shoes! Thank you to all of you who donated towards our medical needs for the babies and aunties. As you can see, I have been thanking God daily for all of you who are helping to make this dream a reality!

This last year and a half has been difficult for everyone all over the world. Thank you to all of you who gave towards the our COVID relief fundraisers! We were able to purchase food and Bibles to deliver to families. It was extremely hard hearing how long some of these families had been without food and they were desperate to eat. Many families shed tears of joy that someone who didn't know them would donate money to buy them food. It was such a hard but memorable experience each time we visited the villages. We were able to share the good news of Jesus with so many of these families and provide some of them with their first Bible! 

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This is the mom of one of our very own aunties at Sonrise Baby Home! She was so excited to receive a Bible she could read in her own language (Luganda). She hugged her new Bible and had the biggest smile. She thanked us so many times after we prayed with her. Photos like this one must be shared! The good news of Jesus brings JOY.

And finally, thank you to all of you who so faithfully give towards our babies each month! There is no way I could do this alone and I am so thankful God sent you to partner with me to help feed and provide a home for these babies! Recently, I have received calls from mothers who were so desperate for a cup of milk for their own baby. (If a mother is not eating properly and is malnourished, she does not produce an adequate amount of milk to feed their own baby. Also, there are many mothers who sadly pass away during childbirth. Then the baby is left with a relative who may be unable to purchase the milk to feed him/her.)

With your monthly support these last 12 years, no baby has gone to sleep hungry at Sonrise Baby Home and I have also been able to help mothers in the neighboring village by providing some formula.

Throughout the pandemic we have unfortunately lost some of our monthly support. We are needing friends who are willing to partner with us to purchase formula, diapers, and help with paying our wonderful aunties who love on and care for the babies daily. I would be so grateful for any amount of sponsorship you can do to help keep our home running.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you do to support us! So many of you pray for us, you provide funds to help us feed the babies or build our new homes, you support us with your encouraging emails, notes or packages, and you help us to spread the word about how others can be a part of this Sonrise family!

May God richly bless you and your family now and always.



Click here to help support the babies!

We know that our God is in control and He is still performing miracles today - even during a pandemic!

We have so much to be thankful for!

Look at all the progress at the new Baby Home Village!

The babies were helping us plant new trees and crops! On our land, we have planted corn, sweet potatoes, pineapples, mangoes, beans, jackfruit, grass and flowers on the compound along with trees for shade. We have been so grateful to have had a lot of rain! All of our crops that we planted are growing!

The tile flooring in 3 of the homes is complete!


Solar panels and new refrigerators for each home!

Our new stoves which use solar power and charcoal! We are so thankful for the solar power because it will save us money!

Thank you to the summer teams and churches, our Aunties received gifts too!

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One of the mango trees on the compound is full of fresh mangoes!

We received 4 new sewing machines for our aunties to learn how to sew!

We are so close from completing the new Baby Village and able to move to our new land! We are only needing $65,000 to finish the furnishings in the remaining 5 homes. Can you help us spread the word? Every little bit adds up and will help us be able to move the babies to their new homes where they will have more space to play and we will be more self-sustaining on the land!

Help us complete the Baby Village!

How can you help us?

Right now our 3 biggest needs are:

  1. Prayer - Please join us first and foremost for the health of all our babies, aunties, and workers! Pray that in all we do, we glorify God each day.
  2. Funding to complete the furnishings of the new homes - In order to move all the babies, we need only $65,000 to complete the furnishings of 5 houses. Please share and spread the word!
  3. Monthly support -We need monthly partners who are willing to join us to help with purchasing formula, diapers, and paying our wonderful aunties who love on and care for all the babies daily. During the last year and a half, we have not had many teams visiting us so we have had to use our monthly donations to purchase formula (which is expensive for a small can here) and to purchase diapers. This has left small wages for our aunties who do so much to help us. Monthly support ranges based on what you can give.

Thank you in advance for your support!

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

Matthew 19:14

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