Happy New Year!

We are so excited to have the privilege of coming alongside you and your congregation to help you flourish in the coming year!

We can't wait to see what God does in
and among us in 2020!
Where Are You Called to Shine?

By Rev. Dr. Dana Allin
ECO Synod Executive
Have you taken your Christmas tree down yet? We tend to put our Christmas tree and lights before most people in our neighborhood. I love to enjoy these things for the full duration of the season. However, once the day after Christmas hits, I want to take all the stuff down. (I would probably take it down right after Christmas dinner if I could!). I like to “clear to neutral” and get prepared for - and even get ahead for - the new year.

Many of these feelings are true not just for the holiday of Christmas, but even when I was a local church pastor it was easy to celebrate the miracle of Christmas, make an application to our lives, and then move on. As evangelicals, I think we tend to make a more consistent application of Holy Week than Advent (if we’re honest).
This year I had the privilege of preaching the Sunday after Christmas, or what is sometimes called “National Associate Pastor Sunday”. In preparation, I was reflecting on how it is easy for us to go through Christmas and celebrate the fact that the “Light of the World” has come and dwelt among us. We often celebrate this by passing the light of the candle to one another on Christmas Eve as a recognition of the reception of the light of Christ. Then we put the candles in a metal bin at the end of the service, and get them out again next year.
Ministry Resource Spotlight:
Flourishing Church Podcast
Flourishing Your City with Geoff Hsu

Geoff Hsu is the Executive Director at Flourish Church San Diego.
The ECO Vision Frame
It's a Countdown!

Just a few short weeks until the best week of our year! Can’t wait to see YOU in Dallas! 
If you haven’t registered yet, there is still time to join us! All the details for the week can be found here: www.econationalgathering.org

If you are registered, keep an eye out for an informative email containing last minute details one week before the gathering starts! 

If you can’t join us this year, we will miss you! We’d love your prayers for our time together and hope you will check out the main session videos which will be online by the end of February.

Still have questions? Email us at [email protected]
Why I'm Excited to Offer Spiritual Direction at the National Gathering!

By Shelly McBride
First Pres Church, Colorado Springs, CO

Spiritual direction is a practice of two people coming together to listen for God’s presence and work in one person’s (the ‘directee’) everyday life. The ‘director’ is not giving direction, but rather offering sacred and safe space to connect with God, through listening and reflective questions. It’s two people listening together to the Holy Spirit.

This practice has become a significant part of my transformation and lay leadership! And , I’ve had the blessing of watching it transform the lives of leaders and members of our church. I’m excited to offer spiritual direction at the NG, because I know how important it is for leaders to take time to pay attention to God’s presence and work in their own lives.

This practice of spiritual companionship provides a safe, compassionate, and confidential space for leaders to tend their souls, feel heard, or bring hard questions…all so that their own journey with God may flourish , and for the flourishing of their church and God’s Kingdom.
Want to learn more?

Listen to Ep 12 of the Flourishing Church Podcast: Steve Macchia - The Importance of Leadership Transformation
The new year is full of all sorts of opportunities for you, your church leadership, and congregation to grow. What will be your Flourishing Next Step in 2020?
If you've never visited ECO's educational and resource equipping arm of the denomination, here's your chance.

Visit our newly refreshed Flourish website: flourishmovement.org  and watch a  quick video  to see what's in store for you as together we seek to build flourishing churches that make disciples of Jesus Christ. 
Welcome to our newest ECO Church!
Bethel Presbyterian Church
Indiana, PA
5638 Hollister Ave Ste 210
Goleta, CA 93117
© 2019 ECO A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians All rights reserved.