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UW System Board of Regents selects Jay O. Rothman as next UW System President
Jay O. Rothman will take office as the next University of Wisconsin System President after a unanimous Board of Regents vote today to offer him the position.
Rothman, 62, is chairman and CEO of the law firm Foley & Lardner LLP in Milwaukee. His appointment begins June 1 and he will earn $550,000 annually. He was recommended to the full Board of Regents by a Special Regent Committee following interviews this week with the committee, chancellors, shared governance representatives, and UW System executive leadership.
“I am humbled by the opportunity to lead the UW System and approach this role with profound respect for the unparalleled role public higher education plays in the lives of our students, alumni, and communities,” Rothman said. “I intend to lead by listening first, so that the experience I have gained over my lifetime in Wisconsin can help us build a great UW System together. This is not an original sentiment, but I want to say it because I believe it: the UW System is our state’s crown jewel, and a vibrant UW System builds a strong Wisconsin.”

UW-Parkside Chancellor Debbie Ford's statement on announcement of Jay Rothman as incoming UW System President
On behalf of the UW Parkside learning community, we congratulate incoming UW System President Jay Rothman. We look forward to working with him as he guides the UW System and our commitment to the Wisconsin Idea. 

We’d also like to take this moment to thank outgoing UW System President Tommy Thompson for his leadership and support during this interim period, and we’re hoping to host him back on campus sometime this spring.

Finally, we congratulate Mike Falbo, proud UW-Parkside alum, on serving as interim president, and we look forward to working with him as he leads us through the transition to incoming UW System President Rothman.

– UW-Parkside Chancellor Debbie Ford
Black History Month

Black History Month recognizes the history and contributions African Americans have made to society. Join us as we celebrate Black culture, engage in critical conversations, and honor the legacies that prevail today. Stay connected to OMSA on Facebook and
Instagram to know about upcoming events!

We wanted to take this opportunity to update you regarding our COVID-19 processes. As we have done throughout the pandemic, UW-Parkside continues to follow CDC and local public health guidance as we monitor the high transmission and infection rates of COVID-19 and the omicron variant in our region. First and foremost, if you are not feeling well, please stay home, regardless of vaccination status.
We are still requiring all faculty, staff, and students to wear masks while inside any buildings or facilities on campus.  That requirement will continue until further notice.
Updated Isolation Recommendations
Individuals who test positive and have symptoms will be asked to isolate for 10 days per Wisconsin Department of Health Services and local public health. Individuals who test positive and do not have symptoms will be asked to isolate for 5 days.
Updated Quarantine Recommendations
(for those who have been exposed to Covid19)
People who are unvaccinated or are more than six months out from their second mRNA dose or more than 2 months after the J&J vaccine and have not yet received a booster dose should: 
  • Should test weekly - Testing is available in the Ranger Clinic.
  • Quarantine for 5 days following exposure and wear a well-fitting mask when around other people for an additional 5 days.
People who meet one of the following criteria do not need to quarantine after exposure to covid19, but should wear a well-fitted mask when around other people for 10 days: 
  • Have completed their primary mRNA vaccines series within the last 6 months, OR
  • Have been fully vaccinated with a J&J vaccine within the last two months, OR
  • Have received a booster more than two weeks prior to the exposure.
Following an exposure to Covid19everyone, regardless of vaccination status should:
  • Get tested for Covid19 on day 5, if possible, after exposure, AND
  • Quarantine immediately if any symptoms develop until they receive a negative Covid19 test confirming symptoms are not attributable to Covid19.

If you test positive for COVID-19, you are exempt for testing for 90 days. Athletes may have a different protocol from NCAA or GLIAC.
For more information 
Why the changes?
What is different today than at the beginning of the pandemic is the fact that we have highly effective vaccines and boosters available to protect against serious illness and hospitalization.  We encourage all employees who are eligible and able to receive the vaccine to do so
If you have not been vaccinated, or are ready for your booster, here are several options:
  • Call the Student Health & Counseling Center at (262) 595-2366 to schedule an appointment.
  • Visit www.vaccines.gov to locate a vaccine clinic near you.
If you have already been vaccinated, please upload your record of vaccination to MyChart as soon as possible. 
Spring Semester Update 
University administration is working with local health officials to monitor the current spread of the COVID-19 Omicron variant and is discussing spring semester guidelines.  We will continue to communicate with our campus community and will let faculty, staff, and students know if any changes are made to those guidelines.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation and adherence to our COVID-19 protocols. Our goal is to ensure a safe and supportive environment for you, your peers, our faculty and staff, and campus guests. 

Dr. Sheronda Glass                             Dr. Renee Kirby
Human Resources                                 Student Health and Counseling Center
Distinguished Alumni Award Nominations Deadline Feb. 4!
It’s the most wonderful time of year… to nominate an alum for UW-Parkside's 2022 Distinguished Alumni Awards! 
The UW-Parkside Distinguished Alumni Awards celebrate and honor the rich legacy of learning and accomplishments by those graduates who have excelled in performed exemplary service to the community. 
Do you know an alum who is deserving of this award? UW-Parkside is accepting nominations for its 2022 Distinguished Alumni Awards. Deadline for nominations is February 4, 2022. 

General Education Orientation Session
An orientation session for Parkside’s General Education Program will take place on Wednesday, February 26 at 11am. This informational meeting is designed to help instructors, advisors, and other Parkside employees understand how Parkside’s General Education Program impacts them and their students. Topics covered in the orientation will include:

  • Gen Ed graduation requirements for students
  • The appeals process for students with special circumstances to request exemptions from the requirements
  • Requirements for instructors teaching Gen Ed courses
  • How to apply for the designation of a new Gen Ed course

The orientation will be 45 minutes long and will be conducted virtually through Microsoft Teams. If you would like to attend, please RSVP by emailing Doug Singsen.
So Let's Talk Sessions - Updates and info
The open forum, So Let's Talk sessions that typically followed the Moon Shot trainings will no longer be offered this semester. Instead, we would like to offer departments the chance to have facilitated conversations about issues related to equity, diversity, inclusion, and justice that focus on their particular departmental needs. If you are interested in hosting a specific SLT session for your college or department, please contact Amber Handy or Trina Patterson to schedule. We look forward to continuing the conversations with you, as we all learn and grow together!
Upcoming Events
Coffee with the Cabinet
Mar 15 | 9-10 am
Library Commons
Chancellor's Open Office Hours

  • February 17
  • March 23
  • April 27

all appointments are from 12-1 pm and are 15 min

Black History Month Kickoff

Celebrate Black History Month with a Kick-Off event. Enjoy authentic cuisine while listening to Parkside alum and artists perform culturally relevant pieces.  

Get Tested!
Get Vaccinated!
Get Boosted!
Heading home for the holidays or gathering with family? Don't forget that COVID-19 testing is available for all faculty and staff (regardless of vaccination status.)

COVID19 testing is available in Ranger Hall for all faculty, staff, and students. Clinic hours are:

M,W,F 9 am-5 pm

Looking to get your vaccine or booster? Reach out to the Student Health and Counseling Center to set up an appointment!

Student Health and Counseling or call 262-595-2366
Bookstore Deals!
The bookstore is offering 20% off performance wear for the month of January. Stop down to the student center for visit parksidegear.com to get yours!

Major in you.
University Communications
University of Wisconsin-Parkside
900 Wood Road, Kenosha, WI 53144
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