How did you first learn about the Children's Science Center?
My mom works at the mall, and someone from the Children’s Science Center once came to buy cookies from her. He mentioned internships, and when I looked at the website I found a volunteering option that led me to volunteer.
Tell us a little bit about yourself: Where are you from, occupation, homelife, etc.
I am currently a senior at Oakton High School. I’m from India, though I moved to the US when I was younger. I’ve loved learning my whole life, and I’m also very well acquainted with kids because I babysit my brother and his friends very often. I also love reading and writing stories, as well as drawing.
What do you enjoy most about volunteering with the Center?
I love being a part of an organization that helps educate kids and teach them how much fun science can be. The fact that all the staff is so friendly and welcoming only heightens my experience, and that is why I come back every week.
What scientist do you admire most and why?
I admire Stephen Hawking. He had a brilliant mind, but did not boast about it like others. He fought against his own body and had the will to not only survive longer than doctors predicted but also to keep learning and changing the world. The fact that he continued searching for answers to universal questions even after facing so many physical challenges is amazing.
How can we inspire young people to become interested in science?
Personally, I think allowing kids to perform experiments and other engaging scientific activities is what will intrigue them to learn more. Many kids I know do not like the traditional notes-and-worksheets method of teaching, so in my opinion, hands-on activities are a better approach to inspire them.
What is one scientific question you would like to see answered in your lifetime?
I’d like to find out why the Big Bang occurred, exactly, but I doubt that will be discovered in my lifetime, if ever. Instead, I’ll settle for finding out what exactly happened to all the antimatter after it did occur, and I hope the data that DUNE collects will be able to reveal the answer.