This week, Planned Parenthood released their 2021-2022 annual report. In 2021, Planned Parenthood committed 374,155 abortions, killing an average of 1,025 unborn babies everyday. They are responsible for the more than 40% of all U.S. abortions and brought in a net profit of $204.7 million, which is the highest amount they've garnered since 2017.
While abortions are slightly down because of the reversal of Roe, they still remain the largest abortion business America. Their adoption referrals (7%), prenatal services (29%) and miscarriage care (5%) and STI treatment (1%) are once again down indicating their focus has always been to sell more abortion. Thankfully, in Louisiana, Planned Parenthood is not permitted to sell abortion but we must continue exposing their true intentions which is to kill babies and hurt women.