2nd Pro-Life Summit: June 10th!

Next Week: Pro-Life Day at the Capitol

Hi Benjamin,

Next month, on June 10th, we are excited to announce our second Pro-Life Summit in Baton Rouge. This year's summit comes near the one-year anniversary of the reversal of Roe v. Wade! While we are thrilled that approximately 6,000 babies in Louisiana have been protected from abortion, there is much work to do in building a pro-life future for us all.

You can register today or become a Summit Sponsor!


At the Legislature, we expect pro-abortion bills to be heard in committee next week! HB 346 and HB 549 would legalize abortions in cases of rape and incest. And HB 522 was filed to gut our pro-life laws by removing criminal penalties for violating the law.

We must stop these bills, and you can help us by contacting your elected officials and urge them to vote no! You can also help at the Capitol by joining us next Wednesday for Pro-Life Day at the Capitol!

As we defend life in Louisiana, we have to remember that it only takes one legislative session to bring abortion back and put unborn babies in jeopardy!

For a Pro-Life Louisiana,

Benjamin Clapper

Executive Director

Louisiana Right to Life

P.S. Last night, 60 Minutes included a very misleading report on Louisiana's law from the perspective of pro-abortion doctors. Read our response on our blog.


Giving Day Tomorrow!

Tomorrow, May 2nd, is Spring Giving Tuesday! We have two campaigns you can participate with in New Orleans and Shreveport. This is a great opportunity to help us advance pro-life education across the state. By donating as little as $20.69 you can reach 1,000 people on social media. Visit GivePreauxLife.com to donate and give!

Planned Parenthood Still Largest Abortion Biz

This week, Planned Parenthood released their 2021-2022 annual report. In 2021, Planned Parenthood committed 374,155 abortions, killing an average of 1,025 unborn babies everyday. They are responsible for the more than 40% of all U.S. abortions and brought in a net profit of $204.7 million, which is the highest amount they've garnered since 2017.

While abortions are slightly down because of the reversal of Roe, they still remain the largest abortion business America. Their adoption referrals (7%), prenatal services (29%) and miscarriage care (5%) and STI treatment (1%) are once again down indicating their focus has always been to sell more abortion. Thankfully, in Louisiana, Planned Parenthood is not permitted to sell abortion but we must continue exposing their true intentions which is to kill babies and hurt women.

A pro-life citizen responded to the pro-abortion editorial for Nola.com championing abortion in cases of rape and incest. Christopher Fontenot writes, "You and the governor apparently appropriate value to people based on the circumstances of their conception."

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Join us on Wednesday, May 10th for Pro-Life Day at the Capitol! We will be meeting with legislators and encouraging them to protect every life from abortion! We will also be bringing our Keep LA Pro-Life RV and hosting a lunch with our friends. Register for lunch and join us!

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Our 2023 Baton Rouge Pro-Life Soiree, Bowties for Babies, was a great celebration of life this past Thursday at the Capitol Park Museum!

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Adoption is taking center-stage at the state Capitol. We are supporting three pro-life pro-mom bills this session as we work toward supporting every mom in our state!

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Students! Don't forget to register for PULSE Leadership Institute in Baton Rouge from July 10-14. This is an awesome program to train teens to be pro-life leaders led by amazing leaders and speakers, including abortion survivor Melissa Ohden.

Register Today
Upcoming Events

May 10th

Pro-Life Day at the Capitol

May 13th

Lake Charles PULSE

June 10th

Pro-Life Summit

July 10th

PULSE Leadership Institute

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