11-23-18 | 10am-8pm
ALL DAY at ALL SIX stores!
50% OFF
Buy a $100 Valley Gift Card for only $50...
Buy a $200 Valley Gift Card for only $100...
Buy a $300 Valley Gift Card for only $150...
Your choice!
Give as a gift or use on your own supplies in 2019!
The fine print:
Due to the value and popularity of this HUGE ONCE A YEAR OFFER, there are some minor restrictions.
STRICT Limit of ONE (1) gift card purchased per customer & per PoolPerks! account.
Discounted cards may only be purchased in the store, in person, and on 11/23/18 only. Once purchased, the gift card will not become active for purchases until Jan 1, 2019 and must be used by Oct 31, 2019 in it's entirety or unused funds will expire.
When using the Black Friday gift card to make a purchase, you may NOT use any coupons or obtain any other discount or sale price on that same transaction.
You are basically pre-buying a 50% discount (which is better than ANY inseason sale or special), so no other promo's may apply when using the card as payment as all merchandise purchased with card must be at the regular marked retail prices. Black Friday cards may not be used to pay on layaway's. Only one (1) Black Friday card may be used to pay on a single transaction.
Understanding and following these rules will allow us to continue this promotion every Black Friday to come!
Thank you!