Downtown Madison Kiwanis

Eileen, here is your

Kiwanis Katch-up January 22, 2024

The Weather seems a bit Confusing - but then aren't we all!

January 22, 2024 Meeting

Tom Lynch, Director of Transportation for the City of Madison presented a very interesting program on the history of transportation in Madison beginning with mule drawn busses in 1884 to the present day and how it has changed because of technology, street layouts and city growth among other things.

He outlined all of the items that need to be taken into consideration in order to develop and maintain a safe, efficient, economical, equitable and sustainable transportation system for Madison's residents and visitors in a way that is consistent with the City's land use system and regional transportation goals.

There are many interesting things on the Department of Transportation Page. Visit it at

If you would like to see more historical pictures like those below or others through searching go to this link!

Next Regular meeting will be Monday January 29 - Astra Iheukumere from Dane County Human Services

Meeting notes from January 22, 2024

  • A get well card was signed for Phil Hardacre
  • Jim Patch provided the member moment
  • Ken Koscik gave the moment of reflection

 “Change can be scary, but you know what’s scarier? Allowing fear to stop you from growing,

evolving, and progressing.”

Signature Projects

*  Committees should finish their draft proposals to the Board for a project by the end of February so the Ex. Committee can discuss them at the March Board meeting on 20th.

*  The committees' draft proposals should be about 1 or two pages in length and answer the issues raised in the guidelines as well as estimating the cost.

*  Committee chairs should be prepared to present and discuss their proposals at the Ex. Committee meeting on March 20.

*  There is no set limit on the number of draft proposals the Ex. Committee may approve for refinement and final submission by the end of April - they may approve one or they may think 2, 3 or even 4 are worth moving forward with.  

*   The final submission is due at end of April and should be the joint product of the Kiwanis Committee and the proposed recipient organization. The Exec Committee will review and approve a Signature Project or Projects ( again, it may be 1, 2 or 3 ) in May - assuming the final submissions are complete. 

*  Again, the goal of this is to do something significant for the community's children and to get Kiwanians involved in developing the proposal and implementing it with the recipient organization. If you want to get involved, get on a committee or call Jerry or any committee chair person.

Why Volunteerism is Important

Volunteerism connotes a mindset or a philosophy. It can also mean an attitude of service or a willingness to give back to your community — and in doing so, to make the world around you a better place.

As it turns out, volunteerism doesn’t just help the organization, population or community on the receiving end. Volunteering your time or energy can have amazing benefits for you, too. Below are a few ways that volunteering can change your life for the better:

Connection. Volunteering gives you the chance to meet new people and can improve your social and relationship skills. Volunteering with family members or friends can provide an opportunity to spend meaningful time with those people, thereby strengthening those relationships.

A sense of meaning. A lot of research has been done on the link between altruism and happiness. The happiness that many people feel as a result of volunteering may be related in part to the increased sense of purpose and self-confidence experienced when people are generous with their time and energy.

A longer lifespan. In addition to its emotional and mental benefits, volunteering can improve your physical health. Volunteering can lower stress levels and enhance peoples’ overall sense of well-being, both of which can have positive effects on physical health. Many volunteering opportunities also entail physical labor, which can be a great source of exercise.

Upcoming Events

January 24 - FFA Contest

January 27 - Wil-Mar

January 29 - Dane County Human Services

January 29 - After Hours is serving at Ronald McDonald House

February 1 - Bloodmobile at Department of Revenue

The Junior League of Madison has pledged a Dollar to Dollar match up to $50,000 to "Fill Bus 2.0" for the Madison Reading Project.

What will our Signature Project(s) be?