EBBN - Electronic Blackboard News
May 24, 2019
Upcoming Events

June 11  — Kings Board of Education Work Session, 5:30 p.m. Kings Education Center, Conf. Rm. 2.
June 18  — Kings Board of Education Regular Meeting, 6:00 p.m. Kings Education Center, Conf. Rm. 2.
August 14  — First Day of School for the 2019-2020 Year!

More event information can be found at:
Congratulations KHS Class of 2019
On Sunday, May 19, after much pomp and circumstance, the Kings High School Class of 2019 graduated.

This year’s graduating class of 344 boasted more than $4.4 million in scholarships, volunteered more than 21,000 community service hours, 192 graduated Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude, or Summa Cum Laude, and 131 with honors! Additionally, they had three National Merit Finalist and four National Merit Commended Scholars. Lastly, the average GPA of this class is 3.49!

Dorothy Nie and Michael Messer earned the Academic and Activity Excellence Award presented by the Kings Board of Education President, Peggy Phillips . The Valedictorian of this year’s class was Caroline Mott and Salutatorian was Jackson Hacker . Additionally, Rob Robison , Principal of the Warren County Career Center presented a Career Tech award to Adam Olson .

This year, the high school presented the 10th Distinguished Alumni award to KHS Class of 1990 Valedictorian, Todd Morgenroth . Todd also graduated first in his class at West Point and is now the CFO of Pinterest!

This year, graduation ceremonies were livestreamed so those who couldn’t make it to graduation could still watch via the internet. Visit our Kings Facebook page to see some, pictures, videos of speeches, and behind the scenes activities.
Kings Preschool Graduation Class of 2032
Students in our Kings Preschool held end of the year celebration’s this week.

 Students in Mrs. Crawford, Mrs. Combs and Mrs. Dunlap’s classes even donned a graduation cap as they performed. Good luck to those off to kindergarten next year! 

All of the other preschool classes performed an end of the year program for their parents and guests. It was great fun celebrating the end of the school year with some of Kings youngest learners! Congratulations!

Pictured is Mrs. Dunlap's Class. Watch this short video of the program.
Kings Student Registration to Go Online
We are making changes districtwide with our back to school forms.

All schools in the district will be using a system called FinalForms which will allow you to complete registration forms online.

We are hopeful that this system will save you time and increase the accuracy of the information we collect from the forms you turn in each Fall. You should receive an email from FinalForms to activate your account. We will also be sending you detailed information on the new process. Thank your for your cooperation!
JFB Laps for Literacy
For the past 19 years J.F. Burns Elementary Principal Cheryl Montag has encouraged her students to read with the Laps for Literacy Program.

From January to April students log every minute of extra-curricular reading they do. Those minutes are added up and calculated into laps that Mrs. Montag has to walk. This year students read a record-breaking total of 1,225,554 minutes!

This year’s Top Readers were: Kindergarten - Joseph, Schmidt ; 1st grade - Akshara Vabireddi ; 2nd grade - Jordan Carne y; 3rd grade - Josh Earle ; and 4th grade - Callie Powell ; Top Classes were Mrs. Swanson, Mrs. Sova, Mrs. Blazek, Mrs. Vingum, and Mrs. Donnelly .

Mrs. Montag walked six laps around Landen Lake – 18 miles! The entire student body lined the J.F. Burns drive to cheer on Mrs. Montag, the top readers, and classes as they began the first lap. Watch this short video of the beginning of the walk.

This year's Lemonade Stand also raised a whopping $550.43 for the Autism Society. Way to go! Keep reading this summer! 
2018-2019 School Nursing Report
Have you wondered how many students are seen in our building health clinics?

Our school nurses are invaluable members of our team especially as the percentage of children in the United States with chronic health conditions continue to rise!

During the 2018-2019 school year, there were 27,273 documented health clinic visits. Our school nurses safely administered over 15,000 doses of medication and provided health screenings for thousands of students.

This year's School Nursing Report provides a Comparison of Health Trends Over the Past 10 years in our District and more. We thank our school nurses for all they do to help our students stay healthy and stay in school!
KHS Earns Top Honors for Community Service
Community Service is an important component of education at Kings High School. Students are required to perform at least 50 community service hours and complete a reflection piece to presented at Senior Reflection Night in order to graduate.

This year,  was used to keep track of our high school students' volunteer hours. We were notified that KHS has 205 students who are being recognized by the United Nations Association - USA and InnerView Technologies in the 2018-2019 National Community Service Awards. The three tier award program recognizes a range of student achievement from 20-100 hours of service, Ambassador, Honor, and Merit. We are proud to announce that Kings High School students completed over 20,000 service hours with an impact value of $502,135.

The mission of the Community Service Program at KHS states, "The The Kings Service Program aims to build responsible and caring citizens, to strengthen the relationship between the Kings Local Schools and the community in which we educate young people, and to foster learning through service.” 

The awards program honors students, groups, and schools at both the high school and undergraduate level. It demonstrates student leadership, momentum, and engagement in service activities that positively impact our communities as well as progress toward the UN Global Goals.

Congratulations to the hard-working students of KHS! Click here to see all of the student awardees.
Kings Freshman Camp
Moving up to the high school from the junior high can be a scary time for some students. To make that transition a little less stressful and a little easier, Kings High School hosted Kings Freshman Camp Thursday, May 16, and Friday, May 17. This 2-day event introduced upcoming freshman (this year’s eighth graders) to some upperclassman who will help ease them into their first year as high schoolers.

On the first day of camp, the Class of 2023 was divided into “families.” Upperclassmen “parent” those families—hopefully making the freshmen feel more comfortable in their new high school home.

On day two, the students listened to Guest Speaker, Rob Burnside , former KHS Assistant Principal. The incoming freshman were also treated to a tour of the high school and participated in many student led activities. The highlight of the last day is the "I Overcame" speeches where student leaders shared very personal experiences with the freshman to be.

We look forward to welcoming the Class of 2023 to KHS on August 14!
KHS Student Chosen for Boy's State
Kings High School student, Xavier Legault was chosen to represent Kings and the Mason American Legion Post 194 at Buckeye Boys State this June. The American Legion Boys State is among the most respected and selective educational programs of government instruction for U.S. high school students.

At Boys State, participants learn the rights, privileges, and responsibilities of franchised citizens by participating in a highly structured, intense, eight day "hands-on" workshop into Ohio Government. Candidates are chosen based on the qualities of leadership, scholastic achievement, and good citizenship.

Xavier will be preparing for his future through his participation in this program. He will obtain the experience of living in a college environment, expand his leadership and management skills combined with learning about a vital part of every citizen's life; how our Ohio government operates and functions. Upon completion of Buckeye Boys State, Xavier will head to Annapolis, MD to represent the Kings Wrestling program in a 7-day Navy SEAL's wrestling camp. The week long wrestling camp is limited to 130 high school students from across the country. It offers the opportunity to work closely with the SEAL's and wrestling coaches from the academy.
The SEAL Wrestling Training Camp is a highly intensive wrestling program. The demanding program is designed to motivate as well as provide the wrestlers physical and mental training opportunities and introduce them to the career programs available in the Navy special warfare community. The Camp will reinforce a strong work ethic, teamwork, determination, and the fortitude necessary to reach the wrestlers' potential.

Xavier (pictured 5th from L) is a member of the Kings Varsity football, wrestling, and lacrosse teams. He has a plan to pursue his goal of attending one of the U.S. Service Academies and serving our country as he enters his senior year. He is honored to have been chosen into both programs and looks forward to the opportunity to represent Kings. Congratulations, Xavier!
FREE Summer Feeding Program
The Kings Local School District, in partnership with the South Lebanon Community Center/Joshua’s Place Community Outreach Organization, is participating in a Summer Meal Program. The program will provide FREE meals to children between 1 and 18 years of age. Youth ages 19-21 with a mental or physical disability who participate during the school year in a public or private non-profit school program are also eligible to receive free meals. No registration is required.

Free lunch will be available Monday, Wednesday, and Friday's at the South Lebanon Community Center, 83 N. Section Street, South Lebanon, OH from June 10-July 26 from 11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. (No weekends). There will be NO bus service this year.

Join us for the Summer Lunch Kick-Off Week from June 3-7 where FREE lunch will be served daily.

For questions regarding the program please contact Kings Food Service Director, Jennifer Arlinghaus at 513-398-8050, ext. 10027.
Lunch Accounts
All remaining lunch balances for your student will roll over to next school year. If your child is graduating and has a remaining lunch account balance please send in a request for a refund by contacting the Food Service Director, Jennifer S. Arlinghaus at 513-398-8050, ext. 10027 or email at .

Students who have an outstanding balance due that has remained unpaid at the end of the school year will receive a notice. Balance can be paid on line at  or by mailing a check to Business Office, 5820 Columbia Road, Mason, OH 45040.

Any unpaid balance due at this time will remain on the students account until they are paid. If you have any questions please contact Food Service office at 398-8050 ext 10027.  
Summer Reading Programs
The Summer Slide is a decline in reading ability and other academic skills that can occur over the summer months when school isn't in session. Numerous studies show that kids who don't read during summer break actually slip in reading ability by the time autumn rolls around.

We have provided you with some Summer Reading Programs in our area to help your students. Thank you for supporting your student to prevent the Summer Slide!
2019-2020 Immunizations Requirements
If you have a student entering 7th and/or 12th grade, you will need to be sure they are up-to-date on vaccines.

Students entering  7 th  grade  will need to have one dose of meningococcal (MCV4) vaccine and one dose of the  Tdap  (tetanus, diphtheria, and acellular pertussis) vaccine.
Students entering  12 th  grade  will need to have a second dose of  meningococcal vaccine . The second dose must be administered on or after the 16 th  birthday. If the first dose of meningococcal vaccine was administered after the 16 th  birthday, a second dose is not required.
Ohio law allows a 14 day grace period for the beginning of the school year. If a student does not obtain the required vaccinations and provide written documentation (immunization record) or an exemption note to the school, the school will exclude that student on the 15 th  day of the 2019/2020 school year until the immunization requirement is fulfilled.
Your child may have already received this vaccine at his/her most recent check-up. If not, please schedule an appointment with your primary health care provider. In addition, the Warren County Health Department provides a variety of clinic hours offering vaccinations at a low cost. Their number is 695-1468.
Please send updated vaccination records that reflect that these requirements have been met to your child’s school nurse. 
Kings Students Perform in Footloose
ROYAL Theatre Company, Home of The Children's Theatre of Mason's, presents Footloose June 7-9 at Mason High School. This production features 20 students from the Kings Local School District from the elementary schools through the high school.

The show will run for four performances – Friday, June 7 at 7:00 p.m.; Saturday, June 8 at 2:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.; and Sunday, June 9 at 2:00 p.m. VIP reserved tickets can be purchased for $25 each and General Admission reserved tickets can be purchased for $12 each. All tickets can be purchased online at .  

From front to back, left to right:  Finn Collins, Aiden Canino, Evelyn Spaeth, Isabella Wesloh, Marah Burnside, Sophia Canino, Kat Mumbeck, Ian Meeker, Brooke Howard, Luke Royer, Abby MacNeil, Megan Wagner, Trinity Acree, Hope Wanamaker, Katie Hill, Jordan Cornelisen, Julianna Danko, Brett Roebuck, Mackenzie Randol, and Sam Bustetter.
Social Media Workshop for Parents
The Violence Free Coalition of Warren County and the Teen Alliance Council is hosting a FREE workshop, "Safe Summer: SPF 50 For Your Teen's Screen Time" on June 5 from 6:00-8:00 p.m. at the Warren County Career Center. Learn more here .

There was so much going on in the District this week. Check out our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for pictures and videos. Check KHS Valedictorian, Caroline Mott giving her graduation speech !

We can’t possibly report all of the great things happening in our weekly EBBN. Keep up with everything Kings by following us on social media. We update our pages daily with exciting things that happen in and out of our classrooms!

Follow us on Facebook , Twitter , and Instagram!
Check out our VIRTUAL BACKPACK for more information on the latest activities within the District and Community. Below are a few of the most recent activities added:

Also, check out the latest offerings for summer activities for your student on our SUMMER CAMP PAGE where you can find information on 2019 Kings Athletics Summer Athletic Camps, Summer Acting Camps, Color Crazy Art Camp and more !
Planet Fitness has announced that all teens ages 15-18 can work out TOTALLY FREE this summer! Learn more about the Teen Summer Challenge !
Kings Athletic News

Check out Kings Athletics website ! You can find out schedule information, upcoming events, news about teams, and even get directions to away venues. 
Summer Athletic Camps
Kings Athletics has begun registrations for their ever-popular summer athletic camps!

Register today for Kings Athletic Summer Camps. Spots fill up quickly! Click here for more information and to register online.
Kings Youth Volleyball
Registration is now open for any child entering grades 3-6 for the fall season of Kings Volleyball.  Registration is held online at

Practices begin mid-August and will be held at either one of our schools or at Sports Express. The season consists of 10 matches plus a tournament, all held on weekends over a six week interval in September and October. We are always in need of coaching talent, so please do not hesitate to sign yourself up! Boys can play in the league; please see the website for further instructions.
Summer Gymnastics Workouts

Are you interested in working out with the Kings Gymnastics Team this summer? Practices are available for athletes in grades 6-12 and will be held at Gym Nation. Click here for more information.
Lady Knights Golf Fundraiser

The 2nd Annual Lady Knights Golf Fundraiser will take place on Saturday, June 8 from 12:00-9:00 p.m. at Sonder Brewing. Click here for more information.
Save the Date
Save the date for our 2nd Annual KABC Fun Run! Our 5K will be on Saturday, July 6th at Armco Park! Stay tuned for more details! 
Send Us the News You Want to See!

Contact Dawn Gould - Community Relations Coordinator at or phone: 513-459-2925.

EBBN is a publication of the Kings Local School District
Communications Department.
Kings Local School District
1797 King Ave
Kings Mills, Ohio 45034
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