Health & Wellness: 4 The Power of Pink: 8 Ways to Prevent Breast Cancer
Did you know 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime? There is no cure for breast cancer. About 325,000 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year. But there are things you can do to reduce your risk and improve your survival rate, including:
Maintain a healthy weight. Or lose weight if you need to.
Exercise at least 30 minutes a day. Find a way to be more active that you enjoy, and make it a daily habit.
Avoid or limit alcohol. No more than one drink per day for women; zero if pregnant. Men can get breast cancer, too. No more than two drinks per day for men.
Avoid exposure to toxic chemicals linked to cancer (
Limit exposure to radiation. Most people are exposed to radiation from X-rays, CT scans, and PET scans.
Ask your doctor about medications. Hormone replacement therapy and birth control drugs may increase your risk for breast cancer.
If you have a baby, breastfeed if you can. Research shows women who breastfeed for a lifetime total of one year or more have a lower risk of breast cancer.
Get screened. If you’re age 40 or older, or have a close family member with breast cancer, schedule an appointment with your doctor. You’re twice as likely to develop breast cancer if it’s part of your family history.
With these tips, we hope you and your family stay safe, healthy, and vigilant!