Family Promise Week 2020
Back in 1981 a single act of kindness triggered a series of events that brings us to where we are today. For FPCC, this single act of kindness led to us hosting our first family in January of 2014 to welcoming our newest staff member (Shudaia Henderson, pictured below), hired in the midst of operating in the middle of a pandemic. Through it all, acts of kindness from individuals, congregations and businesses have led to all of our success stories. Family Promise Week is a celebration of our past and how we, as a network dedicated to ending homelessness, have made major impacts on the lives of children in our local community. It is also a time of giving, especially if you are moved at all by the stories of success from families we have hosted. Keep reading, be inspired and please donate as your single act of kindness.
Our Graduates Share
Knowing that we have helped 121 families through our housing programs should make you a fan of FPCC. Knowing that 75% of those families remained housed after one year should make you rush to donate to us. But if you need more, please read below the words from the very families we have hosted.  
"My experience at Family Promise gave me a renewed strength to keep pushing hard to get to a stable environment for myself and my 6 children. The love, support and accommodations my family received from many God sent strangers who we now call our Family was exactly what we needed to get out of a bad situation and to get headed in the right direction and we are very grateful." FPCC 2016 Graduate
"It’s definitely a life changing and empowering experience. Once you graduate from the program you leave with a family that’s still there for you!!!! Wouldn’t change my time there for nothing because it was definitely a character building experience for me!!!" FPCC Graduate
"Family Promise was very helpful and safe. We received a ton of resources and were taught skills to last a lifetime. Family Promise helped our family rebuild our lives and we are so grateful and thankful."    FPCC Graduate
Building Awareness
During Family Promise Week we want to reach people who may not have heard of us. We want to bring awareness to the issue of family homelessness and the work FPCC is doing in Cobb County. We are a community network that needs the community to solve these issues. Please share the information below with friends who need to understand the issues we are trying to solve and recruit them to join the fight.
Join The Promise
What has been your act of kindness for FPCC this year? Has it been providing a gift card, a meal, or overnight hosting? Have you donated financially to sustain this much needed work in our community?

Now is your chance to give before you forget, or get too busy. Simply click the donate button below. 
 We are filled with gratitude to all who support us in so many ways.
Are you looking for additional ways to give? Check out our additional Giving Opportunities so you can support our families on the path to stabilization.
Family Promise of Cobb County is a 501(c)(3) organization.
Your gifts are tax deductible.