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Fresh Start

First Church



Now, if anyone is enfolded into Christ, he has become an entirely new person. All that is related to the old order has vanished. Behold, everything is fresh and new.
2 Corinthians 5:17

Pastor's Corner

Greetings & Happy Holidays, from our family to yours! It's the most wonderful time of the year! Christmas is one of the most meaningful seasons of the year for us as Christians, for it marks the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ. The coming of Christ not only fulfills the scriptures, but the uniqueness of His birth is akin to the distinctive process by which each of us comes into being a Christian.

First, we are "born" again, meaning that we enter into a new life in Christ. For our blessed savior, God the father, son, and Holy Spirit, already existed, but chose to come down to earth to live among men, in order to experience our humanity.

Secondly, the manner in which He was conceived was done in a way that no man could take credit for His conception. No man. It was an immaculate conception. He was born of the virgin Mary. Similar to the plan of salvation, there is only one way...we must believe, confess our belief, then be baptized, as a public sign to the world that we are a new creature, born again. And, no man can take credit for that plan, for it was through the birth, death, burial, and resurrection of Christ, that the plan of salvation has been made available to each of us. There is no other way.

And, thirdly, much like the three wise men that followed the bright star that led them to Jesus, they offered Him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh, we, too, offer gifts to commemorate the King of all kings. As we celebrate this holiday season, let us always remember that Jesus really is the reason for the season. It's not a mere cliché, but it is the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

We are convinced that His greatness is most poignantly seen and felt during this time of year, when our homes and communities are decorated with beautiful lights and ornaments. There is a feeling of joy, love, and goodwill in the air. It is a time of rest, restoration, family, and memorable times. But, let us also be reminded that during such a joyous time, there are those that are reeling from losses experienced, not only during the holiday season, but on the backdrop of the lingering impact of the worse pandemic of our time. Let us pray for our friends and family members that need a little extra love and support, during this time. All the more, we should rejoice...that we are still here and that because Jesus was born, we, too, are allowed a new birth, in His name and for His sake.

Wishing each of you a safe & Merry Christmas! We love you!

Our Prayer Ministry held its first Holiday Prayer Breakfast, Saturday, December 10, 2022, at 8:00 AM, in the Fellowship Hall, at the church. The program's theme was "Let Your Anchor Hold," with a scripture reference of 1 Corinthians 15:58. This ministry launched in 2022, along with a series of other new ministries, and is under the leadership of Associate Pastor Loretta Ferguson. Growing at an expeditious rate, this ministry uses a combination of literature and spiritual consecration to ready its participants for the important and serious ministry of prayer. As a church, we have witnessed the results and power of what happens when those dedicated to a life of prayer, and operate with intentional mindfulness, bombard heaven on our behalf. It remains true, the prayers of the righteous availeth much. We clearly understand that in all of our aspirations, prayer must undergird our strategies and goals. We have heard it said many times that, with Christ, all things are possible. And, we know too that with prayer, nothing is impossible. We stand in solidarity with our Prayer Ministry, believing that God is still our refuge and our strength, and that in Him, we move, breath and have our being. Prayer is not only a way, but it is, in fact, the way. Thank you, Prayer Ministry, for laboring on our behalf and standing in the gap for us. We are indebted to you for your commitment and thank our God daily for each of you!

Each year, First Church participates in the Salvation Army's Ring the Bell, which raises money to serve more than 25 million people across the country – including many here in our Montgomery community. That means 55+ million meals for the hungry, 10+ million nights of shelter for the homeless, and countless Christmas gifts for children who may otherwise go without. The funds we raise as a Salvation Army bell ringer will make a year-round impact in our community through social services assistance, homeless shelters, disaster relief, children’s programs, rehabilitation services, anti-human trafficking, and more. Thank you to everyone that participated this year. Your efforts will go a long way to make a difference for some of the neediest in our community, especially during this time of year. May God richly bless you and, as always, a special thank you to our very own, Lillist Watson, for organizing this event each year for us. We are better together. Thank YOU!

It comes at no surprise to us that First Church men are leading in business in our great city of Montgomery, AL. Last year, our very own, Deacon Cedric T. Campbell, was appointed as the 2022 Chamber Chairman of the Montgomery Chamber of Commerce. Since its inception in 1873, the Chamber has been a driving force behind the economic growth of Montgomery and the River Region for nearly 150 years. This week, Deacon Campbell led the 150th Annual Meeting, where 700 business and elected leaders gathered to celebrate the power of partnership and the Chamber’s integrated approach to economic development that resulted in a record-setting year and a new vision for the capital city. Along with Deacon Campbell, our Pastor Leon gave the prayer for the event, and his participation sparked public comment regarding the impact he is already having in both the faith and business sectors. We could not be more proud of the leadership and positive influence these "First Church" men are having in our community. We know firsthand of their ongoing ability to work together to advance the important business of the church. They, along with many others within our faith family, continue to ensure that we are not simply surviving, but thriving. The Word of God informs us that charity begins at home, and these two are living testimonies of this standard. Thank you to Diana Gray, one of our social media followers, for sharing the photos and video below. We appreciate your support and generous contributions!

Watch Deacon Cedric Campbell's Remarks Here
CLICK HERE: To Read Proposed Constitution & Bylaws Before Meeting


What a difference it makes in our lives that Jesus Christ came and died for our sins! What a difference it will make when He sit and rule righteously in our lives! Jesus is the difference between light and darkness, life and death, joy and sorrow, freedom and bondage. During this Hol-y-day /holiday/ season, let Him be to you all that His name proclaims.

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Of the increase of His government and peace there shall be no end… (Isaiah 9:6-7).

The Child had to be born!

I still believe in this glorious prophecy, heralded over 700 years ago. One can’t help but see God’s amazing hand – lining things up, setting the stage. In the midst of troubling times, God was reminding Israel, I’m going to send you a man. We can be reminded today that this Child had to be born. He had to be able to identify with humanity – fallen man. He was given the nature of a servant. He made of Himself no reputation, coming in the likeness of men (Philippians 2:7). This Child had to be born.

The Son had to be given!!

Jesus was the eternal son of God – there from the beginning. The Second Person of the

Godhead. Given by His Father- born to die! The Baby Jesus was what we needed. He was and is the gift that keeps on giving. We needed Immanuel – God is with us (Isaiah 7:14). The Child had to be born, the Son had to be given. Jesus, fully God and fully man. He didn’t become less God. God just added a human nature to His divine nature. Two distinct natures, still one person. Both God and man, functioning in perfect harmony. He was given to stand in “my” place. The Son had to be given.

His name is consistent!!!

After all these years, He is still a Wonder. So many wonderful things about Him. Counselor, fit to help me with life’s problems. Mighty God – in all creation and glory, splendor and power. My Rock. My Fortress. Everlasting Father – from the beginning ‘til the end. Prince of Peace – My Peace. Brokering peace between God and man. My Intercessor.

So…whatever this season brings you, BELIEVE in faith that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him (Hebrews 11:6). This CHRIST-mas, be a wise man. Follow the star! You can find all and have all that He has to give. All of this may sound too good to be true, but it will be done! God has promised to accomplish this Word (Isaiah 55:11).

I pray God’s riches blessings upon you and your family. When things get a little rough, when things become too much to bear, call His name. Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end. And He shall reign forever and ever. Forever and ever, forever and ever. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

MERRY CHRIST-mas and HAPPY HOL-Y-days!!!

Please continue to pray for our sick, shut in, bereaved, caregivers, military, and law enforcement. Additionally, please keep the following members in your prayers: Edith Harris, Della Waters, Maggie McCoy, and Mamie Mason.

"The Lord who heals!"

All are welcome at First Church!

#Believe #ThereIsStillRoom #FreshStart #FirstChurch



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November & December!

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Support the ministry of First Church!

THANK YOU for your ongoing financial support of the ministry at First Church. As we are growing and evolving, so are our platforms. A few months ago, we implemented the Realm system, which allows us to communicate internally with members, and across various ministries and work groups. Along with that growth, we are moving to Realm as our primary online pay system to collect contributions. Therefore, effective December 31, 2022, the ability to pay via PushPay will end. We are asking everyone to use the Realm system to pay, as after that date, the PushPay option will no longer be available. Please see Realm QR code & link below. As always, we continue to offer in-person and text giving, as other options to pay. We could not do what we do without YOU, therefore, THANK YOU, again and again, for your ongoing support!

REALM - CLICK HERE to pay online!