
Here we are in February. It's hard to believe. One more month and it will officially be the one-year anniversary of the onset of the coronavirus pandemic.

Regardless of everything that's going on in the world, we need to all stop and remember the importance of love and compassion for ourselves and for others. Love will make us stronger, and it will also unite and connect us as humans.

Sometimes we spend a lot of time thinking about loving others but forget about ourselves. Perhaps this month, you could take the opportunity to tap into some self-awareness. You might want to try looking into a mirror and writing about what you see. Check out my article "Looking in My Mirror," which reflects on my own sense of mental awareness. It may give you ideas for beginning your own journal writing.

January was National Journal Writing Month. I hope that you had a chance to do some journaling and perhaps made it a part of your daily rituals or spiritual practice. In my Psychology Today article "Journaling to the Rescue in 2021," I discuss the importance of journaling in the healing process, and also as a way to help us navigate the pandemic.

Wishing you a blissful and loving month of love!

Be well. Be safe.
My latest poetry collection LUST was published a few years back, but my readers still tell me that they're really enjoying it (Thank you!). Some have told me that they love listening to the Audible version with their partners/lovers. This version is read by esteemed New York actress Kate Udall.

The passionate love poems highlight the loneliness and bliss of our heart's yearnings and desires. The book makes a good gift for those you love, and if you've already read it, you may wish to reread it during this month of love and rejuvenation.

During the month of February, my publisher, CW Books, is offering the ebook of Lust at a special price of $2.99. This is a really good deal. Just click the link below, where you can order the Audible version, the hard copy, or the ebook.

To order: Click here

A review:

"Lust will make you fall head-over-heels in love with words. Words that are strung together, knotted like a perfect strand of opera pearls."
~ Amy Ferris, author of Marrying George Clooney

  • Write about your first love.
  • What makes you feel most loved?
  • How do you express love to those near and dear to you?
  • Is there a family member or friend you can always count on for unconditional love? Write this person a letter of gratitude and love.

We all need a reason to celebrate, especially after these long pandemic months!
In addition to Valentine's Day, here are other notable reasons to rejoice during the month of February:

Black History Month - Originally recognized by President Gerald Ford in 1976 so that the public could honor the accomplishments of our country's African-American community in every endeavor throughout history.

American Heart Month - Goes hand-in-hand with this month of love, which is a good time to take care of your cardiovascular health.

Chinese New Year - This day changes each year, but in 2021 it falls on February 12. The celebration typically lasts for an entire week from February 11 to February 17.

National Dental Month - Sponsored by the American Dental Association as a way to bring awareness to teeth and oral health.

The third Friday (Feb. 19) is National Caregivers Day. Honors those across the nation who provide long-term and hospice care to people in need. Their work is so very important.
Ode to Memory" (poem). Poet's Choice. Summer 2020.

"Ode to Hot Toddy on a Sick Day," and "Bed-Making" (poems). Tigershark Publishing. Winter 2020. Issue 28.

"The Patterns of Our Lives" (poem). Crepe & Penn. Fall 2020.

"January Is National Journal Writing Month" (article). Sixty and Me. December 30, 2020.

"7 Reasons to Journal in 2021: Journaling to the Rescue" (article). Psychology Today. December 30, 2020.
"7 Reasons to Journal in 2021: Journaling to the Rescue" (article). The Good Men Project. January 4, 2021.

“Looking in My Mirror (essay). January 2021.

"Being a Monk on Big Sur for a Month" (poem). Front Porch. January 2021.

"What to Expect in the Age of Aquarius" (article). The Good Men Project. January 2, 2021.

"How the Pandemic Gave Me Perspective" (article). Spirit of Change. January 11, 2021.

This book was released in late 2020 after the untimely passing of author Jonathan Sacks. The subject is a timely one, as he discussed morality as the ability to focus on strengthening our relationships with others and the universe at large. He talks about the importance of a global reframing from the "me" to the "we."

The author's words are wise and refreshing and a pleasure to read.
An exclusive 8-day course:

Write. Heal. Transform:
A Magical Memoir-Writing Course

Learn about the power of writing to heal and transform. Be inspired to share the story that only you can tell!

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An exclusive 10-day course:

Therapeutic Writing

This empowering course guides and supports you in using writing as a therapeutic tool for self-exploration.

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