Following our Annual Meeting on April 17th, I want to take a minute to reflect on the incredible work done this past year by our board, committee and action team leaders (Ruth Brandwein, Joyce Fitzpatrick and Dr. Jill Lewis Spector) and team members, and all of our volunteers. As a result, LWVSRQ has become a reliable source for unbiased, nonpartisan, local election information.
- Our Voter Services team, headed by Tracy Geannopulos and Kathy MacEachran has been out registering voters at dozens of events and locations throughout our community.
Our Advocacy (Vilia Johnson) and Events (Elena Vizvary and Debbie Blackwell) teams planned and executed a wide range of events which focused on areas of concern for Sarasota County voters. And they attended in record numbers!
- We have re-launched our Speakers Bureau.
- Bonnie Granatir is leading our Young Adult Engagement efforts which partners with local colleges and youth-serving organizations. This voter outreach is funded by a LWVFL grant.
- Carol Hartz implemented a successful Leadership Empowerment series, with 12 participants.
- Membership numbers and involvement have grown due to the tireless efforts of Rhonda Peters, our membership chairperson.
- Our (Tracy Geannopulos) and Candidate Forum (Rhonda Peters) committees are selecting the most insightful questions to ask our candidates and planning our first ever primary candidate forum.
- Nancy Morrison, who has done a stellar job improving our newsletters and action alerts, is working with Cherie Balan to update our website in time for the upcoming elections.
All of these League programs and services have generated significant local news coverage and our Facebook and Instagram followers are up. I could go on, but clearly it takes a village, and we could not have done all this without our incredible Board of Directors. A shout out to 1st VP Vilia Johnson, 2nd VP Rhonda Peters, Treasurer Marilyn Lucht, Secretary Brenda Griffiths, and elected board members Elena Vizvary, Bonnie Granatir, Nancy Morrison and Tracy Geannopulos.
The board is excited to announce that we have appointed four new board members; Joyce Fitzpatrick, who is returning for another year, Liz Barber, Cherie Balan and Debra Starr. Liz, Cherie and Debra all participated in our Empowerment program, and have already been working hard on a variety of projects.
We are grateful for the generous financial support of our Giving Challenge donors, the Sarasota Community and Patterson Foundations, and a generous grant from the CFSC Haskins Fund to fully underwrite our new website.
And wait! There's more! Watch for our soon to be released "Your Vote is Your Voice" bilingual, multi media get out the vote campaign!
In League,
Shawn Bartelt, President