Season's Greetings
2021: A Year in Review and Gratitude
A Note From the Canadian Lymphedema Framework

When we offered our holiday greeting to you last year at this time, we remarked on what a different kind of holiday it would no doubt be in the midst of a global pandemic. We never imagined that we would find ourselves in such a similar position a whole year later.

As we enter the second holiday season of this pandemic with all its challenges, we want to take this opportunity to offer our gratitude to you for being part of the Canadian lymphedema care community. Whether you are a patient, a caregiver, advocate, heath care professional, industry representative, policy maker, researcher or playing any other important role our mission to improve the management of lymphedema and related disorders in Canada, we appreciate you. Our community may be a small one, but we are stronger together.

We wish you a safe and merry Christmas holiday spent with loved ones, even if only virtually, and we hope you will have a healthy and happy 2022.


The CLF Board of Directors and Support Team
We Are Grateful for the Generous Support of These Organizations

OUR VISION: Comprehensive effective treatment for lymphedema and related disorders will be accessible to all persons across Canada.
Please consider a donation to the Canadian Lymphedema Framework when making your year-end charitable giving decisions this year.

As a registered charity, the CLF depends on the generosity of donors like you to help us in our mission to improve the management of lymphedema and related disorders in Canada.

(c) 2021 Canadian Lymphedema Framework | Website