A Message from

Sara Dingman, Synod Executive

Happy New Year!

Recently I’ve been focusing on the communal nature of Epiphany. Especially after taking a solo trip to Croatia and surrounding countries on my two-month sabbatical last fall (more about that in a different newsletter), I’ve been pondering what it means to journey together.

The holy family. The wise men. Later, Jesus and the disciples. No one traveled alone.

This resonates with me because I know what I see and what I too have experienced: So many pastors feel they are alone.

This morning I was reading a blog by the brilliant Kendra Creasy Dean on the struggle adults have to find and make friends. She quoted the joke that “Jesus’s greatest miracle was that he had 12 best friends in his 30s!”

Kendra notes, “Jesus had 12 BFFs in his 30s because he chose to have them.” They ate and drank together. They moved around together. They talked about changing the world together. They chose to do life together.

If I could wave a magic wand all the pastors everywhere would have good friends. They would not feel alone. (Of course, I would want no one to feel alone.)

Keep reading Sara's full message this month on the SOLT website.

Get to Know Jennifer Burns Lewis

We’re getting to know presbytery leaders from around the synod. This month, meet Rev. Jennifer Burns Lewis from the Presbytery of Wabash Valley.

Click here to learn about Jennifer's hope for the presbytery and get some outstanding podcast recommendations.

Next Round of Oasis Grants

The Synod of Lincoln Trails offers Oasis grants for pastors! 

The deadline for the second round of grants is February 15 and is open to pastors, chaplains, commissioned pastors, and those in validated ministries who are active in full-time or part-time ministry. These grants are meant to spark joy for those serving in SOLT. Learn more and apply here.

2024 COM/CPM Gathering

Our next Synod of Lincoln Trails in-person COM/CPM Summit is happening in March at Second Presbyterian Church in Indianapolis.

Our 2024 theme is “Serving with ENERGY.” How do our church systems nurture and share energy? Together, we’ll explore how to ignite energy in ministry when our reserves feel depleted and consider how leaders can make energy contagious.

Join your peers and make new friends from the eight presbyteries of SOLT. Come for learning, networking, sharing best practices and great ideas. Leave with more knowledge and understanding, better relationships, and more intention and direction for your Christian service in 2024.

Learn More and Register

Virtual Retreat

The Synod of Lincoln Trails Presbyterian Women invites you to this retreat where women where we will come together to explore the wisdom we gain from one another and navigate this current season of our lives with greater ease and a stronger sense of purpose. The retreat is online on Saturday January 20 from 9 AM - 12:30 PM CT. Learn more and register.

NEXT Church Virtual Workshops

Start 2024 off with a burst! NEXT Church has curated timely and important topics for church leaders to engage as the new year begins. Each workshop is 90 minutes and will include rich content provided by experts and practitioners  alongside facilitated coaching led by NEXT Church staff. Sessions will be recorded and available for individual use up to 90 days following the workshop.

Workshops will take place on Wednesdays and Thursdays @ 1:00pm EST/10:00am PST. Register for one workshop ($29 each) or all five (only $99). Learn more and register.

Commissioner of the Month!

David Lee

Presbytery of Ohio Valley

David is a retired pastor living in Nineveh, Indiana.

He says he likes serving SOLT because: " I enjoy connecting, and after gaining their friendship, reconnecting with friends. The fellowship, the times of worship, and seeing where God is leading us still excites my spirit."

Newsletter Submissions

Have an announcement? Job opening? A good story to share?

Put it in the Synod E-News!

Click here to submit your news.

Denominational News

Church Leadership Connection plans to launch additional updates for presbyteries and call-seekers. Click here to read more.

(317) 923-3681

