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Melges 24 European Championship 2024

Croatia and Split are ready to host the first Melges 24 main event in its history

27 September 2024—Split, Croatia - Another great story of the International Melges 24 Class Association is ready to be told: the Melges 24 Croatian Class, which in just a few years has become an essential asset for the European movement, is about to host the first main event in its history. The long-awaited 2024 Melges 24 European Championship is ready to begin in the waters of Split, where the JK Split is hosting a super competitive fleet of 44 boats representing ten different countries, with a strong line-up of some sailing rockstars.


Numbers are always important, and those shown by the International Melges 24 Class Association are destined to rise: besides the upcoming Europeans, the assignment of the 2025 Melges 24 World Championship next year to the Yacht Club Adriaco of Trieste (ITA) has, in fact, brought great excitement to the used market, and several teams and owners have moved or are about to move towards “…the best one-design boat ever.”


The ten-race series will run between Monday and Friday of the upcoming week, so we still have time to go through the entry list and put under the spotlights the announced protagonists of this long-awaited appointment, which happens, as tradition dictates, two years after the Melges 24 European Championship held in Genoa. We rewould like to mind you that the International Melges 24 Class Association usually awards the Melges 24 European title with the Giorgio Zuccoli Trophy every two years; that is when the Melges 24 World Championship takes place in the North-America.


We talked about Genoa, where the crowned European Champion was Strambapapà, led by Michele Paoletti and Giovanna Micol. Confirming the choice made at the beginning of the year, Paoletti has decided to entrust the boat to a crew of young and strong sailors from Trieste: “As outgoing champions, we are sorry that we will miss the chance to sail in Split: being among the Melges 24 fleet is great fun, and we believe that the venue is amazing, with excellent conditions and a tough fleet. But, following the idea to promote the Melges 24 sailing among the younger generation, our boat will sail anyway with a group of dinghy sailors from the Società Nautica Pietas Julia”.


To lead this young crew, who have already been able during the season to grab some essential results, will be Leonardo Centuori: “Sailing on Michele Paoletti and Giovanna Micol's boat has been a unique privilege. Not only did they lend us their boat, but they also shared the secrets to making the most of its potential. To them, we owe a special thank you. We know that stepping aboard the reigning European champion boat is a huge responsibility, but we are more than ready for the challenge. We'll give it our all, and we can't wait to compete against the stalwarts of the class!”.


Having said that about the defender and his deputy, let's look at the others in the hunt. Those who are certainly aiming high are the two home stars: Lukasz Podniesinski’s Razjaren, with Ante Cesic helming, leader in the Melges 24 European Sailing Series after nine of the ten events—the Europeans will be the final, and Ivo Matic’s Mataran 24, with Ante Botica at the helm, two-time winner of the Melges 24 Corinthian World title and reigning Melges 24 Corinthian European champion.


Strengthened by the recent experience gained at the Diversified Melges 24 World Championship 2024 in San Francisco, Ivo Matic can’t wait to be in the water challenging its opponents: “We are very proud that the class chose Croatia to hold the Europeans; it means that they recognised the effort and work of our Melges 24 Croatian Class Association. As for our crew, we are in a great rhythm. We participated in the Melges 24 World Championship in San Francisco and gained valuable experience. We hope for good conditions at sea, for all participants to feel at home, and on the regatta field, may the best win”.


Eyes are also on two competitors: Panjic, led by Luka Šangulin, another top Croatian team with a local sailing rock star Tomislav Basic calling the tactics, and Hungarian Chinook by Akos Csolto, a Corinthian par excellence, capable of winning the 2023 Melges 24 European Sailing Series overall and currently second in this year’s ranking.


Two very competitive teams will lead the Italian representative: Altea, owned by the super-experienced and former World Champion Andrea Racchelli, and Melgina, led by Paolo Brescia, Vice Chairman of Europe for the International Melges 24 Class Association.


Before leaving Genova, his hometown, for Split, Brescia stated: “We are excited to participate in the Melges 24 European Championship. I have to say that we are fascinated by the idea of sailing in a landscape as rich in history and beauty as Split. I want to extend our gratitude to the Croatian Melges 24 Class Association and the Split Sailing Club for their great work in hosting this championship.”


It is also worth highlighting the presence of some “great classics” such as Corinthians Miles Quinton’s Zhik Race Team (GBR), currently third in the 2024 Melges 24 European Sailing Series ranking and Michael Tarabochia’s White Room (GER) which, despite the non-professional label, are ready to sail for the top spots of the overall ranking. Miles Quinton, a long-term Melges 24 owner, is excited: “Split is a great venue, and we expect a really competitive event, as always when Melges 24 are racing. During the pre-Europeans, we were pleased about our boat speed and handling: we are ready to rock”.


Last but not least, there are two reasons why we should mention Cuyler Morris's Dark Horse: first, it is the only team arriving from the United States, and that is already merit; second, with its bow number 870, it is the last one produced by Melges Performance Sailboats in a shipyard in Poland, tuned up by the primary supporter and spars dealer of the Melges 24 in Europe Hein Ruyten One Design, and has not yet touched the water. The boat's christening will happen on Friday, September 28; We can’t wait to witness this celebration. 

Dark Horse’s team manager, Keiran Searle, said their journey began in Miami about two years ago. Since then, they’ve been actively campaigning and seeing consistent improvement, finishing the recent Worlds in tenth position. “After spending this summer racing in San Francisco and at the Worlds, we spoke with other competitors who emphasised how tough the European fleet is. With the 2025 Worlds being held in Trieste, we knew that the best preparation would be to step up our game, so we decided to buy a new boat and campaign in Europe.

We wanted to have some fun while getting ourselves in the best shape possible for the World Championship. The timing worked out perfectly, with boat #870 already in stock and ready to go. Thanks to the fantastic team at Melges Performance Sailboats and Hein Ruyten One Design, we were able to order, register, insure, and fully prep the boat in just three weeks. Now, here we are at our first regatta in Split, competing with nearly 50 other teams—and we couldn’t be more excited!”


Being proud Melges 24 class member and Croatian Melges 24 Class Association president, the owner and helm of Panjić, Luka Šangulin welcomes all sailors competing: “We are very happy to welcome you to the Melges 24 European Championship. Split, with its stunning coastline and deep-rooted sailing traditions, provides the perfect backdrop for this prestigious event. The Croatian Melges 24 community has worked tirelessly to bring this championship to life, and their dedication speaks volumes about the strength of our sailing family.

The Melges 24 class has been instrumental in driving Croatia’s thriving one-design sailing scene. Our renowned CRO Melges 24 Cup, known for its world-class organization and fiesce competition, has set a new standard for excellence. Croatian crews have continued excelling internationally, securing Croatia’s reputation as a sailing powerhouse.

This championship stands as a testament not only to the incredible skill and commitment of the competitors but also to the enduring spirit of sportsmanship that defines our sport. Let’s all race with passion and respect, upholding the values that make sailing such a special community.

I wish all competitors fair winds, thrilling competition, and unforgettable memories. Let the races begin!”


Marko Bertolino, president of the Sailing Club Split, echoes the words of Luka Šangulin, being thrilled and honoured to be hosting the Melges 24 European Championships at Sailing Club Split. “For us, this is not just a prestigious event, but a fantastic opportunity to show our passion for sailing. Organising this event has been an incredible journey for our team, and I can confidently say that we are fully prepared to offer a memorable experience for everyone involved. This championship is about competition and the friendships, sportsmanship, and the shared love for the sea that binds us all,” he is happy to get the event rolling.


Schedule of Event:

  • Friday 27 to Sunday 29 September - Registration and Measurement
  • Sunday 29 September - Practice Race and the Opening Ceremony 
  • Monday 30 September to Friday 4 October - Racing at the 2024 Melges 24 World Championship
  • Thursday 3 October - Championship Sailors' Dinner
  • Friday 4 October - Final races, Prize-giving and Closing Ceremony

2024 Melges 24 European Championship is organized by the Sailing Club Split in partnership with the International Melges 24 Class Association (IM24CA), and the Croatian Melges 24 Class Association (CRO M24CA).

#melges24 #melges24europeans #cromelges24

Event website: 

Official Notice Board: 

Sailing Club Split website: 

IM24CA website: 

CRO M24CA website: 

Melges 24 European Sailing Series 2024 ranking after 9 events


Social Media

Instagram accounts - IM24CA | CROM24CA | SC Club Split

Facebook accounts - IM24CA | CROM24CA | SC Club Split

Photos in Flickr

Videos in YouTube

Sponsors and partners of the Melges 24 European Championship 2024:

Luki Baustoffe

Grad Split

North Sails

Pomorsko Je Dobro

Quantum Sails

Splitsko Dalmatinska Zupanja

Hrvatski Jedrilicarski Savez


CRO Melges 24 Cup, is supported by a number of partners, including Angelina Yacht Charter, Sailing Point, North Sails, One Sails, Akvarij digital studio,, Raiser digital agency, EmergenSea, and Dustom Sails.

Event press officer Mauro Melandri / Zerogradinord

For specific information about the Melges 24 European Championship 2024, please contact:

Marko Bertolino & Race Office

Sailing Club Split

Mobile/WhatsApp: +385 99 386 8201

For further information on the Melges 24 class-specific information and media, please contact:

Piret Salmistu

International Melges 24 Class Association 

Administrator & Media Coordinator 

Mobile/WhatsApp: +372 507 7217

Sailling Club Split

Sailing Club Split - aerial view © Sailing Club Split

Split CRO Melges 24 Cup 2024 with Luka Šangulin's Panjic (CRO739) in front ©

Strambapapa ITA689 Portoroz 2024

Michele Paoletti's Strambapapa (ITA), in the hands of Leonardo Centuori this season - 2024 Melges 24 Marina Portoroz Regatta © IM24CA | Zerogradinord

Razjaren CRO867

Lukasz Podniesinski’s Razjaren (CRO) with Ante Cesic at the helm - 2024 Split CRO Melges 24 Cup - Pre-Europeans ©

Mataran 24 CRO649

Ivo Matic' Mataran 24 (CRO) with Ante Botica at the helm - 2024 Diversified Melges 24 Worlds in San Francisco © IM24CA | Zerogradinord

Chinook HUN850

Akos Csolto's Chinook (HUN) - Split CRO Melges 24 Cup 2024 - Pre-Europeans 2024 ©

Zhik Race Team GBR694

Miles Quinton's Zhik Race Team GBR694 with Geoff Carveth at the helm - Split CRO Melges 24 Cup - Pre-Europeans 2024 ©

White Room GER677

Michael Tarabochia's White Room with Luis Tarabochia at the helm - Melges 24 European Sailing Series 2024 - Fraglia Vela Riva © IM24CA / Zerogradinord

Melgina ITA854

Paolo Brescia's Melgina (ITA) - Melges 24 European Sailing Series 2024 - Fraglia Vela Riva © IM24CA / Zerogradinord

Dark Horse USA863

Cuyler Morris' Dark Horse (USA) - 2024 Diversified Melges 24 Worlds in San Francisco © IM24CA | Zerogradinord

Dark Horse USA870 in Split

Cuyler Morris' Dark Horse (USA) - the newest Melges 24 in Split © IM24CA

2024 Melges 24 Europeans Split logo
2024 Melges 24 Europeans Split organizers and supporters
CRO Melges 24 Cup sponsors
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The Melges 24 is designed by Reichel Pugh Yacht Design and manufactured by Melges Performance Sailboats in Zenda, Wisconsin USA. International Melges 24 Class Association was adopted as an International class of World Sailing in 1997.

©2024 International Melges 24 Class Association