OCT 4, 2024



Week at a Glance:

Sat 10/5



Mon 10/7



Wed 10/9







Spot on Shooting Club 6:30 pm

NDF Livestock Committee

6 pm

Wild Ones Club

4:30 pm

Business of Baking Club 5 pm


CAPS Family Expo

5:30 pm

McBain Grain Tour, Wexford Whatevers Club

9:30 am


Join Wexford County 4-H this week in celebrating National 4-H Week. Please like and share our social media messages throughout the week to help us spread the word about how awesome our programs are!

4-H is building a ready generation. Here are some stats:

  • 6 Million Reach - greater than any other organization
  • Unmatched Network - from 3,000 counties to state and federal institutions
  • Proven Impact Model - spanning 2 years of longitudinal research

Youth that participate in 4-H programs emerge:

  • 3X more likely to participate in community service
  • 2X more likely to report living life wiht intentionality and purpose
  • 2X more likley to have the goal of being a leader

BEYOND READY - Building a Ready Generation in a World of Change.

CAPS Family Expo - Oct 10

Teen committee is invited to assist at our booth.

Wexford Whatevers Returns October 12th with McBain Grain Tour!

Members ages 5-19 are welcome to join Wexford Whatevers to participate in animal projects. Fall meetings will resume in October with a special event: a tour of McBain Grain on Saturday, October 12th at 9:30 am. Event includes a tour of the facility, learning about careers involved in selling grain, and a Q&A about all things animal projects. Closed toe shoes required. Enroll now to get club communications! (Anyone previously enrolled in 'The Grands' club should enroll in this club instead.) Join REMIND for club updates/ask questions (for members and parents/guardians of Wexford Whatevers/The Grands only)

Bring questions to McBain Grain - brainstorm what it means to be an animal nutritionist or to farm for livestock feed. Think of questions about your projects, past & future. 

You're invited! Annual Member Celebration on Oct 19

RSVP and Details

🍀 New 4-H Year: FREE Enrollment Now Open! 🍀

Our 4-H year has reset and it is time to reenroll for 24-25! That also means that anyone who turns 5 by January 1, 2025, is now eligible to enroll as a Cloverbud! Check out our clubs below.

All volunteers should also enroll in their clubs and councils that they are actively helping in. Otherwise, please enroll in the 'General Experience" club.

🍀 To Enroll 🍀

Click the button below to visit 4-H ONLINE.

New Families:

  1. Visit 4-H ONLINE and select 'Michigan' and 'Wexford County'.
  2. Create a family account with an email address and password
  3. Fill in the child's information for anything referring to 'member', including the birthdate.
  4. Club - select the host county from the drop down, then select the club. (Spot on Shooting is hosted by Missaukee County)
  5. Projects - select your club from the drop down menu, then select one of the projects from the list.
  6. Complete the additional information including health insurance and consent forms. If you are okay with us sharing your member's photos to promote our programs, please be sure to agree to the media release.
  7. Click the submit button at the very bottom. Done... unless you have more members...
  8. To add another member, return to your dashboard and click 'add member' in the upper right corner and repeat the process.

Returning Families:

  1. Log into 4-H ONLINE
  2. Next to your childs name, under 'Michigan 4-H', click the blue text that says 'enroll now'.
  3. complete the prompts to select your clubs and projects.
  4. Submit and return to your dashboard to complete other enrollments.
  5. To add a new member, click 'add member' in the upper right corner.

🍀 Our Clubs 🍀

Spot On Shooting Returns September 23

Missaukee and Wexford 4-H'ers are invited to join Spot On Shooting this fall. Starting at age 9 (as of January 1, 2025), youth learn hands-on skills for shooting sports beginning with air rifles and advancing to other disciplines at age 12.

All members, new and returning, must reenroll to attend.

Wild Ones - Actively Meeting

Members ages 5-19 are welcome to join Wild Ones to learn about nature, outdoor recreation, and conservation. Meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month at the Carl T Johnson Hunting and Fishing Center. Next Meeting: October 9th at 4:30 pm.

Wexford Whatevers Returns October 12th with McBain Grain Tour!

Members ages 5-19 are welcome to join Wexford Whatevers to participate in animal projects. Fall meetings will resume in October with a special event: a tour of McBain Grain on Saturday, October 12th at 9:30 am. Event includes a tour of the facility, learning about careers involved in selling grain, and a Q&A about all things animal projects. Closed toe shoes required. Enroll now to get club communications! (Anyone previously enrolled in 'The Grands' club should enroll in this club instead.)

High Horizons this Fall - Stay Tuned

Sewing Club - Members Await New Club Leaders!

Seeking Archery Enthusiasts to Lead Archery Programs

Statewide Opportunities

4-H Future Squad is Back!

Are you 12-19 years old and looking for a fun virtual club to meet new friends across the state while building skills for your future? Join the 4-H Future Squad! 🚀✨

From October 2024 to May 2025, we’re meeting twice a month online to explore everything from navigating relationships and getting jobs plus everything in between!

Ready to embark on this exciting journey? 🌟 Don’t miss out on this awesome opportunity!

More Information

New Virtual Club: Assistance Animals in Action

Have you ever wondered what the difference is between service dogs, therapy animals, and emotional support animals? During the NEW Assistance Animals in Action six-week virtual SPIN club, we will take a deep dive into all things assistance animals. Learn more about how animals, especially dogs, can “lend a paw” to help people! Throughout this program, you’ll learn about the human-animal bond and the work of three types of assistance animals. Find out how they are trained, the amazing things they do, and the best ways to interact with these incredible animals.

Details and Registration

4-H Zoo Apprentice Camp - Winter Break In Florida!

The 4-H Zoo Apprentice Camp is a unique opportunity for 4-H'ers to explore the world of animals at Busch Gardens in Tampa, Florida.

In this experience, the world’s largest zoological organization partners with 4-H to offer the opportunity for members to experience one-of-a-kind adventures in Busch Gardens’ 335-acre African-themed living classroom and SeaWorld's 200-acre aquatic classroom.

4-H'ers become amateur zookeepers, assist zoo staff behind the scenes, and observe animal care sessions. In this learn-by-doing environment, members explore careers in the animal field and learn about animal conservation all while having fun in the park!

Two Camps are open to all 4-H Members 4-H Junior Zoo Apprentice Camp for youth ages 11-13 & 4-H Zoo Apprentice for youth 14+! Truly a great way to spend winter break!

More Information

4-H Game Night - Virtual Club

4-H Game Night is a hybrid place where youth from across Michigan can get together and play games. It will be offered virtually statewide, and in select locations across the state according to interest. It will be on the 4th Tuesday of the month at 7pm. To get the zoom link, register below.


Animal Project Opportunities

Animals Seeking New Home: Goats and Ponies

I am the owner of a small petting farm in Mesick. Due to an unexpected death in our family, we have decided to close our business. After a lot of thought and prayer, we have decided to offer our animals to the Wexford County 4H; as I know they will be treated well and loved. For your consideration, we have the following animals available:

  • Shetland Pony (mare): We purchased Sage in 2019. The previous owner told us she was 14. Our vet said she is more like in her 30s. She regularly sees a farrier and is up to date on all vaccines. She is in excellent health, and I can provide what we feed her. She is bonded to our other pony, Frodo.
  • Shetland Pony/Miniature Horse Mix (gelding): We purchased Frodo in 2019. The previous owner told us he was 5 - he is now 10 years old. The vet said that was accurate. He regularly sees a farrier and is up to date on all vaccines. He is in excellent health, and I can provide what we feed him, but (honestly) he eats everything - LOL. He is bonded to Sage.
  • Goats: We have owned our goats since 2019. They came to us as babies :). Socks (wether) is a Mini Alpine, Moon (wether) is a Nigerian Dwarf, Cali (doe) is a Mini Alpine and has never been exposed/bred, and Princess (doe) is a Mimi Alpine/Nubian mix and has never been exposed/bred. All are in excellent condition and have their vaccines. I can provide what we feed them. (Photo taken from Facebook and may not be the specific goats available)

I am hoping you know of someone who would love to take and give them a great home. If interested, please call Jessica: 231-884-6675

National 4-H Poultry and Egg Conference: November 20-21, 2024

The National 4-H Poultry and Egg Conference recognizes senior 4-H members who are 14 years of age as of January 1, and who have excelled in their state 4-H poultry learning activities. The poultry judging contest teaches participants to make decisions in an orderly manner, use reasoning skills, and communicate decisions. They also learn to use USDA grading criteria to determine the quality of ready-to-cook poultry and eggs.

In the egg chef challenge, contestants must prepare an egg dish, demonstrate presentation skills, and incorporate knowledge of the egg industry, food safety, egg quality, and nutrition.

The avian bowl is a double elimination contest for state teams patterned after other knowledge bowls. Contestants must have a comprehensive knowledge of the subject matter for several species of poultry, food safety, physiology, nutrition, eggs, and other related subjects.

The chicken and turkey barbecue contests involve skills in barbecuing, preparation of a product, and a presentation that demonstrates knowledge of the subject industry, food safety, and product attributes.

Congratulations to all of our 4-H Exhibitors at the Northern District Fair! The Livestock Department had a fantastic week, and we couldn't be prouder of our members and volunteers that made it a success.

Please make sure to thank any sponsors and buyers immediately! Want to be extra? 4-H note cards are available on Shop 4-H.

The fair board is ready to FLOURISH with your help! Learn More.

4-H Animal clubs will restart in October.

NDF Youth Department

Teen Topics

Wexford 4-H Teen Committee

We had a great first meeting! If you missed it and would like to join, please email Kate. Our next meeting will be October 22 at 5:30 pm at the MSU Extension office.

Wexford 4-H Members ages 13-19 are invited to join the new teen committee of the Leaders Council!

What teens will do:

  • plan fun events for 4-H families to meet each other
  • help the 4-H leaders understand what teens in our communities want
  • learn how groups work together to make decisions and keep records
  • help direct the 4-H program into the future, like ideas for fundraisers
  • act as role models for younger 4-H'ers to look up to
  • represent 4-H at community, statewide, and national events

The teen committee is invited to assist with our booth at the Downtown Cadillac Businesses Trick or Treat.

We will prepare goody bags at our normal meeting on Tuesday .

Email Kate to Join

Adulting 101 - October 9

Worried about the costs of college or any post-high school training? You’re not alone – but guess what? There are smart ways to fund your education without drowning in debt!

Join MSU Extension’s FREE Adulting 101 session on The Ins and Outs of Paying for Post-Secondary Education on Wednesday, October 9 at 5 p.m. ET and get the scoop on: 💡 Navigating student loans 💡 Tackling FAFSA like a pro 💡 Tuition-free options you may not know about!

Ready to set yourself up for success? Don’t miss out

Register Here

Wild Spartans - October 8

This month’s 4-H Wild Spartans Series will dive into the depths of the ocean to explore the world of sharks and marine science! Join us on Tuesday, October 8th, 2024 at 6:30pm EST for “From the Desert to the Deep-Sea: Supporting Wildlife and People Through Science, Education, and Outreach.” You will meet Brendan Talwar, Postdoctoral Scholar at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego & The Nature Conservancy. You’ll learn about his work, and the education and career path he followed to get there. Youth will be encouraged to ask questions to learn more through a live Q&A. This free series is open to 4-H and non-4-H youth ages 12-19 years. Monthly sessions will be held on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 6:30pm EST. 

Pre-registration is Required

Wild Spartans - October 8

Outstanding Michigan 4-H members who are involved at county, regional, state, national or international levels are eligible to apply for Michigan 4-H scholarships to help fund their college experience.

A number of scholarship opportunities exist, ranging in value from $500 to $10,000 (over the course of four years). Each scholarship has specific eligibility, be sure to read the requirements to see if you qualify.

All applications are due by November 1. 

More Information

Adulting 101 - October 9

Register Here

Save the Date - Spectacular Youth Leadership Institute

The Michigan 4-H Spectacular Youth Leadership Institute is a pre-college program for teens who want to improve their communities and our world through leadership and youth power! Attending the Institute will help teens gain leadership skills and approach life with their head, heart, and hands open to new ideas, interesting people, and diverse cultures. The Institute will feature a wide variety of engaging and interactive activities focused on youth leadership, community engagement, and global citizenship. 


This Michigan 4-H workshop is open to ALL teens (ages 13+ by Jan. 1, 2025). The registration fee of $175 includes meals, program materials, group transportation during the event, and overnight hotel lodging for the evenings of December 6 and 7 at AC Hotel | Lansing University Area. Scholarships are available for Wexford County 4-H Participants. Contact Kate for details.

Online registration will begin October 1 at: The deadline to register for the conference is November 1, 2024.​

The Michigan 4-H Spectacular Youth Leadership Institute is sponsored with a grant from the Michigan 4-H Foundation.

For more information, please contact MSU Extension educators Roxanne Turner ( ~ 517-546-3950) or Brian Wibby ( ~ 906-439-5065)

Volunteer Vault

Apply to Volunteer

Start a New Club: Babysitting

Wexford County 4-H has hosted several short-term babysitting training programs over the last few years. Many of these members would be interested in a club they can join after the training to keep learning as they start their babysitting businesses. Requires 6 meetings over the year on your schedule.

Take Over an Existing Club: Sewing Club

Wexford 4-H is seeking 2 volunteers with sewing experience to assist and/or lead sewing club meetings in the coming year. Our club is very popular and could expand in the near future. We have many supplies waiting to be used, a class set of machines, and many resources available to support volunteers.

Take Over an Existing Club: Wild Ones

Are you a friend of nature and want to share that with a great group of kids? Wild Ones has been helping teach conservation and outdoor recreation skills to youth in Wexford County for over a decade. Would you like to continue this program? The club is actively meeting with about 6 regular members.

To learn more about volunteering, contact Kate: | 231-779-9480

4-H Volunteer Webinar Series

Join Michigan 4-H on September 18th at Noon or 7pm for 4-H Volunteers' Guide to Parliamentary Procedure (September 18): Volunteers will have the opportunity to learn the essentials of parliamentary procedure to effectively manage meetings, ensure fair decision-making and empower youth leaders. Come to enhance your skills, foster order, and create a productive environment for your 4-H club.

The Michigan 4-H Volunteer Webinar Series returns this fall with more great topics to help your club THRIVE! Future session include:

Oh the Places 4-H Can Take Youth

October 22, Noon & 7 pm

Ways Volunteers Can Spark Big Dreams and Future Careers

November 6, Noon & 7 pm

Webinar Series

County Calendar


Business of Baking Club

5-7 pm | Cadillac United Methodist Church Kitchen

Learn to bake while also learning how to price and sell products at markets.

OCT 6-12

National 4-H Week

Join us in celebrating all the 4-H is! This year's theme is "Beyond Ready"!


Spot On Shooting Club Meeting

6:30 - 8 pm | Cadillac Sportsmans Club (M55)

Youth ages 9-19 (as of January 1, 2025) can join to learn how to handle and shoot air rifles. More disciplines coming soon for ages 12+.


NDF Livestock Committee Meeting

6 pm | NDF Office (Fairgrounds)

Do you have knowledge to contribute to the livestock department at the fair? This committee revises rules, policies, and materials to make the fair a great experience for our youth.


Wild Ones Club Meeting

4:30 - 5:30 pm | Carl T Johnson Center (Cadillac West)

Youth ages 5-19 (as of January 1, 2025) can join Ms. Kate for fun adventures and exploring. Meets the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month.

OCT 10

Business of Baking Club

5-7 pm | Cadillac United Methodist Church Kitchen

Learn to bake while also learning how to price and sell products at markets.

OCT 10

CAPS Family Expo

5:30-7:30 pm | Cadillac High School

See flier above for details.

OCT 12

Wexford Whatevers: McBain Grain Tour

9:30 am | McBain Grain

Learn about the exciting world of GRAIN!

OCT 14

Wexford Whatevers Regular Meeting

5 pm | TBD

Wexford Whatevers welcomes youth ages 5-19 interested in animal projects.

OCT 17

Business of Baking Club

5-7 pm | Cadillac United Methodist Church Kitchen

Learn to bake while also learning how to price and sell products at markets.

OCT 17

Northern District Fair Meeting

6 pm | NDF Office (Fairgrounds)

Coordinating the Northern District Fair is not an easy job. Interested in helping? These meetings are open to the public. This is the meeting to attend to become a member and help plan the best fair ever!

OCT 19

Member Celebration and Awards

Details to come!

OCT 21

Jam and Bread Bingo Fundraiser

5-8 pm | The Greenhouse in Cadillac

Join Wexford 4-H for fun bingo games inside Willow while adults participate in the bingo fundraiser in the Greenhouse.

OCT 21

Spot On Shooting Club Meeting

6:30 - 8 pm | Cadillac Sportsmans Club (M55)

Youth ages 9-19 (as of January 1, 2025) can join to learn how to handle and shoot air rifles. More disciplines coming soon for ages 12+.

OCT 22

Wexford Teen Committee

5:30 pm | TBD

Teens help to plan and coordinate family events, fundraisers, and promotions as a committee of the Leaders' Council.

OCT 23

Downtown Cadillac Business Trick or Treating

4-6 pm | Mitchell Street

Visit the 4-H booth to get some goodies from our Teen Committee!

NOV 19

Wexford Leaders Council

5:30 - 8 pm | MSU Extension Office (Baker College of Cadillac)

Wexford County 4-H Volunteers, Parents, and Youth are invited to be a part of our Leaders Council. This September meeting is a required training for all club leaders.

Click Here for Full List of Statewide Events

Wexford County 4-H
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MSU is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity employer, committed to achieving excellence through a diverse workforce and inclusive culture that encourages all people to reach their full potential. Michigan State University Extension programs and materials are open to all without regard to race, color, national origin, gender, gender identity, religion, age, height, weight, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, marital status, family status or veteran status. Issued in furtherance of MSU Extension work, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Quentin Tyler, Director, MSU Extension, East Lansing, MI 48824. This information is for educational purposes only. Reference to commercial products or trade names does not imply endorsement by MSU Extension or bias against those not mentioned