New Life Church
Weekly Update
JANUARY 26, 2022
Pastor Heather's sermon this Sunday continues from Luke 4:24-30 with a message about Jesus as a hometown prophet
Thank you to all who have been participating in our weekly worship!
If you missed last week's service, here is the link to it.
How to Access Worship
Our 9:30 am service will always be live streamed and available via our Facebook page so if you’re out of town and can’t attend in-person, you can always worship with us! Please also share this as a resource with others – it’s available anytime, not just when we’re live – as well as on our YouTube channel ( and website beginning on Monday mornings.
Certainly, we’d love to have you come and worship with us in-person anytime it’s possible:
Traditional Worship Service at 8:15 a.m.
Praise Worship Service at 9:30 a.m.
Masks required inside for worship
As Covid numbers continue to be high in our area, we will continue with certain procedures and policies: extensive cleaning (especially in high traffic areas), masking and distancing, and we ask that you be aware of your own symptoms – if you’re experiencing ones that are COVID related, we ask that you do not come into the building. This all keeps everyone as safe as possible. Also, when you come to worship, we ask that you fill out the white visitor cards in order to contact trace as well as keep an attendance count. Thank you!
We will continue through mid-February, out of an abundance of caution, to take Communion in our seats, not offer coffee fellowship or any meals. We hope to get back to dinners and breakfast in March at the latest. Please note: while there is no dinner tonight, there WILL be Faith Formation at 6:15 p.m.

We still do NOT plan to shift worship to all virtual, but are so thankful that Facebook live worship is available every week for those who don’t feel safe in person. We pray for the health and safety of everyone in our community!
The Annual Meeting of St. Matthew New Life Lutheran Church will take place after the 9:30am service this coming Sunday, January 30th (at approx. 10:30am). Please plan to attend in order to hear about upcoming ministry plans, vote on the 2022 Ministry Spending Plan, elect new Council leaders, and vote on the Reconciling in Christ Welcome Statement. We hope you’re already planning to join us for this vital conversation that maps out the coming year for our ministry together. The Church Council has decided NOT to offer a meal at this time due to Covid concerns. (Thank you to the Reeds for being willing to provide – we will enjoy your gumbo another time!) We do also have a virtual option – please use this Zoom link in order to connect to the meeting from your home. We will ensure that you can vote and communicate using this option as well. Thanks to Brian Coel and Dave Mullen for making this possible! In-person will be safely distanced just as we are in worship. Access the 2021 Annual Report here, and printed copies will be available at the meeting. Come be a part of what God is doing in and through New Life!
Reconciling In Christ Welcome Statement
Our Reconciling In Christ Team as well as the Church Council approved our Welcome Statement – an intentional welcome to LGBTQIA+ and Transgendered people as well as a commitment to racial equity and justice. Then we held two listening sessions, took paper and online surveys, and have now edited this statement based on those conversations. As we will vote on adopting this statement at our Annual Meeting on January 30th, please look this edited version over in advance of that vote. If you have questions, please speak with Pastor Heather or anyone on the Team. Thanks are owed to this team for their work and listening: Terri Beck-Engel, Jillene Fisch, Sandy Kowal, Margo McBain, Wayne and Barb Meyer, Noah Peck, and Barb Zimmerman.
To read the EDITED Welcome Statement, please click here.
Want to have some fun with great company? Pastor Heather is offering a fun women’s night out on Monday, February 7 from 6:15-8:30pm at Twisted Grounds Coffee House (6067 Gemini Dr. in Madison). For the cost of $44 you will create (with some help 😊) a beautiful painting, have a glass of wine, and enjoy some time with your sisters in Christ! There are only 20 spots available so sign up today by clicking here and entering the Guest Code: pARTy207.
Friends and neighbors welcome! Deadline to sign up is next Wednesday, Feb. 2! Sign up today!
Tonight is the last night of a three-week series extending our Fall conversation about sexuality. There is no dumb question in this conversation about gender identity, expression, or orientation. Tonight our special guest is Brenda Lovick, pastor, counselor and mom of a gender fluid child. Come be a part of this vital conversation tonight from 6:15-7:30 pm.
Then starting on February 2nd, Pastor Heather will be offering a four-week study on the book of Ephesians; one of Paul’s letters that encourages us to strengthen our identity in Christ. Since we will not be holding dinners during the month of February, and because Covid and weather are unpredictable, this study will be offered virtually so anyone can join in.
If you’d like to sign up, please contact the church office or Pastor Heather. You can also just join the conversation using this Zoom link It’s not necessary, but if you’d like to order the book, please click here.
Bring your strengths & skills to help at New Life!
~ Sound Board (Operate sound & video equipment)
~ Altar Care (Worship set-up & supplies)
~ Coffee Server (Make pots & serve coffee)
~ Teller/Counter (2-person team to count offerings)
~ Welcome Team (Greet & guide people as they enter worship)
For info on these opportunities, call the church office—223-9337.
We especially NEED new people to help with A/V & Sound Board—no experience needed, we’ll train you and it’s FUN! Just let us know if you're interested and we'll connect you with that team.
Look for the Google doc form to sign up each month for Welcome Team!
As a reminder, for January 30th these are the Welcome Team volunteers signed up:
8:00 a.m.
Greeter - Jan Wilson
Welcome Table - Kathy Scholl
Usher - Verne Scholl
9:15 a.m.
Greeter - David Kolmodin
Welcome Table - Jim DePass
Usher - Lynn Wunderlin
Tellers are Tom Olson and Kathy Michaelis
(No coffee helper needed Jan. 30)
Here is the Sign-Up Sheet for FEBRUARY - PLEASE SIGN UP!
Your Offering
Thanks for your support to meet our financial obligations. Consider giving online, if you don't already. You can select a one-time or recurring donation. It's very easy to do - please click the box below to get started.
If you would prefer to mail in your donations, they can be sent to the address at New Life: 7564 Cottage Grove Road, Madison, WI, 53718.
Social Purpose Team is here just for you
Please know that if you are experiencing any financial need (rent/mortgage, utilities, groceries, medical, unemployment/furlough, etc.), you only need to let Pastor Heather know. This information will be kept confidential to her and our financial officers (treasurer and bookkeeper).
And of course, if you would like to give to this fund, please submit checks with "Social Purpose Fund" in the memo or give online to that fund. Again, thank you New Life for your caring and sharing!
We have established a partnership with the Nehemiah Center, which means that we will be looking for and offering ways for you to connect with their leadership in our area serving communities of color. As the months go along, we will highlight ways that you can personally and with your family grow this partnership alongside what we’re doing as a congregation.
Other ways you and your family can partner: support black-owned businesses (click here for a list), visit to support refugees, visit to help with disaster response around the nation, or to find another way to give back to people in need.
Children & Youth Ministry
Let the High School Youth make lunch for you on SOUPer Bowl Sunday, February 13th.
We will be serving boxed lunches to go that include soup, baguette, and a dessert. All donations will go towards this year’s Boundary Waters trip. If anyone would like to donate soup, supplies, or volunteer that day, please let Jessica know.
Youth in Grades 6th – 12th are invited to go skiing or tubing at Cascade Mountain on Friday, February 25th.
More details to come!
Have a blessed week!
Jessica Korrison
The Bible Study Group led by Betty Sundbakken, meets at New Life Church for discussion from 9:00-11:00 a.m. on Thursday mornings. Their current discussion will run until March 3rd with the topic focusing on the book "Extraordinary Faith" by Sheila Walsh. If you have any questions, please contact Betty. All are welcome.
Ginny Olson and Gail Kriel have started up a Common Threads group again, that anyone is welcome to participate in. You'll learn how to knit or crochet, or if you have experience could work on your own project as well as make prayer shawls and blankets for the prayer shawl ministry.
Sessions take place at Ginny's studio on the second Tuesday evenings of the month from 6:30-8:30 pm and the fourth Tuesday mornings of the month from 9:30-11:30 am.
To sign up and for more information, please email Ginny Olson by clicking here. Also, if you have any yarn you'd like to bring in to the church, the group would welcome that.
PLEASE NOTE: On the table near the entrance to the Community Room there are Prayer Shawls available for anyone who needs/wants one for comfort. These beautiful shawls were made by the Common Threads group - they are FREE - and they would like people to have them.
This Sunday and This Week at New Life
January 30, 2022
8:15 a.m Traditional Worship Service
9:30 a.m. Praise Band Worship Service
9:30 a.m. New Life Kids
10:30 a.m. Annual Meeting of the Congregation
Upcoming Schedule of Events This Week
Wednesday, February 2
6:15-8:00 p.m. Youth Faith Formation (led by Jessica) and
Adult Faith Formation (led by Pastor Heather) - begin 4-week study on gender

Thursday, February 3
9:00-11:00 a.m. Women's Bible Study (led by Betty Sundbakken)(Classroom A)
5:30-8:00 p.m. Cub Scouts Pack 145 (Community Room)
7:00 p.m. Shawn Peters MCF Band Practice (Re-Creation Center)
Saturday, February 5
9:00-10:00 a.m. Praise Band Rehearsal (Worship Center)
9-11:30 a.m. New Life Book Club (led by Melanie Stepherson) (Classroom A)
Please keep the following in your prayers this week:
Donna Butler's grandson Anthony, Boyd Fleming, Felicia Jones & family, Johnnie Jones, Michele Kiefer, Gail Kriel, Trish Krueger, Hailey Lennberg, Laurie Neuendorf, Kishia Peters, Alvina Phillips,
Vern Richmond, Jeremy Showers, Bobby Spridco, Bill Sterud, Darrick Thompson, Paul Volkmann, and Carolee Zick.
If you would like to be included on our prayer list, please contact the church office. Permission is required from the individual for us to print their name. Individuals will be on the list for one month unless requested. Please let us know if there is someone to be added, or if someone has improved or healed and can be taken off the list.
608.223.9337 phone/voicemail
Office hours are Monday through Thursday mornings.
Please feel free to contact staff members of New Life via email or by calling the office. Contacts are listed here.
New Life Staff:
Rev. Heather Hayward, Pastor
Jessica Korrison, Children & Youth Ministry Coordinator
Kathy Scholl, Office Assistant
Nancy Schmidt, Bookkeeper
Shakia "Queen" Turner, Property Manager
Shane Peters, Custodian
ELCA South-Central Wisconsin Synod website:
New Life Church Council:
Brian Coel
Jim DePass
Rick Krueger
Joe Milanese, Vice President
Kathy Nelson, President
Janice Newell, Secretary
Shawn Peters
Linda Sime
MacKenzie Swanson
Jan Wilson
Ken Wundrow, Treasurer