Every city and county in California is required to adopt, with public input, a Housing Element within the city or county General Plan, which must be updated every four to eight years. It is submitted to the Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) for approval. An effective housing element provides the conditions for developing and preserving an adequate supply of housing, including housing affordable to seniors, families and farm workers. It must include the following sections:
· Housing Needs
· Site Inventory and Analysis
· Constraints
All of the sections present opportunities for significant public input and advocacy. Opportunities for verbal and/or written comment exist at every step of the Housing Element update process, which moves from initial draft preparation by staff and often consultants, to submission to the HCD for compliance review, to draft revision, and to final approval by the city council or board of supervisors. Comments may address for example:
- Housing Needs: Is the data and analysis correct?
- Site Inventory: Are enough sites identified and are they viable?
- Constraints: Should additional constraints be listed? How effective are efforts to remove or minimize the impact of constraints?
Programs: Have existing programs been implemented? What new programs can be added?
To get involved in your community, contact info@housefarmworkers.org.