Fall at Swift Ponds

Thanks for taking a minute with CYO's October newsletter. It's a great month to be at CYO - our 220-acre office has hit peak pretty: green with yellow accents, the weather is pleasant, and the campus is *just slightly* less frenetic than the last five months.

This newsletter is brief. On Friday (spoiler alert) we will go off-script & email again to announce the beginning of NoCo Winter Wonderland ticket sales.

Too soon? Listen: we've been up to our elfin ears in holiday lights, candy canes & everything red and green since September. We're about to burst with holiday spirit. And on November 1st, we're finally allowed to TALK about it! SANTA IS COMING!

Registration Now Open for Spring CORE

CORE is for teens aged 12-18 and their adult (often a parent, but any adult welcome). One night, two hours a week, 12 weeks. Four class options in Fort Collins, two class options in Colo Springs.

Our 2025 CORE classes will come together a little differently -- we're focusing on 3 activities each semester, plus we're throwing in a week for recommended volunteer time.

Fly-tying, small bore shooting, & fly fishing are the skills we'll focus on. But it's really about dedicated time together.

Time spent volunteering together ties CYO's PACD lessons from the class in a neat bow.

Speaking of bows, if you'd like to give the gift of CORE this holiday season (we hear gifting 'experiences' is all the rage), we'd be thrilled to send you a gift certificate.

CYO's CORE class

This video was created by our friend & CORE participant, Porter!

Sign up for Spring CORE

Good News from CYO

October was a great month at CYO!

πŸŽƒThere is nothing more wholesome than hosting a pumpkin patch on a Friday afternoon! Thanks to everyone who visited CYO's Pumpkin Patch. We have some leftovers - if you know a group of kids who could use pumpkins, please contact us ASAP! It will be a pick-your-own situation.

πŸ† The Governor gave us an award! Well, not actually, but the governor's office sponsored it. Explaining the government agencies involved took 15 minutes in a staff meeting . . . basically, it's an award for employing young people, and CYO would not have received it without a glowing write up by our friends at Larimer County.

🦌 CYO's Adventure Series - it takes several tiers of CYO programming for participants to attend a CYO Adventure series. Three father/son pairs did all the rifle training and graduated to a deer hunt this month . . . and all three pairs harvested a deer! If you contributed to the Paddle Raise at the Maverick, you directly funded this effort. Thank you.

β›½ The energy industry has always supported CYO; they really went all-out this month:

  • 1888 Industrial Services hosted a cornhole tourney to benefit CYO. We had NO IDEA how much they like cornhole . . . we hear they raised $35,000!

  • Civitas has committed a fleet pickup truck to our cause.

  • Last, Halliburton invited CYO to their employee golf tourney in Houston. And presented us a check for $50,000! If you're a thorough newsletter reader (πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘), you might recall they did the exact same this time last year. Double awesome! Every other non-profit at the tourney is out of Texas, we're obviously thrilled to be included.

πŸ•ΊFinally, our day programming team hosted all sorts of High School PE classes, nonprofits Cooper Home, Revital, and River Deep visited, and we hosted Poudre School District's Peer Summit: 150 high school kids from all over the district learned survival skills, fishing, archery . . . . and line dancing. If you have a stone on CYO's Legacy Walk, it was well-trod!

CYO exists to build relationships.

We build relationships by having fun together outside.

Our classes cost more than double what we charge, and 25% of our participants come through full scholarship.

We only run thanks to community support. If you believe in what we do, please consider a financial donation.

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