News Announcement

June 26, 2023

Queer Leaders Condemn Homophobic Graffiti on Santa Fe Plaza

SANTA FE, June 26, 2023 – SANTA FE – Earlier today, it was discovered that the Progressive Pride Flag that the City of Santa Fe placed on the Santa Fe Plaza in celebration of LGBTQIA2S+ Pride Month was defaced with homophobic graffiti. In the image below you will see that a vandal drew a cross over the Progressive Pride Flag with the words “Jesus Saves” written inside the cross.


“Pride was a joyful celebration of community and justice for all, and it was a celebration that showed Santa Fe at our best. In contrast this is a cowardly act of bias and bigotry that all of us should condemn. For everyone who marched in the Pride parade, this is a slap in the face. Let it remind us that the battle against bigotry is never over and may it unite us again as a community of conscience.” – Santa Fe Mayor Alan Webber


“I am saddened to see religion used to justify defacing the temporary pride flag on the plaza. This kind of intolerance reminds us all of why that young person contemplating suicide needs public symbols of their acceptance in our community.” – Santa Fe City Councilor Signe Lindell


"It is incredibly disheartening that such a simple statement of acceptance and affirmation, would be attacked in this way. New Mexicans have always valued our family, friends, and neighbors because of our differences and this single act of bigotry will not change those values or our unity!" – Marshall Martinez, Executive Director, Equality New Mexico


“Not less than 2 days after the largest PRIDE celebration in Santa Fe’s history do we have to witness such an unfortunate act of disrespect against the community. The implication that the LGBTQIA+ community somehow needs saving by Jesus, God or whoever one worships is actually the antithesis of those teachings. We as a city and people are better than this. Love, acceptance and truth will always win.” – Kevin A. Bowen, Executive Director, The Human Rights Alliance Santa Fe


“All across the country, homophobes are attacking the queer community and we are fighting for our very right to exist. There’s no place for Christian nationalism anywhere in this country and there is absolutely no place for this hate in Santa Fe.” – Santa Fe City Manager John Blair

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