2023-2024 CLF Impact Report


Since the CLF was founded in 2009, we've delivered on our vision and mission through our projects in the areas of education, research, and partnerships across Canada.

Our 15th year of operation wrapped up on March 31, 2024, and we wanted to share with you a summary of our work and its impact over the past year.


Connecting and engaging online

Through the CLF’s social media accounts, website, and eNews campaigns, we connect with patients, healthcare professionals, researchers, decision makers, industry stakeholders, and the public to help raise awareness around the needs of those affected by lymphedema.

Social Media

eNews Campaign

CLF Website

Events & awareness campaigns

Every year, the CLF participates in the global lymphedema community's efforts to raise awareness, advance education, and facilitate engagement opportunities for individuals affected by lymphedema, including patients, family members, and healthcare professionals.

The CLF also hosts biennial National Lymphedema Conferences that bring together diverse groups of professionals, patients, advocates, and researchers to share their knowledge and experience in the field of lymphedema.

2023 National

Lymphedema Conference

World Lymphedema Day & March Lymphedema Awareness Campaign


Education initiatives

In Canada there is a need for more physicians and healthcare workers to diagnose and treat individuals living with lymphedema. Recognizing these gaps, the CLF has strategically partnered with other organizations to develop programs and share resources aimed at addressing these critical education and awareness needs and to help bridge existing disparities in lymphedema care and education.

University of Alberta Lymphedema and Chronic Edema Management Course

IMD Health

Health Professionals Toolkit

Physicians Reference Card

Patient Education Pamphlet


Learning Library

This is only a quick summary of our

2023-2024 Impact Report.

If you would like to see the full report, visit:



Thank you to our 2024/25 Sponsors

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