~ All KIND Players are Welcome to join the BAND Online Games ~
· Even if you have ZERO Masterpoints, you are eligible to play in the 299er pairs. BAND Online's 299er Game is the perfect place to jump into RELAXED duplicate online games. If you are closer to ZERO masterpoints, you will be in the lowest division for masterpoint awards. You must be an active ACBL Member to play in the 499er and 299er pairs.

· A special invite to the players who have crossed over 500 masterpoints and are wondering if you are ready to play in the BAND Online Open game. The Open game is stratified 1/3, 1/3, 1/3 (average masterpoints) so if you are closer to 500 than 5000, you will be in the lowest division for masterpoint awards. Yes. The competition is more challenging, but either you win or you learn something new. It's a Win-Win! And, Yes! The Open players Choose Bridge Kindness too! #CBK
· Open Players ~ Remember, your game's masterpoints are based on the total number of tables including the 499er and 299er games. This means when the total number of tables hits 25 ~ the Open masterpoint awards are maximized. In other words, if you play in a 3 table open event with 22 tables of limited games, you get the same overall award as playing in a 25 table open event. And ~ it is easier to win with fewer pairs.
BAND Online welcomes ALL PLAYERS! Please invite your friends to join in the fun at BAND Online "where everybody knows your name and are always glad you came!"
Click Here for Membership Link and begin enjoying the Membership Perks ~ It's Free!
To find BAND Online games on BBO, use the following steps:
- Under Featured Areas, click on Virtual Clubs.
- Click ACBL - North America.
- Search for "BAND"
You have a choice where you play. We do appreciate your playing with us.