I have mentioned several times that the Milky Way Galaxy, as well as our Solar System, is moving into a different part of space and receiving new energies with each seasonal and planetary alignment. Each New and Full Moon, Solstice, Equinox, and Eclipse creates a new input of brand new energies for us to revel in as we become accustomed to the Aquarian Age. I want to explain more about this phenomenon.
The study of several texts, as well as oral indigenous traditions, mentions a connection between the photon belt, Pleiadian star Alcyone, and the Mayan Long Count calendar.
Science calls this photon belt the “Rings of Alcyone.” This is the observation that our Solar System revolves around the central sun of the Pleiadian constellation, the star Alcyone. This procession takes approximately 26,000 years and we pass through the belt every 13,000 years. This is also found in the form of the Mayan Long Count. (There are discrepancies in the length of years, but not in the “Rings of Alcyone's” existence.)
Some believe we crossed into the edge of the photon belt as early as 1993, all agree that we passed fully into the belt by 2012.
A short, simple explanation of a photon is that it is a particle formed from opposite charges meeting and forming a new particle from the combination rather than anillalating each other, hence fusion rather than fission. This is, in a sense, a neutralizing effect of polarities. On a human basis it essentially means that we can combine the best of the masculine and feminine in ourselves. The theory is that as we become more balanced and complete in ourselves, we are better able to join harmoniously in our cultures, and with our friends, and family units.
The challenge is that all of this new photon light energy accelerates the appearance of blocks and denser energies where we each get to choose our path forward. Do we go forward healed and with less baggage from previous creations? The entrance into the photon belt is a scientific fact. The meaning applied to it is more esoteric. Astrology and Metaphysics finds a great deal of emphasis to the photon belt as it pertains to our personal and collective lived experience. The world's religions talk of a 1,000 years of peace and the Age of Light.
The incredible news is that the entire Aquarian Age will be in, or very near, the Photon Belt. I invite you to grasp this knowledge as a talisman!
(Jan 16 - 23)
I have written much about PLUTO in the last year. It has been a major player as we exit the age of Pisces. Pluto's emphasis was mostly on the darkness of the underworld, and as analogy, the shadow of the soul. I have received an immense amount of information through dreams, meditation, and automatic writing that changes the message to one of transformation and regeneration, and now here we are with the light of the photon belt as an added bonus!
The SUN and PLUTO waltz into AQUARIUS together on 1/20, the Sun in the morning and Pluto that evening. This is cause for celebration. The speed of the collective and personal transformation will vary with each person and the choices they make. I will pass on advice given to me from a source I trust, be it soul level, angelic, ascended master, or source, I do not know for sure. The advice was to think elegantly and seek to express grace.
You have undoubtedly heard the phrase, “We are the ones we've been waiting for.” I will add to that, “This is the time we've been waiting for. Trust and faith are the currency of the realm.”
The SUN in Aquarius is forward looking and thinking. It is very broad in outlook. It is a mental Air sign. The combination of Aquarius followed by Pisces at the end of each zodiac cycle is interesting.
The water jar that is part of the symbol of Aquarius is, upon closer examination, star material rather than water. The sign is somewhat detached, possibly helping you to pull yourself out of an exclusive focus on your current life and culture. Aquarius is humanitarian and altruistic. It has a thousand yard view, that encourages an inclusion of star wisdom. This quality assists you to think clearly about where you wish to go based on where you are, and what you wish to create now.
We still live in a reality of time/space and duality. This is where it is helpful to remember that what you experience in the present is created from what you thought in the past. There is still a time gap. It is shortening rapidly, which is helping us navigate out of the level of duality we've been accustomed to in previous ages. As this time gap shortens between thought and creation it requires an increased level of expertise, grace, and elegance. Aquarius is a great partner to take along on your journey and now PLUTO will be in Aquarius for 18 years with the exception of a short retrograde back to 29° Capricorn from 9/1/24 - 11/18/24, adding its regenerative power to the creative recipe.
VENUS moves into Capricorn on 1/23 until 2/16. This completes a very interesting and powerful stellium in Capricorn of all 3 personal planets - Mercury, Venus, and Mars until 2/5. This strongly encourages you to employ discipline, dedication, and integrity to your endeavors. It is notable that the interval is 13 days. We have long been conditioned to believe 13 is an unlucky number. Such is not the case. It is actually the first number in a very powerful sequence of 13 - 20 - 33 that is a sacred geometrical fibonacci ratio. VENUS is a benefic planet of beauty that serves as our sister. Allow her to usher you through the opening days of Sun and Pluto in Aquarius as she, Mercury, and Mars trail just behind in Capricorn.
Use these days well as the personal planets will each conjunct Pluto soon. I repeat again, this is the time we've been waiting for. If challenges arise you will have tremendously powerful assistance in creating something better for yourself. May you find your Godspeed.
(Jan 24 - 31)
There is a FULL MOON in Leo on 1/25 at 5° at 12:54 pm EST.
The qualities associated with Leo are enhanced during a Full Moon. Leadership and being in the limelight can be expressed with great love, generosity, enthusiasm, and kindness. The caution is to avoid egotism.
There are a few aspects worth noting that will influence this Full Moon.
Uranus/Mercury - Thinking about what makes GOOD leadership is put to the test.
Jupiter/Mercury/Venus - Both benefic planets influence mental, expressive Mercury to encourage beautiful thoughts.
Jupiter/Saturn - Structure and discipline will get a lucky boost.
Neptune/Pluto - Dreamy, mystical wishes and feelings may nudge entire populations toward a change of heart and mind about their lives.
Neptune/Venus - highlights the division between the sexes and the misconduct as well. Opportunity for better solutions is present.
Jupiter/Mars - potentially destructive, war-like energies. Separation of values. Potential to hold a mirror up that shows consequences of violent choices.
North Node/Mercury - This is crunch time for groups and individuals to decide if their thoughts and words are expressing their first, best destiny. If not, there is still time to change minds.
There is another characteristic of note present on this Full Moon day. All the planets except the Moon are in the Eastern Hemisphere of the astrological chart. That indicates an ability to impact the world and to mold circumstances. With the leadership qualities of the Leo moon this becomes more important on a world stage. Perhaps we intend that our leaders make elegant, graceful choices that are humanitarian and altruistic in nature at this time. The energies support this now.
URANUS stations direct in Taurus on 1/27 after being retrograde since 8/28. The retrograde interval has assisted the search for unusual possibilities to shake things up. Maybe you have some things you'd love to try and love to create. In Taurus that would most include things that are Earth based and deal with security and sustenance.
What gifts might you bring to fruition? URANUS encourages sudden developments, perhaps also unusual ones. The developments that work with the Earth, rather than exerting power over her are more favored. New inventions with this goal in mind are surely forthcoming. Look for them and support them if you are able and willing.
Now that the motion is forward things may develop at a surprisingly quick pace. After much retrograde motion by many planets last year, we now have much of the first half of 2024 with most of the planets in forward motion. Mercury in April is the next retrograde. Things that seem stuck or delayed will enjoy more supportive energies.
We, in essence, begin anew in 2024. The planetary ingresses support all those who are intending to become more loving in all the myriad ways that love/grace may be expressed in the world. After a few years of the outer planets forming squares to each other, we now have those planets already in, or moving into, trine formations. This is very beneficial and is cause for hope. Faith in our collective ability to create “Heaven on Earth” is within our sites. It can, and will, happen one person at a time. The great news is that as each individual makes any choices expressing more love and greater abilities we all are lifted to a more divine vibration. The “drop in the ocean becomes the ocean in the drop.” We are all connected with an immense ability to assist each other. May you charge full steam into this wonderful year with enthusiasm and delight toward what you will create.