Vol. 4, October 2024

Educating Students for Tomorrow's World Today




InnovatePGH’s project, Expanded Opportunities for Entrepreneurship, seeks to invest funding in local organizations and institutions to both increase the number of underrepresented founders and create more financial and technical support for new small businesses to tap into the technology economy.”

Among the many InnovatePGH programs in this BBB initiative is a sponsored program called ‘InnovatePGH’s Sprinternship Program.”

This program provides paid. mini-internship experiences in tech and a series of career development workshops. Students gain the skills and experience they need to compete for a summer internship in tech. During the program, the students tackle a business challenge while immersed in their host company’s business and culture. They also participate in a series of career development workshops to strengthen their professional networks.

If your students missed the opportunity for a summer internship in 2024, consider putting them in contact with the Sprinternship Program now to begin the workshops and plan for next year’s summer activity.

In addition to the Sprinternship Program, InnovatePGH supports many other programs and initiatives. Explore now to help your students better position themselves for the Pittsburgh workforce of tomorrow!


Quantum Computing

McKinsey has estimated that 5,000 quantum computers will be operational by 2030, but that the hardware and software necessary for handling the most complex problems won’t be available until 2035 or later.”

The Pittsburgh Quantum Institute (PQI), sponsored by the Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh, provides leadership throughout Pittsburgh in areas that impact the ”second Quantum revolution”. In partnership with Carnegie Mellon University and Duquesne University, the activities and goals of PQI continue to drive quantum computing development in the Pittsburgh region.

From cloud computing to edge computing to quantum computing to Quantum-Edge Cloud Computing (QECC), this is where we are headed now.

Cloud computing is one of our now-standard forms of network computing that allows access to data from anywhere at any time. If you use Google Drive, or OneDrive with Microsoft, or any of the more robust cable/mobile providers in your daily life – you are most likely engaging in cloud computing.

Edge computing brings cloud computing one step closer to us by allowing for real-time computation, analysis and decision-making.

Quantum computing uses quantum bits ‘qubits’ instead of classical bits, thus allowing quantum computers to perform calculations much faster than classical computers.

Finally, the QECC combines the power of quantum computing with the low-latency benefits of edge computing and the scalable resources of cloud computing. This advanced form of computing capability will hopefully address the many challenges of the Internet of Things (IoT).

Can you see the computing potential for the future of our daily lives and workplace functions? Faster, more efficient, more scalable, and with fewer security vulnerabilities – that is the trajectory.


Human Conscious Citizenship: A Series of Understanding

Have you considered what each of the Faculty Academy's future readiness values within the human-conscious citizenship model might really mean when translated into action and representation in today’s rapidly changing world?

  • Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging
  • Global Competency
  • Financial Literacy
  • Sustainability
  • Conscious Capitalism
  • Conscious Consumerism
  • Values and Ethics

Today’s topic: Financial Literacy

The expansion of financial technology (fintech) has made it easier for people to access financial services online and on their mobile devices. With this rapid expansion and bombardment of fintech marketing has come an increased need to understand these new technologies, how to use them responsibly, and how to avoid the legal and security pitfalls that come with financial and wealth management.

In 2024, the World Economic Forum identified that financial literacy in the US is hovering around 50%, with a recent drop of 2% additional in the last two years. We are underperforming!

So, what is financial literacy for today’s young students and tomorrow’s workforce? According to Deloitte, it is the key to worker wellbeing. From a turbulent economy, the lingering impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, to the onslaught of fintech, today’s students and workers are overwhelmed with financial stress.

What can you do now to strengthen communication and provide tools to improve your students’ financial literacy and capabilities?

Graphic Credit: Penn State New Kensington model of Human Conscious Citizenship


Thanks to support from the Southwestern Pennsylvania New Economy Collaborative for supporting higher education engagement opportunities across the region. Consider being part of the region’s amazing higher education activities for faculty members.

Future Readiness Workshop for Faculty

  • The most recent Future Readiness Workshop for Faculty was held at Penn State New Kensington on August 9. Faculty had an opportunity to explore and develop their leadership and personal capabilities, address the chaotic and disrupted world of higher education in peer discussion and activities, and offer possible solutions or go-forwards to their own classroom challenges and expectations. A mixed-reality virtual campus was available for faculty to demo, and we hope to see more of this in the near future. The workshop ended with all faculty present stating their satisfaction with the experience and their hope to see more workshops of this nature.

Future Readiness Faculty Planning Committee

The Future Readiness Faculty Planning Committee has been formed and met for the first time on September 11 at Penn State New Kensington and via Zoom for the inaugural conversation and collaboration. The intent of the Planning Committee is to help guide the growth, sustainability, and viability of this regional higher education faculty initiative. Some of the actions the committee hopes to address are:

  • Building relationships among all participating colleges/universities
  • Monitoring the progress of the Faculty Academy program
  • Improving communications among all stakeholders
  • Establishing priorities and yearly objectives
  • Identifying strategies
  • Developing long-term goals and action plans

Faculty from the following schools were in attendance:

  • Penn State New Kensington
  • Robert Morris University
  • Seton Hill University
  • Carnegie Mellon University
  • Penn West University
  • Washington and Jefferson College
  • Special Guest Campus: Gannon University

Thank you to the inaugural kick-off committee for the great conversation and the beginnings of the region-wide Faculty Academy collaboration!

Connecting in the Classroom and Beyond

If you have not already reviewed this report from The Chronicle of Higher Education dated early last year, consider downloading it and reading it now. It is addressing a growing discussion among the Faculty Academy members in response to their greater understanding of what today’s young generations need from their families and communities, including their classroom learning experiences.

Keith Coats, of TommorowToday Global – one of the keynote speakers/facilitators at the August workshop - recently released a research article about what his group of futurists perceive as an essential element of business success in today’s chaotic and changing economies. Keith identifies “The Connection Economy” as reshaping how businesses can achieve a competitive edge: Our students + business needs = the workforce of tomorrow. Plan to see Keith again at the Education Vanguard Conference in November 2024!

The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching is collaborating in a joint effort with the Educational Testing Service (ETS) to reimagine assessments. To learn more about this initiative and what other schools and groups are doing to address assessment in the changing landscape of higher education, read this article from EdSurge on Will AI Make Standardized Tests Obsolete?


Education Vanguard Conference - Future Of Work: Moving On From Disruption

We are pleased to announce the keynote speakers for this year’s conference, which is November 14-16, 2024.

More information and details will be posted on the event website, in upcoming newsletters, and on LinkedIn and other social media platforms.

To secure your attendance, early registration is available. To register to attend the conference for free, please complete and submit the form below. Registration for the conference will close end-of-day November 7, 2024.

Register here for the November Education Vanguard Conference

If you wish to submit a proposal for the November 14-16 Education Vanguard Conference, please complete and submit the form below. Round 2 proposal submissions will close September 23, 2024.

Submit a proposal here to speak at the Education Vanguard Conference


The Bookshelf is an opportunity to exchange information on important, timely, and relevant reads on current high-tech and future-fit explorations. We will list recommended reads that have been reviewed by faculty, administrative leadership, and industry partners.

Here are a few recommended selections:

The Skill Code by Matt Beane. “Think of your most valuable skill, the thing you can reliably do under pressure to deliver results. How did you learn it?” “The Skill Code is an insightful must-read, with significant implications for how we will work and build skill in the twenty-first century – a guide to help you not only survive but thrive.”

The New Industrialism: Lessons from the Lunar Society by David Mindell. “What does industry look like when it strives to optimize for the lowest carbon footprint as well as the greatest profit? When it values resilience as much as efficiency? When it upholds dignified, inclusive, sustainable work?”

Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies by Nick Bostrom. “Superintelligence asks the questions: What happens when machines surpass humans in general intelligence? Will artificial agents save or destroy us?”

The Beginning of Infinity: Explanations That Transform the World by David Deutsch. “Taking us on a journey through every fundamental field of science, as well as the history of civilization, art, moral values, and the theory of political institutions…”

Automation & Robotics in Industry 4.0 2024: An Essential Guide for Students and Professionals by Diego Rodrigues. “Imagine a world where smart factories operate autonomously, where efficiency is maximized, costs are minimized, and customization is the new norm.”

If you have a good read to recommend that you believe fits the intent of the bookshelf, please send the title and author to gls5530@psu.edu.


Check out these upcoming events in the Pittsburgh region!

Being future-ready in industry means developing three areas: technical skills, human-conscious citizenship, and leadership skills. 

Pittsburgh Chapter of Women in Bio

The Women in Bio Pittsburgh Chapter is presenting an event on October 2, on the transformative potential of robotics within the biotech, life science, and healthcare sectors. Please consider attending and taking along some of your students. P.O.W.E.R. 2024 – Robotics in Biotech

Develop a shared understanding of what students need most during their journeys through the system.

Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing (ARM)

ARM is investing in a new AI and Robotics project along with the federal government which is investing in a supercomputing upgrade and the state which is investing in a local manufacturing park. These investments within the Pittsburgh region will provide additional, expanded opportunities for future advanced tech workers and emerging tech projects.

As one of ARM Institute’s four regional innovation accelerators, the Digital Foundry at New Kensington has developed the Startup Accelerator program, it is a transformative 6-month program for early-stage/pre-revenue teams to help them validate and shape their ideas. The Startup Accelerator is one of the BBB-funded Innovation Forge programs. Whether you are an individual or start-up with a great new idea, or you’re an existing manufacturer looking to up your game with smart/digital technologies, the Innovation Forge programs can provide funded services to help you succeed. Learn more here.

Join local associations and build relationships with area employers.

The Pittsburgh Robotics Network has a new website robopgh.org. Explore the latest updates, resources, and opportunities in the Pittsburgh robotics community at the Pittsburgh Robotics Discovery Day on November 20. Register here.



Carlow University sponsors a once-a-year event, normally in the spring, called Carlow Scholar’s Day. Carlow students (undergraduate and graduate) are invited to share their scholarly projects with the Carlow community (excerpted from the Carlow University website).

Students can display their academic achievements in the format that best suits them: posters, presentations, panel discussions, portfolio displays, or creative expression sessions.

A virtual, synchronous session is also offered to those not located at the meeting site. Physical exhibits are also on display on campus.

What is your school or campus doing to support faculty and/or student research?

Fill out this form to be featured in an upcoming newsletter!

“Our aspiration must be to reform, upgrade and enlarge our education system – and to make it relevant to 21st century realities of the digital economy.”

Ram Nath Kovind

Indian politician and lawyer who served as the 14th president of India from 2017 to 2022.


SWPA Consortium of Higher Education Professionals

We value your ideas about how we can continue to shape and grow this SWPA Consortium of Higher Education Professionals.

In Fall of 2024, we will host the first event and conversation about a possible SWPA Consortium of Higher Education Professionals to include faculty and administrative leadership. Keep an eye out for details to come!

For now, we want to know what you would want to address and discuss if we were a formalized consortium of 29 SWPA schools. Some questions we might approach could be:

  • What is the benefit of having a SWPA Consortium of Higher Education Professionals?
  • What goals might we set for a consortium to support the achievement of the collective work through the SWPA New Economy Collaborative?
  • How do we adequately and strongly address high-tech industry workforce needs while protecting the integrity of higher education values?

What questions would you like to see a consortium discuss and address?

Send your thoughts and ideas to Ginger Shaw at gls5530@psu.edu for the fall kick-off conversation so that we can set common goals and objectives for our region through the Future Readiness Events and the work through the SWPA New Economy Collaborative.

Industry Advisory Board

Penn State New Kensington is organizing an Industry Advisory Board to support the Future Readiness Academy. Representatives from different industry sectors, business technologists, as well as academy faculty from different disciplines, will be invited to attend.

If you are interested in sitting on the board, please email Ginger Shaw at gls5530@psu.edu of your interest. The purpose of the board: to collaborate, offer advice and guidance to the Future Readiness Academy and assist in reaching our goals; and to equip the Build Back Better organizations with the necessary understanding of future fit skills and technologies needed for a qualified workforce that builds upon the collaborative understanding between higher education faculty, business and industry throughout our region.

The first organizational meeting will kick off in late Fall 2024.

If this email was forwarded to you and you want to sign up for future newsletters and event registration emails, please sign up here.

This resource and the Future Ready Events for Faculty series are made possible thanks to support from the SWPA New Economy Collaborative, an 11-county coalition formed to apply for the Build Back Better Regional Challenge. The educational focus is part of a federal, multi-state investment initiative to help develop local technology workforce and diverse talent pools.

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