April 4, 2021
Minister's Message
Rev. J
Happy Easter Beloved Community!
“This is the season when hope renews itselfThe blossoming's of Spring symbolize the flowering of the Spirit upon the Tree of Life. It is also a time when we enrich the soil, that the roots may reach even more deeply into the creative medium which gives Life. Old branches have been cut off and new ones are growing to take their place. So it is in the perennial springtime of our own spiritual aspirations. The Christ in us stirs anew in the human soil that it may find a deeper root in the Universal Spirit. And in so doing, lifts its imagination to a new influx from on high. But this new beginning is by our own consent.
The Resurrection comes only as we permit it to…” (Dr. Ernest Holmes, 1956)

I love the Easter story! Metaphysically speaking, the character of Jesus...from his conception to his the symbolic journey of the soul. The resurrection story is therefore revealing to us our own spiritual journey. The crucifixion is the symbolic “crossing out” of our lower self, the tomb represents the place of transformation which enables us to break out of the restrictions of the human mind and the resurrection symbolizes our rise in consciousness to claim our Spiritual Identity. It is that Eternal Self that cannot die as it is of the same nature as its Source. 

The good news is that we do not have to physically die to be resurrected. Every time we move through a past restriction and take another step along the spiritual path, we are crossing out the old, rolling away the stone of limitation and rising in consciousness to the new.  Every time we move past the prejudices, distrusts, suspicions, anger, and isolation that divides us and embrace Oneness, we are resurrected!

This Sunday, we will dive into this story of Renewal and Rebirth and participate together in an Easter Release Ceremony. I invite you to contemplate what needs to be eliminated in your life…what is preventing your transformation into your own Christ nature…the perfection that is your Truth? And join us for a time of release and renewal at 10:30 am Mt. time. 

“All the veneration of Spring connects itself with love," wrote Emerson. Easter, like the Jewish Passover from which it arose, reminds us that however difficult things may seem, Faith can move mountains,  Truth will always prevail. Love is the great equalizer. And Life is Eternal!

Blessed Sacred Renewal.

Rev. Jackie Holland
Community Spiritual Leader

Guest Musical Artist:
Lisa Bittick

of the Day:
Deborah Whitman
Easter Meditative Thought
by Dr. Ernest S. Holmes
Founder of Science of Mind

"The Spirit that raised Jesus dwells in all. This Spirit quickens our mortal bodies when we let It...So let us turn toward the sun of eternal life, the spiritual sun that cannot set and forever rises on the horizon of our own experience. Definitely and deliberately we let go of every lost hope, every fear of want, every sense of lack, every hurt. We roll away the stone of uncertainty from our consciousness; we find the resurrected, the Divine and God-intended perfection and wholeness. We are standing forever more in the glory of an everlasting protection of the One Presence."
Last Sunday's Service
Upcoming Events
Joining the Coffee Conversation ZOOM call is EASY! Just click here
Tips for first time ZOOM users: Click here
We are looking for a few good people to help us as we begin
the “Re-opening Plan
for CSL Boise

Technology and Marketing

Camera folks to record one Sunday Service each month. Volunteers to run the Sound and Lights and computer. Folks needed to assist with Social Media and Marketing.
If you are technology or media smart (or want to learn to be), please call the church office at 208.375.0751

Volunteers are also needed in several of our ministries: Hospitality, Cosmic Cleaning, Community Outreach, Facilities /Grounds and Youth Church.  

No experience is necessary! We will train you!  I look forward to talking to you about how you can become involved in the CSL Boise!  

If you are interested in serving on the Board of Trustees and helping to re-create and lead this Spiritual Community, please call Rev. Jackie Holland at 208.891.7762 or Harold Whitman at 208.890.1823. Qualifications to serve on the Board of Trustees include membership at the CSL Boise and some class requirements.
The prayer team is awaiting your prayer request! We invite you to reach out to us!
Prayer of the Week
“To practice the Presence of God is to awaken within us the Christ Consciousness. The resurrection is the death of the belief that we are separated from God.”  -- Ernest Holmes

In this joyous season of rebirth, we see God in everything, for God is truly all there is. One presence, one power, one life, constantly creating and expressing. Everywhere present, eternal, all-giving.

Recognizing that there is only the One, we see that we are a part of that magnificence -- unique expressions of Spirit in Its infinite creativity. We are made from that which is Spirit, created in its image and likeness. Our true nature is divine!

We can now feel our pulse quicken as we take in this great understanding: created in the image and likeness of God, we are already perfect. We are becoming more and more aware of our divine nature, and as we raise the vibration of our mind and body from the human level to the spiritual, we are being resurrected into the Christ Consciousness. Our ideas of separation are falling away as we experience our Oneness. We see clearly the truth of our being. 

With infinite gratitude for knowing the glorious Truth of our own resurrection, I release my Word into the Law, knowing it is done unto us as we believe.


Diana Anderson, RScP
The CSL Boise is Open!
Our Center is open for assembly gathering. 
Please join us at 10:30 am at 10464 W. Garverdale Court, Boise, ID.

What you need to know for Sunday Service during the Pandemic era: CLICK HERE.

Our requirements for assembly worship are designed to keep us ALL safe and healthy and eventually, they will slowly be lifted.  Please join us Sunday if you feel called to come to church in person. (Because we know church is everywhere!) We look forward to seeing your beautiful faces and sharing in your wonderful energy in our Sanctuary! Or join us on Facebook Live at 10:30 am.
Special thanks to our Musical Director, Rex Miller and all of the talented
musicians who continue to support the CSL during this time! 
To find out more, and to help support our musicians during
these difficult times, please click on the links to our beloved Musician's Websites.
Center for Spiritual Living Boise

| Office: 208.375.0751 | Prayer Line: 208.375.0791 |

Reverend Jackie Holland, Senior Minister