
We had a fantastic turnout with over 80 letters to council and over 20 residents speaking at the March 1 council meeting in support of keeping the Lozano Lane access path open. Thank you so much for making your voice heard! We were able to stop the council from closing the easement path for now. However, the fight is not over.

The council still seems to be leaning towards permanently closing the Lozano Lane access path to the Regnart Creek Trail. But they might reconsider if the city creates a new crosswalk at that location on Rodrigues.

The stated concern is that the access path will cause residents to cross the street mid-block, causing possible safety issues with cars. The city has no data showing cars are speeding on Rodrigues and staff doesn't think a crosswalk is needed at this time.

City staff recommends that the city collect data on the number of residents crossing mid-block to use the Lozano Lane access path for one year from the date the Regnart Creek trail opens, then use that data to guide a decision on whether a crosswalk is needed. Walk Bike Cupertino supports that approach.

The council has asked city staff to come back in 6-8 weeks with a crosswalk mapped both with and without the Lozano Lane access path. At this meeting - probably in May - the council will again consider whether to close the easement path. We'll reach out when the next vote is scheduled!

We need everyone to email the city council and speak at council meetings between now and the meeting in May.
Let the Councilmembers know that you are unhappy with their preference to close and give away the easement.

Elections are coming up in the fall, and they need to know that these decisions will have an impact on your vote.
Speak at an upcoming City Council meeting to reinforce the community's support for keeping the easement open.

Open communications is at the beginning of each meeting so you'll be done quickly and it has a big impact.
Possible Crosswalk
City staff is working on the Council's request to map where a crosswalk could go. Though there is no data to support adding a crosswalk, it does appear possible to add one about 75 feet east of the easement path, close enough that it will be used.

Walk Bike Cupertino supports collecting data for one year after the Regnart Creek trail opens to see how many residents cross Rodrigues mid-block. The real life data will be the best guidance on whether a crosswalk is needed.

More information on the Lozano Lane Access Path

The Lozano Lane access path is an easement that the city was given by the HOA as a condition for forming the HOA, many decades ago. The city wanted to make sure that local residents would continue to have easy access from Rodrigues Avenue through the property to the planned Regnart Creek Trail. This is clearly documented in the HOA incorporation documents and was signed by and fully disclosed to all 8 homeowners in the HOA when they bought their homes.

➤ Thousands of residents would benefit from the access path, especially those living in the townhouses and apartments along Rodrigues.

➤ The City should not give away easements.
It is fiscally irresponsible give away easements with a value of ~$1 million to 8 private property owners, especially when they have already spent almost $2 million in mitigation to trail homeowners nearby--approximately $25,000 per property--for privacy comfort measures. This is not a unique easement, either; all the similar property owners in Cupertino with easements could then demand they get them for free as well.

➤ Giving away this easement looks Like favoritism
These eight homes should not be given a $1 million easement, and also have all their fees paid for vacating it. It is an overwhelming gift, and not necessary (there's no financial or liability reason that the city can't keep the easement).

➤ Closing the path goes against the City's own priorities
One of the city’s core priorities is greater connectivity among neighborhoods and residents. Entry points to trails will encourage connectivity. Per the approved Parks & Recreation Master Plan, over 80% of residents wish for more trails and connecting paths in our community.
Together, WE can make a difference.
Happy walking and biking,

Your friends at Walk-Bike Cupertino
Working to make it safer and easier to walk and bike