New Advisor In-Service


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New Advisor In-Service

September 7: Pre-Service Virtual Webinar

3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

For 1st year advisors only

September 13: In-Person In-Service

8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

For 1st-5th year advisors.

Six clock hours available!

Gain a better understanding of the DECA experience from the student perspective and network with other advisors from around the state!

Fall Leadership Conference

November 6-8  |  Hyatt Regency, Bellevue

Tentative Agenda
Promotional Flier

FLC Student Scholarships

Scholarships will be awarded based on financial need and will cover the conference registration fee.

Apply Now

What's New!

Learn DECA

Password Change


Learn DECA is a competitive event resource exclusively for Washington DECA members and advisors.

Access Learn DECA using this password: Launchwadeca

Password is case sensitive

Form B

Due October 3


All DECA advisors are required to complete Form B.

Get Started

DECA Membership Video


DECA can help you get the edge, but more than that, it's a place where we have fun! With a new school year, it's time for chapter events, creative campaigns and a fresh video to highlight what DECA can do for you!

Watch Now

Yearly Calendars

Washington DECA Tentative Calendar
DECA Inc. Calendar

Now Hiring!

Auburn High School

Marketing Teaching Position: Apply

Eastside Catholic High School

1-year term Teaching Position: Send your resume/cover letter to Ryan:

Nutritional Standards


The USDA released a tool to help school staff determine if certain foods meet the nutrition requirements to be sold in school fundraisers and students stores on campus.

View Standards
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Business Operations

Research Events

Competition Expertise and Support for Advisors

The Business Operations Research Series will take advisors through:

1) Integrating the Business Operations Research events into a Marketing Information Management

instructional unit for a grade.

2) Strategies for conducting both primary and secondary research based on this year's topic.

3) Developing each section of the project according to the DECA guidelines.

Each virtual workshop is 15-20 minutes and will be posted to Teach DECA.

DECA+ Survey

Did you use DECA+ last school year?
What did you find most useful?
Case Studies
Exemplar Research Projects
Industry Terminology & KPIs
Strategies for Test Taking, Exec Summaries, Presentations
Interactive Preparation Tools
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