Below are some resources that can facilitate the submission process:

Be sure to keep an eye on the Membership Information dropdown to monitor numbers submitted, paid, unpaid, etc.


Don't wait! Submit your membership by the deadline to determine Area allocations for the State Career Development Conference and your voting delegates. The more members by Area, the more allocations!

Students are NOT submitted unless it shows "Pending" or "Member" next to their name. If a little box is next to their name, it will need to be checked and then click the red Submit Membership button. Keep an eye on your total membership submitted using the Membership Information dropdown in the upper righthand corner of your screen!


DECA Membership Assistance Program - DUE NOVEMBER 15

The membership assistance program will provide financial support to help students who cannot afford to participate.

Please complete the application and you will be notified if approved. Note that the % of support is based on F/R lunch and will be paid to the chapter after November 15, 2022. 


Fall Leadership Conference!

Thank you to the 130 advisors who coordinated their chapter's attendance at the Fall Leadership Conference! It was our pleasure to provide business and leadership opportunities to over 1,700 WA DECA members!

Professional Selling and Consulting Events


Is demonstrating the sales process one of your standards? If yes, use the Professional Selling Events as your end of unit project. There is no paper involved. Great event for new DECA members!

Below are a few of the resources provided and everything else to do this activity as a classroom project is in Teach DECA.

Business Operations

Research Events

The Costs of Hyper-Personalization

How is hyper-personalization impacting small businesses? MBA Research helps us explore this year's Business Operations Research competitive events topic.

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Practice Testing Instructions

Students (must be registered DECA member to access site-need not be a paid member)

Site: 7:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. | 7 days a week

Site: https://practice.answerwrite.com/deca/wa-p 

ID: DECA Membership Number

Password: Launch2022

Members are uploaded each Sunday evening or early Monday morning. Students can then log into Practice testing.

Washington DECA's official DECA Diamond Hand Sign poster is live! Download for your classrooms today.


Case Study of the Week

Rewarding Customers and Increasing Sales


Step into the role of promotional director for Premiere Purchase, a consumer electronics retailer. The senior vice president has asked you to plan a special event exclusively for top-tier Premiere Points members that will result in an increase in sales.

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