July 10, 2020
Blessed To Serve!
Our staff are working around the clock to ensure that services are provided to those in need within our service area. We are so grateful and blessed that our Good Samaritan Medical Center is a place where we can provide medical care to patients experiencing respiratory issues.

Proverbs 4:25 states "Let your eyes look directly forward, and your gaze be straight before you." While each of us may have experienced trauma and loss over the past six months, we remain faithful in Lord. We are allowed to live an abundant life in Jesus Christ. Predisan is looking forward while not forgetting the struggles we have endured thus far in 2020. With your continued support, we can say yes and provide attention and medical services to patients and families effected by COVID-19. As we move into the next six months of this year, we ask for prayers and support for our staff, patients and the country of Honduras.
We want to Pray for you and your family as well. Please send any prayer request you may have to [email protected].
We are in this together!
Predisan Health Ministries| 770-955-1512 | [email protected]| www.predisan.org