July 16, 2023
15th Sunday in Ordinary Time
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Most Rev. Frank Schuster, Auxiliary Bishop of Seattle (and yours truly)
July 16, 2023
Dear Friends in Christ,
Last weekend we had a wonderful welcome to our parishes for our newest “Senior” Deacon Jim Fish and his wife, Cindy. This week, we welcome Auxiliary Bishop Frank Schuster to Tacoma and Saint Patrick Parish. Archbishop Etienne has asked his two auxiliary bishops, Bishop Schuster and Bishop Elizondo, to become regional bishops with responsibility for the priests, deacons, and people across our large Archdiocese. Bishop Schuster is now the “Southern Regional Bishop” for all the area south of Sea-Tac airport to the Columbia River and the Olympic peninsula. Bishop Elizondo will be the “Northern Regional Bishop” for all points north of the airport to the Canadian border and the Hispanic ministry for the Archdiocese.
Beginning last week, Bishop Schuster is now living here in Tacoma and has established his offices in the Saint Patrick Parish Center. So, I am once again his “landlord,” as I was 20 years ago when we lived together at the Sacred Heart rectory in Bellingham! We will be blessed to have him here in Tacoma, although this job description will have him on the road most of the time. He has volunteered to help with daily Masses in our parishes from time to time. He will also celebrate two of this weekend’s Masses at Saint Patrick. So please join me in welcoming Bishop Schuster to his new home. We are truly blessed because I know him to be an amazing priest and bishop with a great love of Jesus and His people! Don’t be shy… say hello when you see him!
Blessings for the week ahead!
Fr. David Mulholland
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Schedule Changes
Schedule changes are also posted and pinned to our Facebook page and websites.
—Saint Patrick Catholic Church—
July 21, July 25, and July 26
No 9:00 am Daily Mass
Social Hour
Social Hour after the 9:00 am Mass is on hiatus for the summer.
We'll resume on September 10, the Sunday after Labor Day.
July 29 | 5:00 pm
Fr. Thomas Suss is celebrating the 50th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood this summer. He is coming from Phoenix, Arizona, to celebrate Mass at all the parishes he served in the Pacific Northwest!
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New Altar Server Training
Have you ever wondered what it’s like to serve at the altar of the Lord? Ever wanted a closer look at what it’s all about?
July 19 | 9:30 am
after the 9:00 am Daily Mass
Saint Patrick Catholic Church
Saint Patrick Catholic Church is seeking new altar servers. Altar servers must have had their First Holy Communion and would like to become more involved by serving at Mass. Children and adults are welcome.
All you have to do is show up with enthusiasm and a heart ready to participate in the sacred liturgy in a new way.
Adult service counts towards fulfilling volunteer commitment hours for Saint Patrick Catholic School, and Middle schoolers can earn service hours.
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Funeral Mass
Scott Wherry
July 21 | 10:00 am
Saint Patrick Catholic Church
No 9:00 am Daily Mass
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Hit play to watch the trailer | |
Walking the Camino: Six Ways to Santiago Movie Screening
This is a must-see movie if you have ever considered walking the Santiago de Compostela. The Grand Cinema in Tacoma is screening the acclaimed documentary Six Ways to Santiago!
July 30 | 3:00 pm
Grand Cinema
About the Movie
Walking the Camino: Six Ways to Santiago follows various pilgrims, ages three to 73, as they attempt to cross an entire country on foot — with only a backpack, a pair of boots, and an open mind. Driven by an inexplicable calling and a grand sense of adventure, pilgrims trek to Santiago de Compostela. Whatever their motivation, no one can predict just how their paths will unfold, what they will face, or what transformations they will undergo.
Meet Local Caminoists
Director Lydia B Smith and several experienced caminoists from the Puget Sound Camino community, including parishioners Dennis Brooke and Laurie Brooke, will be there for a post-film discussion.
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Christmas in July
Help support the everyday needs of the Discalced Carmelite Nuns of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel at St. Joseph Monastery in Shoreline.
thru July 31
Saint Patrick Catholic Church
Gathering Space
Fr. David was their pastor at St. Mark Parish and continues serving as their confessor. Yes, the sisters are sinners like the rest of us.
The Sisters are a Roman Catholic contemplative religious order serving the Archdiocese of Seattle. Their primary mission is to pray for the World, the Church, and especially for all of us in the Archdiocese. In a real way, they are the glue holding us together! They believe a life of prayer in union with God converts hearts and changes the world.
They are solely supported in their mission by the generosity of benefactors. We're celebrating Christmas in July to provide them with everyday basics.
Take a tag from the Giving Tree in the Gathering Space at Saint Patrick Church, purchase the item, and bring it when you come to Mass. Fr. David will deliver the gifts.
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World Youth Day— LOCALLY!
Calling all local high school students and college-aged young adults to join together locally for World Youth Day for one or all three events!
- August 1 | Anacortes
- August 3 | Vancouver
- August 5 | Seattle
As youth from around the world celebrate World Youth Day with the Pope in Lisbon, Portugal, the Archdiocese of Seattle is participating locally with three regional gatherings, creating a mini version of the experience at Lisbon, with speakers, Mass, activities, lunch and more.
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Camp Solanus for Boys
A new Catholic camp for middle school boys in the Archdiocese of Seattle named after Blessed Solanus Casey, a humble Capuchin friar from Detroit and modeled after a camp in Michigan called Pine Hills Camp, an outreach of Renewal Ministries in Ann Arbor kicks off August 5-10 at CYO Camp Hamilton in Monroe, WA.
The Camp is open to rising 7th, 8th, and 9th grade boys.
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Archbishop's Golf Tournament 2023 | Calling All Golfers! On August 22, meet on the green for The Archbishop’s Golf Tournament: Benefitting Seminarian Education and celebrate the 20th anniversary at Trophy Lake Golf and Casting in Port Orchard this year. All proceeds from the tournament go to support the Seminarian Formation Fund, which supports men from the Seattle Archdiocese studying for the priesthood. Help raise $200,000 for this vital and worthwhile cause. | | |
Seattle Mariners Faith & Family Day! | Join Archbishop Etienne for Seattle Mariners Faith & Family Day with specially priced tickets for Seattle Mariners vs. Kansas City Royals on Saturday, August 26! | | | |
ALWAYS scroll to the bottom of The Cornerstone; you might need to click view the entire message if the email was clipped or view it as a webpage in the browser to stay informed about important news, events, and programs. You'll know you've reached the bottom of this edition when you see our photo highlight.
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Bring a Senior to Mass
Occasionally, we receive requests for a ride to Mass from parishioners who can no longer drive. These folks genuinely miss the opportunity to attend Mass and to receive the Eucharist.
If you're interested in helping with transportation, please email Laura Dougherty or call 253-274-4109.
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Support Pregnancy Aid
Pregnancy Aid serves the well-being of families with children in and beyond the womb by providing material and emotional support.
Volunteers are needed on Saturdays.
Donation Needs
The following items are needed
- Size 3-6 diapers & Pull-Ups
- Toddler clothing 2T to 5T
- Unexpired toddler car seats
- Baby toiletries for layettes
- monetary donations
Donation Drop-Off
Please call 253-274-4100 to make sure a volunteer is available to accept your donation.
Monday, Wednesday & Saturday
10:00 am - 1:30 pm
Pregnancy Aid | 902 Market Street
Follow Pregnancy Aide on Facebook for updates on urgent needs.
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Annual Catholic Appeal
Your gift helps us do much for our parish and the wider Catholic community by supporting outreach ministries, education, faith formation, and funding shared services that directly support our parishes.
We rely on these centralized services, like human resources, parish financial services, liturgy guidance, communications, and more, so we can continue to focus on our pastoral work here at the parish.
Please look at the annual report to learn about all ministries in the Archdiocese of Seattle.
If you have already donated— thank you. Please inquire with your employer about a matching gift to double or triple your donation!
If you haven't, click the DONATE button below to make your pledge. It is safe, secure, and convenient. There are several options: Ongoing Recurring Gifts, Monthly Pledge Gifts, One-Time Gifts, Stock, DAF, or IRA Gifts.
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68% to goal
199 of 822 households pledging an average gift of $405
as of July 10, 2023
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77% to goal
with 102 of 294 households pledging an average gift of $322
as of June 20, 2023
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Love, serve, and give generously this summer. Online Giving is a way to support our ongoing mission. It allows you to make donations, payments, and pledges via your mobile phone, smart device, or computer to your parish. Your gift benefits sacramental preparation, liturgical programs, and religious education.
Prayerfully consider making a recurring weekly or monthly donation to the parish collection by creating an account. Thank you for your investment and continued support of our parishes!
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Weekly Collection Needed
7/9/23 Collection
Needed Year to Date
Actual Year to Date
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Weekly Collection Needed
7/9/23 Collection
Needed Year to Date
Actual Year to Date
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The new fiscal year began on July 1. | |
Siblings Jonathan, Jr. and Aria received the Sacrament of Baptism surrounded with love by their parents, Samantha and Jonathan Etridge, godparents, and many family and friends, some traveling as far as Colorado and Texas.
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Reign Matias, was baptized surrounded with love by his parents, Rustin and Michelle Schreiner, and godparents, Russell Cabugao and Beverly Fincham, as well as family and friends.
Deacon Steve Cano officiated the rites on July 8 at Saint Patrick Catholic Church.
Email Meg Hannan, Baptism & Faith Formation Coordinator, or call 253-274-4112 to learn more about Sacramental Preparation for Baptism, First Holy Communion, Reconciliation, and Confirmation.
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First Communion Prep
Second Grade (7+ years of age) is (usually) when baptized Catholic children prepare for the sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist.
If the child is not baptized or baptized in another Christian denomination, and would like to pursue the sacraments for and with the child, there is a sacramental preparation process that will meet your specific needs. We will happily assist you and your family on your faith journey.
Register by September 1. The first sacramental prep meeting is on September 20 at 6:30 pm in the Parish Center at Saint Patrick Catholic Church.
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—Mass Times—
Saturday Vigil Mass
5:00 pm
Sunday Mass
9:00 am | 11:00 am | 7:00 pm
Daily Mass
Tuesday - Friday | 9:00 am
Saturday | 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
—Office Hours—
Tuesday - Thursday
9:30 am - 3:30 pm
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—Mass Times—
Saturday Vigil Mass
5:00 pm
Sunday Mass
10:00 am
Mass in Samoan
12:00 pm | 2nd & 4th Sunday
Daily Mass
Monday | Thursday | Friday | 9:00 am
Wednesday | 5:00 pm
Saturday | 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
—Office Hours—
Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 3:00 pm
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Partners in the Gospel
Partners in the Gospel is a strategic pastoral planning effort across the Archdiocese of Seattle to re-invigorate and renew our local Catholic Church.
The Current Reality Report provides a snapshot of the Seattle Archdiocese today, outlines data and trends across the region, and forecasts demographic changes over the next decade. It also outlines the urgent need for change and why we must re-envision parish life today.
Watch the Current Reality video or read the report.
Implementation Timeline
September 23 – October 14, 2023
Consultation with the faithful. Parishes will host sessions for input and feedback on the draft parish family configurations.
early 2024
Final parish family plans will be released.
July 2024
Parish families, under the leadership of one pastor, will begin.
The archdiocesan-wide renewal effort, led by the Holy Spirit and grounded in prayer, will help us better support vibrant, sustainable, mission-focused parish communities across the entire Archdiocese of Seattle.
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Capital Campaign Update
We need your help making Today's Vision, Tomorrow's Classroom capital campaign successful. As of today, Saint Patrick Catholic Church and School have raised over $819,098 in gifts and pledges. Our goal is 100% participation.
We continue to fundraise through the summer while constructing the Early Learning Center! View progress photos.
Please remember that reaching our $2.7 million goal within the next three years will allow us to fully abate asbestos and finish phases 3 and 4 of our Building Safety and Renovation project. We hope to build on our current momentum by inviting you to participate today through a pledge made over the next three years.
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continue the legacy of 130 years of CATHOLIC EDUCATION!
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The Spiritual Exercises in Everyday Life
Draw nearer to God! The Spiritual Exercises in Everyday Life (SEEL) Puget Sound is a nine-month retreat following the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius.
September 2023-May 2024
St. Joseph Church
Seattle, WA
in-person and on Zoom
SEEL is a powerful, life-changing program of prayer and spiritual direction that can be done by busy people amid their daily lives, offering a gentle structure and support to help the seeker experience God's love and discern God's call in their life.
SEEL is accepting applications. To learn more about SEEL, call 206-721-3518 or visit
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Bible Study
Studying scripture in a group leads to deeper discovery. Join Deacon Bill Eckert in a bible study on the Gospel according to John. You'll get an overview of the Church's approach to scripture and interpretation.
4:00 pm - 5:30 pm
except for July 25
Holy Cross Catholic Church
Parish Hall
Bring your bible. Liturgically themed refreshments are provided by a generous parishioner! All are welcome. Need not be a parishioner or Catholic! Bring your friends.
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Women & The Word
Ladies of any age are welcome. Bring your coffee and join us as we reflect on God's Holy Word.
7:00 am - 7:45 am
9:30 am - 10:15 am
Saint Patrick Catholic Church
Parish Center
All are welcome. Need not be a parishioner or Catholic! Bring your friends.
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Catholic faith content on-demand. Get thousands of movies, programs, audio, and books instantly.
Check it out. It's free— as our gift to you. FORMED is available on your desktop, phone, tablet, and laptop. For access to all FORMED content, follow these simple steps:
Go to
Enter zip code 98403
- Enter your name and email
You can get the free FORMED app for your phone or another mobile device by searching FORMED in the app store.
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Holy Hour for Life
Join us for Eucharistic Adoration, prayer, and confessions.
Every 1st Friday
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Holy Cross Catholic Church
—save the dates—
September 1, October 6, November 3, December 1
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Source + Summit
Come together to grow in fellowship through worship, music, and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. This night is for you, your family, friends, and neighbors, young or old.
Every 1st Wednesday
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Saint Patrick Catholic Church
—save the dates—
September 6, October 4, November 1, December 6
If Adoration sounds daunting, don't worry. We'll explain what Adoration is, grow together experiencing the Eucharist, the source and summit of our faith, and meet Jesus where you are!
6:30 pm | Dinner in the Church Hall hosted by the Knights of Columbus Council 809
7:15 pm | Adoration & Worship Music
7:30 pm | Reflection topic presented
8:00 pm | Adoration ends
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Eucharistic Adoration
Rest in the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist! It'll change your life. All are welcome. Signs up are required.
—CHAPEL at Holy Cross—
Perpetual Adoration 24/7
To sign up
—Saint Patrick Catholic Church—
Mondays | 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm
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Knights of Columbus
Council 809
Family of the Month
Mike & Cheri Prichard
Knight of the Month
Mark Jensen, PGK
Knight Tidings Newsletter
July 2023
—coming up—
9:00 am - 11:00 am
July 30
October 29
December 31
August 2 | 6:30 pm
the Knights are hosting the dinner
—standing meetings—
Meetings are held at 6:30 pm in the Church Hall at Saint Patrick Catholic Church or virtually via Go to Meeting.
2nd Thursday of the month
except for July & August
3rd Tuesday of the month
4th Tuesday of the month
To learn more, call 253-380-4000 or email the Knights. Follow on Facebook.
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Troop 299 Treasure Bazaar
Did you know many of our young parishioners are members of Saint Patrick Catholic Church chartered BSA Troop 299? Please support them!
Find treasures amongst new and gently used items, including kitchen and housewares, sporting and outdoor equipment, holiday and seasonal decor, tools, furniture, toys, games, luggage, art, and more!
—Donation Drop Off—
September 5-7
9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Saint Patrick Catholic Church Hall
Mattresses, computers, paint, chemicals, cribs, car seats, books, large furniture, linens, clothes, or shoes aren't accepted.
September 9
7:00 am - 3:00 pm
Saint Patrick Catholic Church Parking Lot
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Holy Cross Sale
Holy Cross hosts a quarterly sale to raise funds for charitable works.
—upcoming sales—
September 8 & 9
December 1 & 2
Shop Friday and Saturday 10:00 am-4:00 pm with a $5 bag sale on Saturday from 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm.
Sale Preparation
Volunteers are needed to prep for upcoming sales!
10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Holy Cross Catholic Church
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Apply Now for Fall Admission
Only a few spots are left in some grades for the 2023-2024 year.
Tell your friends and family to schedule a tour, classroom experiences and apply today.
Open Houses for 2024-2025
Are you applying for the 2024-2025 School year? Save the dates for our open houses!
Middle School | Grades 6-8
September 19 | 6:00 pm
PreK | ages 3-5
October 17
9:00 am & 6:00 pm
PreK-8th Grade
February 1 | 6:30 pm
Summer Office Hours
School's out for the summer, but the school staff is in!
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
July 18, 19, 25, 26
August 1, 2, 8, 9, 15, 16
Regular Hours
8:00 am - 4:00 pm
resume August 21
Summer office hours are subject to change. Call 253-272-2297 or email us at to confirm before you visit.
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Mass Consumption
Delve into the Word and faith share while discussing the daily readings.
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Saint Patrick Catholic Church
Parish Center
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Men's Prayer Group
Men of all ages gather to read the day's scripture and a reflection from Word Among Us.
6:45 am - 7:30 am
Saint Patrick Catholic Church
Church Hall
They also read and discuss books focused on faith. Past reads include Weight of Glory by CS Lewis, Mercy: What Every Catholic Should Know by Daniel Moloney and He Leadeth Me by Fr. Walter Ciszek, which was highly recommended by Fr. David. Share
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July 18 | 9:00 am
for the repose of the soul of
Stan Naccarato
July 19 | 9:00 am
for the repose of the soul of
Ann Martin
July 20 | 9:00 am
for the repose of the soul of
Dorothy Figueras
July 21 — No Daily Mass
Funeral Mass
for Scott Wherry at 10:00 am
July 22 | 5:00 pm
July 23 | 9:00 am 11:00 am 7:00 pm
for the people of the parish
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July 17 | 9:00 am
for the intentions of
Tess Timmons
July 19 | 5:00 pm
for the intentions of
Phyllis Secress
July 20 | 9:00 am
for the intentions of
Isabel Cooke & Stan Bonner
July 21 | 9:00 am
for the intentions of
John Youngs
July 22 | 5:00 pm
July 23 | 10:00 am
for the people of the parish
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We pray for our sick,
Carolyn Jenkins, Debbie Rupert, Mary Lou Morisette Lachowsky, Georgeann Cukjati, Doug Jones, Jlynn Callahan, Angie Olson, Mark Ceccarelli, Millie McNerthney, John Gallo, Angie Allen, Ann Kormos, Rita Mae Jones, David Cross, Joan Bruce, Anna Marie Fabre, Patricia Smurro, Andre Franco, Michelle Devettori, Janet McIntyre, Norm Christenson, Toni Mineo
We pray for our dead,
Dragica Dragovcic, mother of Sandra Kuharic; Marlena Breite; Joe Berlanga; Jim Keithley, father of Erica Minneman
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Rachel's Vineyard Retreats
If you are suffering from the experience of an abortion, you do not need to walk alone. Project Rachel offers a compassionate and confidential environment for those who suffer the effects of an abortion.
Find hope and healing after abortion at a Rachel’s Vineyard retreat.
- September 15-17, 2023
- March 8-10, 2024
October 27-29, 2023
For more information about the Project Rachel ministry or the Rachel's Vineyard healing retreats, please call Frances at 206-920-6413.
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Outdoor Stations of the Cross at Christ the King Catholic Church in Commack, New York, shared by Sandra Kuharic, Parish and School Communications Manager, while visiting family. |
As we embrace summer's warm and joyous days, we invite you to embark on a beautiful journey of faith and travel. Many of you will visit churches other than your home parish for Mass this season.
Whether during a family vacation or a spiritual pilgrimage, we encourage you to share a photo with our parish community. Your photos, taken from these sacred spaces, can serve as windows into the diverse tapestry of Catholicism and the profound beauty that unites us all. You contribute to a collective celebration of our Catholic faith by sending in your photos. Let's come together to create a vibrant visual gallery that reflects the spirit of our extended Catholic family.
You can use your cell phone and send a snapshot to
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Stay connected!
Like. Follow. Subscribe. Share. Comment. Chat.
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How to Reach Us
Email or leave a voicemail at 253-383-2783. Messages are checked daily and routed to the appropriate staff person. If you need the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, call 253-383-2783, extension 4102, and leave a message.
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